A Sack of Sound
This isn't a playlist, it's just stuff I want to keep track of. They'll probably sound horrible played one after the other.
created by mumkin on Nov-4-07 at 1:57 PM
created by mumkin on Nov-4-07 at 1:57 PM
- 1000 A.D. (Sugar Fix) by hillelc
- Colonel Roger (is a Soldier from the Future) by chiefbluefeather
- holden/elie by umbú
- King of the Road by uncleozzy
- Hopelessly Devoted to You by chococat
- Jessamyn's Song by snsranch
- the Hours -- by the Notes and Scratches by verysleeping
- Sudenpolkka by Wolfdog
- Played Right ALong by tcobretti
- Will The Moon Explode Pt 1 by tcobretti
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