19 posts tagged with onemanband and pop.
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I Knew It All Along
In at the last minute for June's MeFiMu challenge. Loud autoharp pop. [more inside]
After the Summer Has Gone
I thought this month's "Summer Song" challenge would be a slam dunk -- breezy, fluffy bubblegum! I can do that!
I regret to report that Things Did Not Go As Planned. [more inside]
My Favorite Sunbeam's Gone Away
A deliriously cheerful song of complete misery. [more inside]
Slide Your Left Hand to the Right (A Little)
This jaunty ditty features my wife singing lead and chococat playing the ukelele. I mostly just stand around. [more inside]
Say When
Just in time for the first day of Autumn, here's a fuzzy, sunny love song that I made for you. Give it a listen and hang on to that Summer feeling for another two-and-a-quarter minutes. [more inside]
Arms and Hands
We're trying to decipher notes taken down on arms and hands. [more inside]
I Gave You Lots of Presents (But You Left Me In the Past)
A tale of love long lost. If you're going to try and buy happiness, remember to keep the receipt. Autoharp, vocals, and a little bit of honky-tonk toy piano. [more inside]
I'm Not So Sure It's Not a Broken Heart
My recent music contributions here have maybe not really supported this statement, but: more than anything else, I like making catchy bubblegum pop songs. This is one of those. Autoharp, marimba, and a whole lot of new wave synth. See inside for tangential MetaFilter connections! [more inside]
Henry Pants
This is a song that I sing to my cat. Because he has a lot on his plate and a short attention span besides, this song is less than a minute long. It features autoharp, glockenspiel, and the "Min-O-Matic" rhythm box. [more inside]
Which Would You Rather Be?
Just in time for Election Day! This is a nice song to sing on your way to or from your local polling place. (If you sing it at the polling place -- or at work, or really in any polite company -- you will be frowned at, at the very least.) If you've already voted, that's okay -- you can sing it while watching the returns, or simply learn it for next time. If you're not in the United States, that's okay, too -- it will probably still apply. [more inside]
The Girl at the End of the Road
I guess this might be interpreted as a stream-of-consciousness horror story. There's maybe three or four different autoharp tracks here, including a distorted autoharp that I really dig. And a backwards autoharp! These autoharps say "Happy Halloween!" [more inside]
Too Late to Sleep
Here's a track for your next narcoleptic dance party. It may be the only song in the world to feature both the Stylophone and the Violin-Uke. [more inside]
When We Were Small
Moody ruminations with autoharp and marimba accompaniment. I just finished it, so it's still pretty hot -- watch your fingers. [more inside]
When My Baby Was Mine
My one-person band, drowsy, delivers this delicious 1950s-inspired retro-pop (with crunchy autoharp topping!) directly to your doorstep. Quick, answer the door! [more inside]
Here is a cheerful ditty for all of you. My one-man-band, drowsy, usually uses autoharp but this song doesn't have any. It does have toy piano, if that's any consolation. (Please let me know if it is not.) [more inside]
Here's another song by drowsy, my one-person band, and once again daja sings guest vocals. Voice and autoharp and nothing else, recorded live to four track cassette (but we only used two of the tracks).
How many autoharps is too many? 'Cause this song has four. (more info in the first comment.)
Let Me Wear Your Ring
drowsy, my autoharp-driven one-person-band, briefly expands to two with daja's guest vocals on this song.
Pure pop bliss in two minutes or less. Served up winsome and bitter, just the way you like it.
Me and the Pedestal
By drowsy, my one-person band. Pop music with autoharp and drum machine!