7 posts tagged with rpmchallenge by nanojath.
Displaying 1 through 7 of 7.
No Tomorrow
Experimental monotony-rock alert. Listen at own risk. [more inside]
Failing Inspiration
For the second in as many attempts at the RPM Challenge, I have created a work that in its sustained and complete for is extremely challenging to listen to. [more inside]
Song 1 from my 2009 RPM Challenge album [more inside]
The last RPM Challenge song I can bear to subject you to. I seem to have been in a little bit of a mood when I "sang" this one, 'cause I really camped that lyric up.
Another track from my RPM Challenge Effort. I was apparently channeling my poor man's Tom Waits that night. My impoverished, destitute, homeless alcoholic's Tom Waits.
Only Civilization
Another selection from my RPM Challenge album. There were a couple lyrics I really wished I was a better musician when writing and this is one of them. My methodology did not encourage a melodic interface between the lyrics and the music.
Something from my RPM Challenge album. Due to the methodology of its production, (read details here) all the songs on the album are pretty rough, but I'm going to post a few of the more successful experiments. The songs on this album are all about one of my favorite topics, the end of the world.