6 posts tagged with moogerfooger by askmeaboutLOOM.
Displaying 1 through 6 of 6.
The Fire Sermon
For Section III (Track 4) of The Wasteland, I finally take to the microphone for narration, with my own spin. This movement is entirely a capella, and with two small exceptions, all effects were manipulated by me in realtime. [more inside]
Results: Methodological Considerations
Turns out, a wall of text you can hardly pronounce and don't understand is easier to read in a single take when you sing it. [more inside]
This is Not the Real World
In the real world, nobody voluntarily plays contrabassoon. Those who are forced to do so only play one note, and it's in long tones. This, however, is abstract, effected, avant-garde contrabassoon. This track comes from our newly released album, Everything You See Here. Don't ask about the alpaca. [more inside]
2010.09.02-04: Effected Accordion Solo
Perhaps the best thing you can ever do to an accordion. Accordion by Tommy Scheurich, live effects manipulation by me, Timbill Corder. [more inside]
Another RPM track, and a little more bass flute for everyone's audio diet. [more inside]
She's a bad Moogerfooger. [more inside]