41 posts tagged with mefimusicchallenge and acoustic.
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Chimes & Oatmeal
Here's my submission (finally) for the assignment I got for the Great Raffle Request Challenge a few years back. The request: "Record a song (cover or original) on an instrument you don't really know how to play."
This one's for Secretariat! [more inside]
Jackson (Lucinda Williams Cover)
My entry for the May/June 'City Songs' challenge. [more inside]
Here's my entry for the MetaMeta challenge. It's a cover of dobie's track hypotech from a while ago, done with many acoustic layers. Thanks to dobie for actually sending me the lyrics too! [more inside]
Whimsy Will Be the End of Me
A remix of an old acoustic cover of a Slipknot song. Glitched-out and re-sampled beyond recognition.
I Am The Cosmos
After flaking on too many challenges I was determined to get this one in under the wire, despite whatever life threw up in the meantime to distract me (quite a lot as it happens, but in a good way).
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Moonage daydreaming
For the Bowie challenge, finally. [more inside]
Acoustic tune for this month's challenge [more inside]
Walk Into De Funeral Parlor Jig
Minor variation on an old minstrel tune. Fretless tackhead banjo, marginally played tambourine and bones. [more inside]
High and Dry
A cover of Radiohead's H&D on resonator guitar in open G, for the minor/major challenge. I originally intended this to be a shitkicking country stomper but it turned into something quite different. [more inside]
The Lonely Karmic Cop
Cover of Radiohead's "Karma Police" for the major/minor challenge. [more inside]
Rest Ye Merry
Vaguely medieval and dirge-like. [more inside]
I don't think it meets the bar MajorDundee set, but I gave it a shot. Adapted the words from Belladonna. Learned a lot! [more inside]
In Your Eyes
This song was inspired by our singer's video chats with her long distance beau. It is on the new Red On Strike album Her Own Little World, now available for download on Bandcamp. [more inside]
Auld Lang Syne, ragtime fingerstyle arrangement
It's been five years since my last attempt at arranging Auld Lang Syne. I thought I might try to start a small fire under it this year. [more inside]
Girl on a Swing (Ballad of a Cavalryman)
This is a super-rough demo of a song I wrote yesterday for the 'Has Been for Years' song fight. It's a gothic little waltz using a resonator guitar, told from the point of view of a trooper in the 7th cavalry who was killed at Little Big Horn while waiting to be relieved by Reno's troops. Recorded before I put my pants on, for the challenge. Video proof is here.
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Recorded onto an audio cassette in about 1982 from a radio/cassette player with built-in mic. As a bit of a laugh between recording our more earnest efforts at Irish folkmusic (posted earlier here).The Early Puritans we called ourselves up there in Stockholm. Does it count as a September offering? [more inside]
All The Small Things
I seem unable to cover songs (even those I hate) without making them sound completely earnest.
Tumbalalaika, a traditional Russian Jewish love song. Generally sung in Yiddish, presented here in English. [more inside]
Year of Jubilo
This month's challenge isn't much of a challenge for someone who plays oldtime music anyway, but I figure I get extra points for recording this American Civil War era tune on my new gourd banjo. [more inside]
María tero lero lé
One for the 'traditional' challenge. [more inside]
O Little Town of Bethlehem
O Come, O Come Emmanuel
Just a little carol we recorded for our holiday card. roll truck roll on dulcimer, firemonkey on trumpet and horn. [more inside]
douce nuit
Short, with improvised and awkwards chunks, various mistakes, and a outro that flirts with crashlanding. Peace.
The Wassail Song
The Bottom Falls Out of the Clouds (demoriffic version)
cortex was kind enough to let me borrow the lyrics from his song "The Bottom Falls Out of the Clouds" (which he wrote for the first ever MeFi Music Challenge), and allow me to set them to new folky/acoustic/lo-fi music for this month's challenge. [more inside]
I basically put the words to Hallelujah to an acoustic chill rock guitar thing. and this happened. [more inside]
my take on the monthly challenge fairly faithful but with some harmonies. One take for guitar and vox, one take for harmony, no level altering (it needs it, it also needs the guitar rerecording, but no time!). Again recorded by singing and playing at my mac. One day I'll set up my recording gear!
Gone Gone Gone
For the April "two chords" Challenge. The two 3-note chords even share a note in common, so we're talking a total of five notes serving as harmonic accompaniment for this song. Played on the strumstick. There's a hoop drum, too, of indeterminate pitch. I posted a lo-fi, live version of this song to YouTube as well, direct from my 6-mat tatami room at home. You can see it here.
El aparato
An entry to the amnesty challenge, trying out the "wrong" challenge. [more inside]
My Little Corner of the World
As requested by chococat, and featuring the great Karlos The Jackal on marimba and toy piano. [more inside]
That's Easy For You To Say
My submission to the "a song sung in a language you don't speak" challenge. [more inside]
Not Enough to Keep Me Satisfied
I wrote a country song awhile back but never got around to figuring out how it should end. The latest Mefi Music Challenge provided suitable inspiration. [more inside]
Roads of Plenty
My attempt at the Metafilter lyric challenge [more inside]
Cough It Up
A song about dying [more inside]
Superhero (demo)
An acoustic demo I did a while ago for a Derailleur song called Superhero. [more inside]
Bridge In The Sky
Fellow wants to cross a bridge, but it floats up into the sky. Woman comes along but she turns into smoke. Fellow throws a fistfull of dirt in the air, gets a new idea, goes and does some other stuff. Then there's a happy ending. Written for the "bridge" challenge, but I reckon you knew that already. Guitar by Ken Kawashima, who can also be heard here and here. Lyrics inside.
from the bridge,
watching the river flow, I stumble upon some memories - more vivid than others.
Until You Sever The Snake
Written and recorded for the serpentine challenge now underway. My buddy Ken Kawashima brought in the North Mississippi blues riff and yours truly did the rest. Apologies to animal rights advocates, but some snakes were severed during the recording of this song. Had to be done. [lyrics inside]
the River Girl
A song by my band, the Notes and Scratches, kind of about Vivian Eliot and featuring a bunch of water. I sing and play the acoustic and the harmonium.
Rain in the Desert
This is a slightly older song, released in '06, but I thought it fit the challenge. I wrote it shortly after moving to L.A. when I was awakened by a thunderstorm, and fell back asleep to some strange dreams...