19 posts tagged with mefiMusicchallenge and piano.
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Thoughts in B-flat
In the past couple of weeks, I found myself going back to a piece that I'd started working on a few years ago -- probably because it's in a slower triple meter that's somewhat calming for me. This is a condensed one-minute version, featuring piano and guitar, for the 60 Seconds and Under #2 MeFi Music Challenge. [more inside]
Thanksgiving Snow
Short piano solo: Snow falls on the prairie.
Strange & Beautiful (I'll Put a Spell On You)
My second Request Raffle challenge submission: a soulful song played on an out-of-tune piano! [more inside]
Wonder Woman Theme
Intensely silly. [more inside]
As the unimaginative title suggests, this is my entry for the April MeFi Music challenge. It's an ambient type of thing, largely made from reversed guitar recordings. [more inside]
The Lonely Karmic Cop
Cover of Radiohead's "Karma Police" for the major/minor challenge. [more inside]
My contribution for the July challenge. Just a few pianos and vocals. Thanks JaiMahodara for singing. [more inside]
Without My Pants On
Submission for this month's "record a track before you put on your pants in the morning" challenge. I sat down in my underwear at 7:35am to put together a song about what might have happened if I had sat down without my underwear. [more inside]
Little Lambs
Slept late while the wife and kids were out of town, woke up and wrote and recorded this. Without pants, naturally. [more inside]
Meditation on a riff
Piano improvisation for the "riffology" challenge. [more inside]
This is That
I have no idea what this is, but at least zephyr_words sent me a great bass track for it.
Persistent piano piece composed based on rules derived from the multiplication table. Starts softly, gradually gets louder. [more inside]
For the "Traditional" MefiMusic challenge. In which I get all George Winston-y up in here. [more inside]
The David Lee Roth Isolated Vocal Track Piano
Oh god. Oh god, it's running. [more inside]
Waiting for the Man
VU & Nico Challenge. [more inside]
Run Run Run
My Velvet Underground homework. There's some backing falsetto in here and some piano and stuff. [more inside]
You're Not Alone
My contribution to the two-chord challenge. A sleepy little song with fingerpickin' guitar, piano, and some three part "harmony." I experiment a little more with my voice on this one. [more inside]
VCR (Perpetual Bridge)
Another song on the new keyboard. Basically, the loop is four bridge ('fill') rhythms from the keyboard's analog drum kit, so I figure it's a good enough musical joke to submit it for 'bridge'. Anyway. it's kinda made up as I go (as before, live looping with my baby, and it's louder than my last one and attempts to be less sleepy. Critique welcomed, as always.
A quirky but perhaps oddly serious song inspired by that old Snake video game, written and recorded for the mefi music challenge.