Robot Sunrise

April 29, 2014 9:55 PM

Another song from my newish free EP of quirky electronic cheese, "Part Time Drum Machine." I sort of picture a mechanical sunrise operated by heavy robots intent on bringing light joy. You know.
posted by edlundart (2 comments total)

I really dug this! It's a bit of the 8-bit, kind of video-game style. Definitely old school with a modern twist. Mostly I liked the unexpected variations jammed out here. I've downloaded your EP. I'll jam out to it on the drive to work next week.
posted by cicadaverse at 8:04 AM on April 30, 2014

Thanks! I've had trouble categorizing this music, as it's not really my usual style. But yes, there is maybe something "retro-futuristic" about it.
posted by edlundart at 10:11 AM on April 30, 2014

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