28 posts tagged with Phone.
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Razor Edged Shadows
Vaguely sinister ambient. Twelve string plus keys
Entirely electronic. [more inside]
Electronics with some guitars that really need to be re-recorded but this had already taken too much time. [more inside]
Spanish guitar plus electronics
Entrance Music for the Billionaire Techbro's Throneroom
(for an Imaginary, Low-Budget Cyberpunk Movie)
A Broken Clock on a Starlit Beach
Mostly electronic. An increasingly oppressive cloud of ambience over a basic beat.
The Very Small Starship Rises into the Clear Sky
If you listen closely the five tones from Close Encounters of the Third Kind are almost in there.
Very pleased with how the key change at 1:30ish, just before the synthflute comes in, worked out
Slow Cascade
Slower, shorter and synthed up version of Cascade
Terrible Realization Music for an Imaginary, Low-Budge
The usual. Perhaps slightly more menacing.
Engine of Flowers
Solo Spanish guitar
You Already Knew This
Clunky bluesy picking on a Spanish guitar for the first minute and then it opens up a lot.
One Day Those Tiny Wheels Will Start to Spin Again
Fast guitar, keys.
Dark sibling to my global smash hit Goldenhill
Alien Flowers
Guitar, keys.
It's a graptolites thing.
Lots of guitars. Lots of effects. Some keys. All the rules broken.
More ambient guitar noodlings.
Electricity Variations
With apologies to OMD.
A Small Kind of Triumph
Played on a plank with some taut wires
Twelve string acoustic miniature again!
A Conversation
12 String etc
Empty Light
12 string recorded on a phone as usual
The Thing that Beats like a Cracked Bell
12 string acoustic etc
Guitar, phone, still a bit clumsy.
Your Telephone
I've never really been much of a "chat on the phone" person.
(Not) Missing You
Cortex and snsranch play music under me turning John Waite's "Missing You" into an angry phone call. [more inside]
NSA Collected Massive Database of Phonecall Records
Pithy titles and me: not talking right now. A catchy little pop tune about domestic surveilance.