57 posts tagged with Banjo and guitar.
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The most frozenest river around

A song inspired by crossing the frozen river Neva in Saint Petersburg, Russia. This song is short, simple, and basically three choruses and no verses. That's right - screw the verses!
posted by ORthey on Jun 29, 2007 - 12 comments

Every artery

A song mostly inspired by having a stressful job where I deal with lots of nervous/frustrated/severely impolite people, and its effect on me. It's a little rough because the main track is recorded on a boombox with a verrrrry old cassette.
posted by ORthey on Jun 11, 2007 - 10 comments


I recently dislocated my shoulder, and assumed music was out of the picture for a month or two. But I was getting pissed off at not playing, and discovered if I capoed everything up really high and didn't play anything too fancy, my arm could handle short bursts of pickin'. So I made a simple song, part French and part English.
posted by ORthey on May 6, 2007 - 15 comments

Stuck out on

My lyric-writing "system" has often been dozens of little stickies on the desktop, thoughts, ideas, scribbles... and then sometimes when I'm frustrated I'll make a song made up of various combinations that seem to make sense. Like this one!
posted by ORthey on Apr 15, 2007 - 7 comments

Shake your head if yes

A rambling instrumental with banjo, whistling, and a few other ingredients. Mix well and serve chilled.
posted by ORthey on Apr 1, 2007 - 14 comments

I'm Going Away

By god, it's a bluegrass song! Thought of it because of this superlative Williams interpretation.
posted by cortex on Jul 27, 2006 - 9 comments

No Reason (broken Casio mix)

Post-band-breakup collaboration rock + VST experiment.
posted by cortex on Jul 1, 2006 - 2 comments

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