10 posts tagged with short and guitar.
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Three Halves (Inside Problems)

A short, conflicted song somewhat in the style of my (much older) Headphones. This one's about having too much of things. [more inside]
posted by valrus on Jul 6, 2024 - 0 comments


when it rains, it pours [more inside]
posted by TheNegativeInfluence on Aug 3, 2014 - 0 comments

Appear Amid

Song from 2010. I think this was the peak of my abilities in trying to make my whistling sound like some sort of saw/e-bow/loon combo. Identical guitar part to the end of my song Apfel Augen. Whistling with stairwell reverb, guitar, and a couple pulsing effects I added in a just-now-at-3am-we'll-see-what-it-sounds-like-in-the-morning fever.
posted by Corduroy on Jan 11, 2013 - 2 comments

Call in Sick

It snowed today. [more inside]
posted by uncleozzy on Feb 10, 2010 - 8 comments

My Voice on Carl's Home Answering Machine

Does what it says on the box, with guitar. Solve the Limerick Challenge! [more inside]
posted by The White Hat on Jan 12, 2010 - 2 comments

Triple Threat Position

*Yet* another short, syrupy-melancholic instrumental. This time with extra dobro. [more inside]
posted by ORthey on Dec 31, 2009 - 4 comments

Reno Dakota

A Magnetic Fields cover I recorded recently. I've been working on my singing for a while, and I was mostly wondering if anyone had any suggestions on where to go from here in improving it? Any other feedback is also welcome, of course.
posted by revfitz on Aug 26, 2007 - 6 comments


just a quote - link is in the comment.
posted by nicolin on Jun 28, 2007 - 1 comment

the vase

My wife accidentally broke a vase. This song resulted. It was recorded in a couple of days inbetween other projects. I used no clicktrack, metronome or drum beat, so the timing is nice and loose (in a good way, I hope). It's short, so listen twice!
posted by edlundart on Apr 4, 2007 - 11 comments

I Shine

CollaborationFilter: I had this song I could never considered finished because it sounded dreadful in my voice. Then I discovered Metafilter Music and here I discovered chococat. Like pretty much everyone else who heard his music, I was blown away. And so I asked him if he would help me out with the song. Cool guy he is, he did. And this is the result.
posted by micayetoca on Oct 23, 2006 - 9 comments

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