Duet by Good Old Neon

August 18, 2010 2:55 AM

Postal Service-like electronic pop track. Features my vocals for the first time!

So this is the first time I've tried to record myself singing - I'm a little unsure about the results. Definitely more Bernard Sumner than Jonsi. Let me know what you think, anyway.

Also, you can download the whole Radiant City LP (from which this song is taken) from http://www.goodoldneon.com - it's Creative Commons licensed so feel free to use it in any of your own non-commercial creative projects. If anyone wants to do a remix or owt I'd be delighted to provide stems...

posted by Cantdosleepy (3 comments total)

I really love the beginning and when the guitar comes in. It's a very clean, melodic sound. I like the melody of your vocals too. The only suggestion I would have is to EQ/Mix the vocals a little less bassy. They seem to, in my ears, take away from how tight and clean the track is. I think they work great but would just like to see them a bit more airy in the mix.
posted by tunewell at 12:38 PM on August 18, 2010

I agree with tunewell. I really like the fast-paced synth melody coupled with the bell-like guitar sound. But the vocal production sounds like you're unsure of your performance and are trying to mask it with clever effects. My guess is the performance is not bad at all, but that you're almost not used to your own recorded voice. I know I went through that, at least. Anyway, keep up the good work! Your voice sounds like it's absolutely worth exploring more.
posted by edlundart at 11:04 PM on August 21, 2010

"the vocal production sounds like you're unsure of your performance and are trying to mask it with clever effects"

Yep. Good spot guys.

So when EQing vox, is it better to do a high-pass and tweak the other parts, or do you want the bass to still be in there, but quieter?

I am now taking singing lessons. Thanks for the encouragement, guys.
posted by Cantdosleepy at 3:56 AM on August 24, 2010

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