10 posts tagged with folktronic.
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Song #2
The words were taken from Nathaniel Tarn's translation of Pablo Neruda's "Canto II" from The Heights of Macchu Picchu. The music is original. This was recorded a few years ago...
sew it girl
you'll never guess what instruments are in it. [more inside]
The Voice in the Fire
Written during the Montecito fires. Finally got around to adding vocals.
"Baby Let Me Follow You Down"
Devastated folktronic cover of Dylan's version of Rick von Schmidt's Cambridge classic, "Baby Let Me Follow You Down." [more inside]
snowing glowing land
This song is about a superhero salesman and cocaine.
Pelican Head
Another Folktronic jam. This one's a love song about a girl with a head of a pelican. [more inside]
crisp crimes
Folktronic tune...
The Lyrics have always reminded me of a text-based rpg. [more inside]
Bring Me The Head Of Elmo
Lyrics [with handy reference links!] and more information inside.
Party People (Get On the Dancefloor)
This is a recently recorded song that'll probably go on my next release. I'm not sure yet about the mix, but I guess it's good enough in its current state for a spin around the MeFi block. Party down y'all. [lyrics inside]</small]
Flat Fix
This is a tune from a 1995 release called "Samm Bennett's History of the Last Five Minutes", from the Knitting Factory label. The CD is currently out of print. The guitarist is Hahn Rowe, everything else is me. I've been thinking about re-releasing this and possibly my earlier KF CDs on my own label (Yay! Rights have reverted back to yours truly!) but I've got a bunch of new songs I wanna release first. Thought I'd just throw this one out there into the ether. Anyway, [lyrics inside] and, hope you enjoy...