11 posts tagged with math.
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The Bitter Lake
We're cheating slightly, as I've already uploaded a version of this song. But hopefully everyone will agree that it sounds a whole lot better. Plus we've added some (discrete) synth parts and have even gone to the trouble of making a video. More tunes on our Soundcloud.
Market Music
A full year of the stock market translated into a reggae song of sorts, to go along with an animated data visualization I created. [more inside]
Lyrical noodling with units of measurement. [more inside]
A quick surf-punk blast thru the Ukrainian folk song which was neutered into Carol of the Bells. For the challenge, obviously! [more inside]
Persistent piano piece composed based on rules derived from the multiplication table. Starts softly, gradually gets louder. [more inside]
Power Set
This is the song that the set of subsets of the natural numbers would write if it had a difficult adolescence and listened to a lot of early R.E.M.
[more inside]
Six Fifths
My first MeFi Music song.
Under just one minute long. [more inside]
Worm Moon
Prog! Math! Horns! [more inside]
Concept (Remix)
A remix of a bandmate's song concept. First night with Ableton Live, and it's entirely worth the learning curve.
Inspired by this post about playing pi to 1,000 places on the piano, I thought I'd print out the notes and see if I could improvise something a bit more musical (if cheesy).
Acid-ambient space dub loops. This is a live jam I did with a friend while visiting him in Seattle.
The rig was comprised of me playing small and very slow beat loops in Traktor at BPMs relationally fractional to a master tempo of 110 BPM, while my friend looped samples in Live, both from prerecorded and live samples from mixboard outputs and sends. There is a Macbook microphone involved in the sampling of the room and as a feedback and reverb source. There is no shared MIDI clock in use - all tempo/pitch control is manual, and listen for long beat-count tempo-drifts of loop components, which are manipulated and intentional.
The majority of this dub takes place as variations of two beats in one "measure", sometimes four but never more.
This cut of the track is the last ten minutes of approximately one hour of play and loop building. It is pre-release version intended for derivitive works, remixes and redubs. (If you wish to remix, sample, splice, loop, fuck, deconstruct or otherwise destroy this track, I would vastly prefer that you please contact me via the email in my profile for the uncompressed and unprocessed file and the full Creative Commons license. Please do not use this low-bitrate file.)