11 posts tagged with funny.
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Ding Dong

Well, we did a holiday song. I have an alter ego as Fluffy the rabbit. (He's a bit prone to conspiracies and is kinda gruff but really has a heart o' gold). He joins Blue the Monster here on a hopefully-pretty-inclusive* holiday number we think will stick to your brainwaves quite nicely. There's a [youtube] video too, if you want the full dancing-potato and revolving-bagpipes immersive experience. Merry Happy everybody. *it is a little anti-bagpipes.
posted by aesop on Dec 23, 2020 - 0 comments

I Know It's You (Jeff, It's Roger)

I turned four years worth of voicemails from my brother into this song, and I gave it to him for his 39th birthday. [more inside]
posted by jeffxl on Nov 23, 2014 - 15 comments

Festival Of Fools

Dedicated to anyone who has ever been to a music festival in the UK and ended up feeling utterly miserable. [more inside]
posted by motty on Feb 26, 2012 - 0 comments

Ukulele Whore

My own take on the ukulele lady. [more inside]
posted by jenniferteeter on Apr 7, 2011 - 3 comments


Jennifer Teeter's first song written on the ukulele. Also, she plays mouth trumpet. [more inside]
posted by jenniferteeter on Apr 6, 2011 - 25 comments

That's What I'll Do (For You)

A humorous little jazz number about humans that are in love with their pets. Part of a continuing New Year's Day song project I already posted to MeFi Projects. [more inside]
posted by kakarott999 on Jan 4, 2011 - 3 comments

Millimeters of Mercury ft. Lanthanide Contraction — The Vagina Song

one more [hilarious, if we do say so ourselves] post before we take a break from posting obsessively. (did i mention we're both gay chemistry majors?) [more inside]
posted by dacre on Jun 28, 2010 - 0 comments

Answering Machine of the Borg Collective

Answering machine message of the Borg Collective
posted by nollaf126 on Jan 30, 2010 - 0 comments


This is a song I wrote about Hamburgers. [more inside]
posted by keithburgun on Jan 8, 2010 - 6 comments

Who put the exlax in the Marijuana Brownie

Kinda a cruel party joke dont ya think?
posted by american caesar on Jul 1, 2008 - 1 comment

What If God Wanted Pasta Sauce

I can't believe it never occured to me until tonight to post what is by far my most famousest song! This is not actually the recording I made back in August '05. This is a somewhat improved version that I made about a year ago. The improvements were really just redoing the vocals so they weren't as bad, and putting in the electric guitar part. It's funny-ha-ha.
posted by sparkletone on Feb 27, 2007 - 5 comments

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