27 posts tagged with spacerock and indie.
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Dark Streets
A preview of a single we're releasing in a few weeks' time.
The latest release from our band. A sort of woozy, after hours lament for something lost.
Adrenaline Hangover
In the grand tradition of posting the same song multiple times, here's the final version of Adrenaline Hangover (previously, previouslier)
A stompy, Floyd-y thing with downbeat lyrics that hopefully end on a note of optimism.
Riding Out
In the grand tradition of posting all our releases here, I present our latest track, Riding Out. As always, this is a song that has floated around for a few years (even surfacing on MeFi music in a much rawer form just over five years ago). Now we've done a version we're really happy with. More music here - thanks for listening.
Aircraft Recognition
The evolution of a song. How a shimmering instrumental evolved... [more inside]
We're trying to release a song a month this year and are kicking things off with 'Ten'. [more inside]
Soviet Girl
A song that dates back many years and many arrangements. [more inside]
A New Flame
What a difference (or not) six years makes. 'A New Flame' is, well, a new version of our earlier song, simply entitled 'Flame'. [more inside]
Permanent Temporary Structures
This one clatters along at a breakneck pace. Recorded about four years but I just felt the urge to throw a bit more guitar into the mix. Sredni Vashtar is a three piece that gigs occasionally in South London.
Received Wisdom
Another fuzzy, rather lo-fi outing for Sredni Vashtar... [more inside]
Adrenaline Hangover (band version)
So a few months I uploaded the original demo of this song, lamenting that we'd never get close to its character. [more inside]
Psychedelica as embodied in music is not always about rowdy trippy cagey delivery and a catchy spacey or 'wow' riff…. sometimes psychedelica can drift unassumingly into the realm of melancholia, which is where this Ummagma song firmly rests. [more inside]
If psychedelic space rock can be sparkly, this song would be the epitome of that dynamic.. Or shimmery or glistening or whatever. Glitter is in the eye of the beholder.
The Loop
After spending a few years rehearsing and making rough and ready demos, Sredni Vashtar finally made it into a real studio last month. Here's one of them - the mix is still a bit rough so it works best on headphones. [more inside]
Lama (SOS Remix)
When you dig the original of a song so much that you can't imagine how anybody could possibly ever dissect it and re-embody it in an alternate format, sometimes you are pleasantly surprised when indeed someone comes along who capably does just that - with flair, good taste and a handful of cards up their sleeve, dealt ever so cleverly within the remix they have created. That's what we're talking about with this Sounds of Sputnik take on Ummagma's 'Lama'.
Back To You
In the spirit of "Superstar" by legendary art-punk band Sonic Youth (who were covering The Carpenters chart-breaking track), here is 'Back to You'. Sonically similar, but content-wise very different. No superstar imagery from the perspective of a groupie here. Just some self-searching and hopefully grounding elements. [more inside]
This is one of the better (at least one of the favourite) Ummagma tracks out there to date and currently the subject of a whack of forthcoming remixes. Stay tuned! [more inside]
1+1=3 (revisited)
Some songs take you on a trip (and bring you back), while others just send you drifting endlessly and blissfully. For us, this song belongs to the latter, building layers of layers of sound and effects - like new galaxies being opened. [more inside]
When a band "dances" on the border between 6 or more musical genres and one of them happens to be progressive rock, the listener is often in for a delightful surprise. Hopefully this song qualifies as one of them. This is "Outside" by Ummagma. [more inside]
This instrumental explores not only ambiences and walls-of-sound seemingly inspired directly by cosmic travels, but also features electronics, samples, drones, and beautifully melodies peppered with a lot of dissonance, creating sonic tapestries perfectly suited for reflecting, reading an Arthur C. Clarke (or Isaac Asimov) book and taking a journey through the stars. This is Sounds of Sputnik.
A love for the golden 4AD era, Pink Floyd and the likes of David Sylvian have all been woven into the thread of this music. "Lama" was both inspired by these bands and reflects their contribution to a new generation of musicmakers. Looking forward, but knowing where our roots lie… I sincerely hope you will all enjoy this Ummagma track. [more inside]
It's funny how sometimes it takes all but a few minutes to write a song, while the development of another song can really stretch out. This was one of those stretches - "Risky" was a song that was written "in chunks" - the basic instrumental bit was written in Kyiv, Ukraine before a big move to western Ukraine and then to Canada, where the rest was written & recorded before finally being dragged back to Ukraine, where it was properly mixed and mastered. The time span from start to finish: 5 years. All that moving around was us, by the way, not just the tracks bouncing around in cyber space. Thus is the history of this track. I'm posting the lyrics too if anyone wants to have a go at them or "sing along" …. yeah, right… any feedback is welcome. Peace. [more inside]