3 posts tagged with lyrics.
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A Song In Need Of Lyrics

Jumping in on Mediocre's thread asking for songs in need of lyrics, here's one. Recorded this quite a long time ago and never came up with any words. Listening back it sounds to me a bit like a cross between early 70's Beach Boys and "Your Mother Should Know" if that makes any sense.
posted by gfrobe on Aug 8, 2008 - 11 comments

Munich - 1970HundredThirtyTwoFifty

Another tale (the first, and only) involving Agent Expatokeydokey.. The fire sounds are from a hookah coal. The noise is from a failing cable from the psr-520.. or from me
posted by xorry on Jul 5, 2008 - 5 comments


A short melodic snippet I've been playing around with in need of a nice lyric. If anyone has one that fits, I'm all ears.
posted by gfrobe on Sep 7, 2006 - 6 comments

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