12 posts tagged with whistling by Corduroy.
Displaying 1 through 12 of 12.
Be Long
Appear Amid
Song from 2010. I think this was the peak of my abilities in trying to make my whistling sound like some sort of saw/e-bow/loon combo. Identical guitar part to the end of my song Apfel Augen. Whistling with stairwell reverb, guitar, and a couple pulsing effects I added in a just-now-at-3am-we'll-see-what-it-sounds-like-in-the-morning fever.
Walkabout (Atlas Sound cover)
In which I decide to stop candy butt-ing around it, and attempt to join the reverb drenched, echo cave sound of today. This doesn't really sound like anything I've done before, so I'd love to hear a couple reactions. [more inside]
Sauvie Island
A short, two chord song that is a true story. [more inside]
Burning December
A song I recorded outside today, except for the vocals which I will explain inside. This is another one I would especially appreciate thoughts on. [more inside]
This Much
A two chord challenge song that EXPLODES! [more inside]
We'll Walk Far
A love song to my girlfriend and hiking. Banjolele, percussion, and whistling. [more inside]
Candy House
This is a rerecording of an old song, done for the February RPM Challenge. Features geetar plucking, good ol' reliable double tracked lo-fi vocals, and singing saw imitation whistling. [more inside]
Whoop Heet
Here's a song that is stylistically similar to Apfel Augen, but with (half stolen) lyrics, and some percussion that I'm quite fond of. The guitar is tuned C#G#C#F#A#C#. It features some cool whistling, which I was trying to make sound like slide electirc guitar. [more inside]
In the Aeroplane Over the Sea
I know, I know, another Neutral Milk Hotel cover from this guy. But bear with me on this one - this was my first ever attempt at recording something. Beware of ridiculous effects, general fuzz, super cool whistilng and wild panning, especially if you are on headphones. [more inside]
Bury Your Tracks
A more ambitious song I've been working on for a while. Would really, really love any feedback. [more inside]
The Long Trail
Foolishly recorded next to a loud computer. Features whistling, a shaker, and tapping on guitar percussion. Perhaps worth a rerecording someday. Named after a trail that cuts all the way across Vermont. [more inside]