15 posts tagged with abbott by kimyo.
Displaying 1 through 15 of 15.
this is where the pro and anti gravity forces meet
i'm seeing robots
kool keith saw them first.
the siren of titan
an instrumental space jam, an ode to a scintillating satellite girl, and because we miss kurt so.
daydreams for dollars
this ain't working. this is how you do it.
figment newtons
are you a believer in osmosis?
chinese dragon
no dragons were harmed in the making of this song, in which we revert to our default full on trip hop status.
everything is byte size
jez, of the sunray estate applies his mando/mixage skills to our bouncy, and now even happier track, everything is byte size. [more inside]
definitely born under a water sign.
badge of hope
oscillating fan man wears a badge of hope. he keeps you cool.
flame to the fuses (the plunge protection mix)
our ode to bernanke's drawers....
failure (the chillmost mix)
apparently, you get my bloody valentine meets devo when you filter the hba through the city of luneburg, germany.
here's a SCARY halloween de-mix of 'failure', our ode to dubya, courtesy of chillmost.
wheels come off (lucid mix)
spooky? - check!
waitsian? - check! (yeah, we gots the megaphone)
lotsofnotes? - check! [more inside]
right on said jeebus
can ya feel the holy ghost?
can i get an a a a men?
sippin' on some severus
sexy parseltongues seek to seduce snape, spells abound.
sailing on right by
a soulful meditation on a future where both water and human kindness are in scant supply.