
July 26, 2009 11:27 PM

Homesick synths, bittersweet beats.

I really enjoyed making this track. I think it retains a lot of the heart that went into making it, but it's not totally finished. The fade out was done manually so it cuts prematurely... however I'm not even sure if I should be fading out where I do. I'd be interested in your feedback as to whether you want to hear another full on chorus or if you like it how it is, building then letting off gently. Thanks for listening!

posted by ageispolis (3 comments total)

I totally dig this sounds really awesome. I want to add vocals to it and put it in a super-sweet car commercial, cause it's ready to go. (I love car commercial music.)
posted by nosila at 7:38 PM on July 30, 2009

Oh, and I think the fadeout is maybe a little long overall. Or, at least it's longer than your average fadeout would be. Doesn't sound bad, though. I wouldn't go longer unless you make some slight tweaks to the sound to create some sort of transformation. (God, that sounds pretentious.)
posted by nosila at 7:42 PM on July 30, 2009

Oh man, this one is unreal!

Commendable use of the single, ultra reverbed handclap. Such a good sound! By sheer coincidence I'm working on a tune that uses that exact trick.

Definitely a new favorite for me. Megaprops.
posted by CarrotAdventure at 8:42 AM on July 31, 2009

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