45 posts tagged with bleepbloop.
Displaying 1 through 45 of 45. Subscribe:
- Interference by q*ben
- Beachhead by q*ben
- Mile Swim by q*ben
- Splitting by q*ben
- Downstairs by q*ben
- Proximity by q*ben
- Our Economy by q*ben
- Crest by q*ben
- Sequestered by q*ben
- Another Daughter by q*ben
- The Spine by q*ben
- Washing Up by q*ben
- Periapsis by q*ben
- Checking In by q*ben
- Measure Twice by q*ben
- In passing by q*ben
- Clean Up by q*ben
- Rescue by q*ben
- Shifting by q*ben
- Progeny by q*ben
- shelved by q*ben
- quarter time by q*ben
- Plumbium by q*ben
- For Each One To Discover (AO) by q*ben
- Cascades (AO) by q*ben
Little loop with some programmed drums, playing with waveshape [more inside]
Transposed melodies [more inside]
Mile Swim
Generating melody and rhythm out of a linear pattern. [more inside]
Modular composition with a generative sequence, some tuned noise, and filter feedback. [more inside]
Little synth sketch - drones and tinkles [more inside]
Rhythmic, simple, mostly analog [more inside]
Our Economy
A little generative ditty with sound samples from a speech by Gov. Frances Sargeant announcing a freeze on freeway construction in Massachusetts. [more inside]
Short synth sketch made using a modular I’m slowly assembling from kits. [more inside]
Slowly mutating chords and voice [more inside]
Another Daughter
Found sound from Weegee with gentle synth accompaniment [more inside]
The Spine
Downtempo electronic patterns [more inside]
Washing Up
Nothing complicated, just synths and echoes [more inside]
Instrumental score about discovery, evaluation, and conflict. [more inside]
Checking In
Third in my series of sequencer experiments - here two voices are sharing some notes and trading off singing to each other. [more inside]
Measure Twice
More sequencer experimentation - playing with changing the note assignment and loop points on a longer sequence. [more inside]
In passing
A quick sketch to start off a series of 3 songs based around some creative sequencing techniques. [more inside]
Clean Up
An ambient office tune that built slowly this week, adding one part per day. [more inside]
Optimistic little song using Just Intonation [more inside]
My ambient office project for July, overlapping synth and piano harmonies. [more inside]
As a fathers’ day challenge made a new song with the sequences from my last, with the aim of getting something new but with recognizable DNA. [more inside]
Ambient Office returns with another modular jam. Harmonic rhythms with some melodies over the top. [more inside]
quarter time
Half of my family is ill and time seems to be slowing down, recorded this simple little synth pattern to remind myself to breathe and get to the next day. [more inside]
Using the same sequencing definition as a previous post but with different key changes and tempo; some buzzy interjections. [more inside]
For Each One To Discover (AO)
One of my favorite vocal samples (mid century Henry Miller interview found on Archive.org) with some little pings and big booms [more inside]
Cascades (AO)
Ambient Office project that features some just intonation intervals and granular noise. [more inside]
Ask your body
Another AO jam - this time using a cellular algorithm to derive a melody and a few drum triggers that I mess with and layer under some drones. [more inside]
Another Ambient Office Project, this one involving a custom 4-voice sequencer that involves the generation of melodies and then handing them off between each voice, in and out of sync to produce polyrhythms. [more inside]
A walk through the depths of feedback noise [more inside]
Ambient Office : Twin Special
Two sequencers that randomly diverge from a programmed melody, while I try to keep control of them by resetting the values. [more inside]
Ambient Office - Feedback Edition
After reading way too much about cybernetic theory I put together a feedback patch to provide some period-appropriate music to my Serge system. [more inside]
The Foreman
Another ambient office jam - some granular textures and filter pinging over a slow chord progression. Needed something relaxing, then got too relaxed and needed a bassline. [more inside]
Accept Advice
Playing with feedback loops with a slowly shifting pattern. [more inside]
In the Castle
My kids complained they couldn't dance to any of my music so I threw and impromptu office dance party with them. [more inside]
An all-analog Ambient Office jam [more inside]
Over the Fence
Bamboo forest / digital zither / bass loops [more inside]
Choral piano with granular drums [more inside]
More songlike modular AO entry - with a heartbeat! [more inside]
Ambient Office v8 - Plod
Apparently my mood impacts the song that develops... [more inside]
Ambient Office v7: Backyard
A field recording of my yard activities, set to some dark drones. [more inside]
Ambient Office v6 - Find Your Rhythm
Working with found sound - in this case a snip from an old interview with Henry Miller sliced, looped and generally destroyed. Productivity advice from a dead man. [more inside]
Ambient Office v5: LoopLoopLoop
Three looped instruments with different beat counts between sequencing and looping. [more inside]
Subbing - Ambient Office v4
This week's ambient office featured polyrhythmic drums-bass-slewed marimba-and-sonar pings jam, songified here with some knob twiddling. [more inside]
Ambient Office v3: Pam Tam
Got so excited about playing with Euclidean rhythms after getting a new clock utility that I did a Friday/weekend AO edition. [more inside]
Wobbles & Drums
This week's ambient office jam, deeper and darker than last week. [more inside]
Rings and Marbles
I've been using a modular setup to produce background music in my office. This is me playing around with this week's patch.