Does this belong in a movie?

April 26, 2018 7:27 PM

There's a song with words and stuff that this was originally based on, but I like the instrumental version better. Mellow, textured, haunting, builds slowly. What do you think?

posted by Bluebird Wine (3 comments total) 3 users marked this as a favorite

That’s really pretty. I think you should try to develop it a bit further—it sounded like it was building to a climax when it ended!
posted by mantecol at 11:03 PM on April 29, 2018

It sounds very like the kind of 'library music' that is often promoted for broadcast use. There are publishers that collect and sell that sort of music. Here's one in the UK - BMG Production Music - but there are many more
posted by ncouchman at 2:16 AM on May 4, 2018

Nice! The theme is simple but keeps one's interest. And it would totally work for a scene such as exploring a faerie wonderland.
posted by Johnny Wallflower at 9:39 AM on May 4, 2018

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