14 posts tagged with mouthBow.
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Hobo Blues
Ever since I first saw John Lee Hooker's utterly captivating, almost terrifyingly powerful performance of it, I've been a lover of this song. RL Burnside covered it as well. This is my humble (and following those two performances, I really mean that) offering, from a little house in the hills of Nagano prefecture, Japan. Video here.
New Ways To Tell Old Lies
This is about that weirdo gazillionaire creep who wants to be president. Video of this same performance at YouTube or Vimeo.
Fitter Happier ((Russian language version))
My assigned tune from OK Computer. For mouth bow and Russian vocal. Video here.
Down the Road
Breaking out ye olde Hungarian mouth bow once again for this little number, recorded live at gaijin haunt What the Dickens in Ebisu, Tokyo, on the first day of May in the year of Two Thousand and Eleven. Video here.
John the Revelator
Here's another tune from an earthquake/tsunami disaster relief benefit show that i was part of on April 8, 2011. This one is a traditional gospel number. Video here.
Baby Please Don't Go
Live in deepest Ikebukuro, Tokyo. Accompanying myself on my Hungarian mouth bow. Video here.
Your Little One Way Street
Recorded live at Sabaco in Waseda, Tokyo, on December 9, 2010. I'm playing my new Hungarian mouthbow. There's a wee touch of distortion here and there in the recording, but nothing we can't live with, I s'pose. Video here. [more inside]
That's the Way It Wiggles
Another version of a song I've posted here twice before. This one is performed using my brand new mouthbow, which uses a band of rattan instead of a metal string. Video here. [more inside]
I was part of a bill the other night that included some amazing khomus (jews harp) players from Sakha, Siberia. It was an evening of boing and twang that I was honored to be a part of. Here's a piece of mine from that night - I'm playing the mouthbow. Video here.
Better Take Care of Me
Recorded April 7, 2010, in a conference room in Ichikawa City, Chiba, japan. The instrument is a kind of mouthbow, although it's not actually bow-shaped: it's one of these. Video of this same performance at YouTube.
This is my little ode to that most absurdly beautiful and unlikely of Italian cities. This tune, once again, features the mouth bow (otherwise known as the poor man's wah-wah) plus lots of percussion and whatnot. The mix could probably use a bit of tweaking here and there, but I think it's basically presentable... [more inside]
Boom Chicky Boom
Here's a peppy little number that goes out to all you fine folks out there in MetaFilterland. Instruments in use (in order of appearance!) are mouthbow, talking drum, bamboo rattle, scraper, bass drum, pitchpipe, little bell, and ukulele. [more inside]
Some Kind Of Superhero
For the MeFi Music Challenge. This one uses mouthbow, bodhran (but it sounds like a bass drum), a little bell, shakers, some little woodblock rattley things, a drone, and voice.
Just Blew Into Town
Here's a song from the RPM '07 CD that I just popped into the mail today. In the end I was able to get 8 presentable tunes together within the space of the month. Whew!