Starving (Cover)

April 16, 2017 8:51 PM

"Something inside me's changed—I was so much younger yesterday." I learned and recorded this cover of Hailee Steinfeld's "Starving" in a half hour one afternoon last month.

Today is day 106 of this year, and thus far I've recorded and sent into the void 94 covers of songs, though most didn't make their way here. I was a little bit ahead of my goal back in March, but then I kinda lost my muse, if you will, and now I'm a little bit behind where I wanted to be. The goal has been to record myself singing an average of a song a day this year (previously and previously, per the Do the Thing That Scares You challenge).

I recorded this, per l'usuale, with the ol' Vintage Modified Telecaster Thinline, the Super Champ XD, and GarageBand.

A friend had shared Steinfeld's acoustic version of this song, and in a half hour I'd worked out the correct four chords and recorded this fast and loose version. Some tabs out there for this have more than four chords; I found that just the four seem to do the trick. The repetitiveness of it just makes me laugh. But singing it made me glow. This song is hot.

Trivia: I think this is basically the same chord progression as the beginning of Hanson's "Man From Milwaukee"—or at least that's what it brought to mind for me.

"You know just how to make my heart beat faster. Emotional earthquake—bring on disaster." The beginning of April was indeed a bit of a disaster for me emotionally, but that's all the more reason to keep doing this. Thanks for listening to my continued nonsense, guys.

posted by limeonaire (2 comments total) 1 user marked this as a favorite

I learned and recorded this cover of Hailee Steinfeld's "Starving" in a half hour

Wait, what? A half hour? And you recorded your guitar and voice together, with no overdubs, is that right? That's impressive, as is your current marathon of practicing and recording cover songs.

I wasn't familiar with the song so it's new to me -- it seemed like I could hear you get more comfortable with it as you played, and I could even imagine drums and bass kicking in.

Hope you're doing better now that we're almost into May -- please keep posting!
posted by rangefinder 1.4 at 10:28 PM on April 26, 2017 [1 favorite]

What a cool project. Keep going!

I feel like you're holding back a little on the vocals on this - I'd love to hear it with you belting it a bit on the the more intense bits. I mean... like you recorded it in half an hour so it's ace, just to put that in perspective. And this comment is therefore sort of pointless on that basis!
posted by greenish at 12:54 PM on May 2, 2017 [1 favorite]

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