5 posts tagged with folkrock by soundacious.
Displaying 1 through 5 of 5.
Little Italy
A song about culture shock and the alienation of the immigrant experience.
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The Best War
Believe it or not, this song was not written about the Iraq war. In fact, it was a reaction to something I was sensing in the air back before the first Gulf War, circa 1990. I changed the wording slightly to reflect the times, but the song still works beautifully.
The recording is from my new collection 2 O's, 2 E's (a reference to how I spell my last name). You can download the entire album and lots more stuff at johnvoorhees.com.
Werewolf Night
Ooo! Spooky!
Well, it should be pretty obvious that this song has almost nothing to do with literal werewolves, and everything to do with a predatory mindset, but that doesn’t keep it from weirding my mother out every time I play it!
Fiesta Time
This is my great, sweeping ballad … my Piano Man, if you will. Tinged with chili powder. [more inside]
Undercover Maggie
A simple cautionary tale of how celebrity, glamour, ambition and just-plain inauthenticity can twist a human soul. Also, you can dance to it. [more inside]