27 posts tagged with Guitar and demo.
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The New Folk Hero

Well, there's a new folk hero out there, as discussed elsewhere. [more inside]
posted by limeonaire on Dec 11, 2024 - 5 comments

Womankind (demo)

In June 2010, I posted a song called Womankind. I was just digging through some old demo recordings and found the demo for this song. [more inside]
posted by edlundart on Apr 24, 2013 - 1 comment

Back on my Back Again

Another slice of 1995 Big Star/Television influenced indie ephemera from my 4-track cassette box. I still really love this guitar riff and the herky jerky power pop stuff at the end of the chorus. A song about not wanting someone to feel bad for dumping you. When I first heard Sloan, I thought 'man, they stole my sound' although really we both stole Velvet Crush's. [more inside]
posted by unSane on Jun 12, 2010 - 3 comments

snake (demo)

Another entry in my recent demo series of posts. I posted a not-quite-done version of the track here, featuring piano and overly heavy drums. It's a song about the old classic video game "Snake". I'm sure I'll revisit the "proper" recording some day, but in the meantime, this is a nice performance. [more inside]
posted by edlundart on Aug 7, 2009 - 3 comments

The Garden of Forking Paths

Just another folk-rock song about Jorge Luis Borges. [more inside]
posted by ludwig_van on Mar 17, 2009 - 4 comments

i will (radiohead cover)

Spur-of-the-moment lo-fi live cover of the Radiohead song off Hail to the Thief, to which I added a couple of equally rough overdubs and some reverb. The guitar is out of tune and poorly played, but the vocal melody tweaks are kind of fun. [more inside]
posted by edlundart on Nov 12, 2008 - 7 comments

Things I Used to Know (demo)

"Our minds are permeable to forgetfulness; I myself am distorting and losing, through the tragic erosion of the years, the features of Beatriz." -- Jorge Luis Borges [more inside]
posted by ludwig_van on May 16, 2008 - 6 comments

The Last Time I Saw Moscow

A very lo-fi one-take recording by The Grandma Sylvias. Acoustic guitar and vocals only; all apparent distortion is coming from knobs turned very high. [more inside]
posted by escabeche on Mar 4, 2008 - 0 comments

The Least You Could Do (demo)

Sorry for this one. Sometimes things just come out of my mouth...
posted by buriednexttoyou on Apr 3, 2007 - 4 comments

Chicago or Bust (demo)

This quick demo was made on my pocket tape recorder right after I had finished writing the song, and I was really pleased with the way it sounds... like it's a recording from a long time back.
posted by buriednexttoyou on Mar 31, 2007 - 6 comments

Time In The Sun

Mostly instrumental. (I'd keep the repeated line, but replace the wordless vocal bit with some horns if I had access to any, and have them carry on through the rest of the song.) Much, much more guitar layering than I usually do. Strangely (?), I think my favorite parts of the song are skittering electronic bits of the drum track and the bass line.
posted by sparkletone on Mar 1, 2007 - 5 comments


At empyrean's request. I needed a break from mixing my own songs anyway, so I threw together this quick & dirty cover of the Counting Crows song in 15 minutes, and uploaded it warts and all - one take off the top of my head, complete with missed notes, words, and chords. Enjoy.
posted by goodnewsfortheinsane on Feb 25, 2007 - 7 comments


This arrangement still needs some embellishment, though I think it works okay as is. Probably one of my better vocal turns.
posted by sparkletone on Feb 22, 2007 - 3 comments

Haunted Houses

The poltergeists that you can't see will come for you while you sleep.
posted by sparkletone on Feb 20, 2007 - 0 comments

Circling Wolves

The oldest song I've written that I'm still willing to play, think about, work on, etc., etc. It's also changed rather radically from its even shorter original form, and it's gone through a couple lyrical rewrites. It grew a beat about six months ago. I think this is probably the final form structurally and lyrically, but I'd probably work on it more if I thought I could improve the sound quality significantly.
posted by sparkletone on Feb 19, 2007 - 2 comments

Cancer Patient

Mmm, 6/8 time... The vocal's less questionable than the other songs I've posted, but it is quite raspy in places because I ended up doing it in a couple takes after already having spent an hour two whipping the screamy bits of M.A.D. into shape, so my voice was a bit shot.
posted by sparkletone on Feb 18, 2007 - 4 comments


posted by sparkletone on Feb 16, 2007 - 4 comments


A long time ago, this song used to have words. They were super lame. Now it makes for a good guitar freak out. The drums were the first thing I ever made in Ableton Live. Doing the tempo changes at the end in Live was a pain (but I still love you, Live!). I think the drums sound a bit stiff and robotic (in a bad way), but it's still about the best I can do with real drum sounds. The vocal's a bit dodgy, but is Good Enough For Now.
posted by sparkletone on Feb 15, 2007 - 7 comments

Perfect Martyr

One of my bands, The Man So Cool, did some recording a couple weeks ago for a demo disc. We're still working on final vocals and proper mixes, but this is a pretty good rough mix of one of the songs. Links to the other three songs can be gotten over yonder.
posted by cortex on Jan 29, 2007 - 7 comments


Julia / you've got a lovely uvula / I wanna take you to Florida / so please say yes We'll start a family / play lots of D&D / and watch the Goonies / on VHS
posted by ludwig_van on Sep 4, 2006 - 12 comments

Full of Love

Working draft of a song I'm engineering—written by friend and former bandmate Brian, who is on guitar and vocals, with keys added by moi. Feedback/criticism desirable. This is my first real effort to play producer/engineer to someone else's material.
posted by cortex on Aug 22, 2006 - 12 comments

Yellow (Mic Test Demo)

An acoustic rough draft—the first thing I recorded after I bought my first condesor mic. Pretty, improvised.
posted by cortex on Jul 22, 2006 - 2 comments

Color of Love

Off my band's demo.
posted by Tlogmer on Jul 18, 2006 - 6 comments

Summer's Ending

Now that the summer's ending, there's a cold wind blowing in / So we've got to build some shelter, before it rains again
posted by ludwig_van on Jul 4, 2006 - 19 comments

The Road

Ooh, bop bop, ba-ooh, bop bop. All I know is the road and I love you.
posted by ludwig_van on Jul 1, 2006 - 4 comments

The Spy Part 1 (Cover's Blown)

Acoustic demo about what I did during the Cold War.
posted by ludwig_van on Jun 30, 2006 - 4 comments

The Spy Part 2 (Thirty Scarves)

Demo of a song about being far away from the spy you love. With acoustic guitar and tuba.
posted by ludwig_van on Jun 30, 2006 - 13 comments

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