Dear Editor

August 5, 2008 7:54 PM

Awhile ago I spent way too much time reading a thread on the always excellent Marginal Revolution blog discussing possible tactics for dealing with sudden and unwelcome time-travel to 1000 A.D. Clearly the thread needed to be put to music. (OK, it was clear to me at least.) That was so much fun that I thought it might be fun to do it again. And Tyler over at Marginal Revolution was nice enough to participate for another round. Then Tyler announced the topic - “Are Books Overwritten?” Ruh ro.

Clearly the thought of writing another song to a blog post should have been squashed before it saw the light of day. I honestly had no idea how to write a song to that topic. After a bunch of thinking, the only path that revealed itself was a song written from the perspective of a (grumpy) chapter in a (very long) book going through the editing process. Needless to say, the chapter doesn’t think much of the editor. Hopefully the folks that participated in the thread will feel like the song does the topic justice.

Dear Editor by Sugar Fix

posted by hillelc (1 comment total)

The instrumentals are solid and it's pretty catchy, very nice.
posted by BrnP84 at 9:46 AM on August 6, 2008

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