44 posts tagged with Drone and ambient.
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Bee drone, May 16 2016, Noon - 12:06pm
For an installation at Moogfest in 2016, I put a bunch of sensors in a beehive and used the data to generate drone music. The sensors included air temperature and air pressure and some touch and light sensors to sense when bees were entering and exiting the hive. This is a six minute excerpt from an 8 hour recording which is available at Bandcamp (it's free!)
Jharkhand Assembly - The Descent Part II
Excerpt from the extended Drone Poem, Heavy Storyteller Suite. [more inside]
nautical dawn
ambient/drone [more inside]
you don't like music do you
ambient/drone [more inside]
the aldous doors
ambient / drone [more inside]
Searching the Bogs
Literally, a seven-minute transition between two chords. [more inside]
Flawless Victory
Flawless Victory
Wintry Mix
An ambient/drone piece from my newly released album Float (pay-what-you-want on Bandcamp). I'm breaking a habit of expressing anxiety and foreboding through my music, and aiming to spread some tranquility and wonder instead. [more inside]
Vox Inhumana
From my newly released album of the same name, at starthief.bandcamp.com. Something on a spectrum of drone/ambient/abstract electronica. [more inside]
Cymbal Drone in G Major
Digging back into some old ambient/noise/drone ideas.
Synth, guitar, and bowed cymbal. [more inside]
The Bone Church
I'm working on a set of songs/sounscapes for a friend's online comic project. This is a spooky ambient piece using some recordings I made of a guy moving chairs around in a cathedral in Vienna, some sleep breathing, some musical saw, and a weird broken African instrument a friend gave me.
Beneath the Leaves
Should be evocative (of something) in and of itself. Don't know, really. One of those things... [more inside]
This is one of those "let's drift away" songs... hazy gazey spacey and dreamy all in one… If one is prone to daydreaming or aural hypnosis, this may not be the song for you :) Just the same, this is definitely worth a listen to all others. This is Sounds of Sputnik.
Heaviest Cannons
ambient/drone // electric guitar/electric cello [more inside]
I bought a cheap casiotone keyboard. I have to figure out how to learn to play it, but in the meantime... drone!
As the unimaginative title suggests, this is my entry for the April MeFi Music challenge. It's an ambient type of thing, largely made from reversed guitar recordings. [more inside]
Precious Moments
Fun with uncleared samples. Stairway to Stardom, Nina, Boots Randolph. Looking for feedback.
Dark fire road drive
Slow, drony, monochordal, minimalist, ambient electro.
This began as an improvised piece involving a Poly Evolver synth, a Memory Man pedal, and an iPhone running Moog Filtatron. Then I decided to bury everything in noise, fuzz and tape flutter until it became nigh-unlistenable. Enjoy!
gallion's reach
a minimal and sombre thing. sounds made by software and double bass. [more inside]
Atriplex - Saladin Circle
Some shifting noise and randomness. [more inside]
Sunrise -- Water Fowl
Tape manipulated saxophone and piano. [more inside]
Stacking Blocks
A late-night drone piece, composed from the manipulation of a single sample. [more inside]
Mine is the last voice you will ever hear.
The Last Native Speaker
Languid and lingual. [more inside]
chthonian planets 4
A curious alien has snatched one of our spacecraft from orbit and sent back a very strange signal...
hyperluminous quasar
Something a spacecraft might hear on the edge of the solar system
Laid Off
In the soundtrack to my life, this song is the last two days. [more inside]
event horizon
A dark, drone/noise piece that develops slowly
death is the road to awe
A relaxing drone; noise waveforms are dominant again
bide your time and everything becomes clear
Dark and moody. Lots of reverb. This is my fourth generative piece.
Atriplex - Don't Cross the Beams
A few minutes of crazy space noise and strange particle interactions. [more inside]
a few hundred thousand dead cannibals
A quiet, haunting track with drones, chimes, and muted bass beats [more inside]
isolated research station orbiting a bizarre planet
Endcaps of warbling drone punctuated by bass stabs, and a middle section of high rhythmic complexity [more inside]
surviving in the wilderness
An ambient noise / drone piece with a dark mood.
from troposphere to exosphere
More ambient / noise / drone stuff. [more inside]
Ancient Music Makers
My second song ever, made in Ableton Live. I figured out how to use the automation controls for better fades in/fades out, and I think it has a cleaner sound overall than my first one. Comments welcome.
Napping in the valley at dusk
My first song; made in Ableton Live 7 LE. It's a drone/ambient noise piece. Comments welcome, but please be gentle. (Warning: high dynamic range, starts out quiet, but gets loud.) [more inside]
Cold Front
Music for unseasonable weather.
Acid-ambient space dub loops. This is a live jam I did with a friend while visiting him in Seattle.
The rig was comprised of me playing small and very slow beat loops in Traktor at BPMs relationally fractional to a master tempo of 110 BPM, while my friend looped samples in Live, both from prerecorded and live samples from mixboard outputs and sends. There is a Macbook microphone involved in the sampling of the room and as a feedback and reverb source. There is no shared MIDI clock in use - all tempo/pitch control is manual, and listen for long beat-count tempo-drifts of loop components, which are manipulated and intentional.
The majority of this dub takes place as variations of two beats in one "measure", sometimes four but never more.
This cut of the track is the last ten minutes of approximately one hour of play and loop building. It is pre-release version intended for derivitive works, remixes and redubs. (If you wish to remix, sample, splice, loop, fuck, deconstruct or otherwise destroy this track, I would vastly prefer that you please contact me via the email in my profile for the uncompressed and unprocessed file and the full Creative Commons license. Please do not use this low-bitrate file.)
The bees argue, in their black ball,
A flying hedgehog, all prickles.
The man with grey hands stands under the honeycomb
Of their dreams, the hived station
Where trains, faithful to their steel arcs,
Leave and arrive, and there is no end to the country.
Empty Spaces
Dark ambience with strange, swelling synths. Okay, I admit it, I can't even remember recording this track.
Drone - 2005.03.29
Here's one of my earlier experiments in drone music. It's electric guitar, played live through delay, fuzz and volume pedals.