29 posts tagged with ROCK and acoustic.
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Saint Voorhees
Quick and dirty lofi folk song. I think it has enough spooky themes to work for October. Lyrics in the fold. Kinda like the lyrics. [more inside]
Sky Bvtches
Sort of a low-fi midwestern rock thing. [more inside]
Starving (Cover)
"Something inside me's changed—I was so much younger yesterday." I learned and recorded this cover of Hailee Steinfeld's "Starving" in a half hour one afternoon last month. [more inside]
Cuando Viene El Mal
A song from my new acoustic band Love Monkee, from our set at the His Lai Buddhist Temple last month. Special thanks to drlith, who translated the chorus for me in this AskMe. Video of the last half of the set. [more inside]
In Your Eyes
This song was inspired by our singer's video chats with her long distance beau. It is on the new Red On Strike album Her Own Little World, now available for download on Bandcamp. [more inside]
Darker Shade of Blue
Another semi-autobiographical 1995 slice of cheerful melancholia. But a pretty guitar riff and one of my favorite choruses to sing, even if I never really could hit the last note. There's an electric version of this with more of a Big Star / Matthew Sweet feel, but darned if I can find it and anyway I like this one. [more inside]
aint no rest for the wicked - cover
Cover of cage the elephant's song aint no rest for the wicked.
Shangri-La (Live Bootleg Cut)
This is a live recording of my new song Shangri-La. The audio was recorded on a handheld recorder by one of the audience members. Apologies for the dodgy sound quality...but I just had to post my first bootleg! [more inside]
The Garden of Forking Paths
This Borges-inspired track appears on the new Steve Goldberg and the Arch Enemies EP, Labyrinths, available now for streaming and download. The demo was posted here. [more inside]
The Ballad of Cherry Hill
This is the lead-off track from the forthcoming EP, Labyrinths, by Steve Goldberg and the Arch Enemies, to be released 1/7/10. It's a wistful slice of indie-pop about insomnia, suburban isolation, and the boredom of hometowns. [more inside]
Reincarnation Blues
What I would sound like if I were trying to sound like Bob Dylan - if Dylan were simultaneously "bringin' it" and "keepin' it real". [more inside]
Texas 89
A song I wrote about a trip to Texas with a girl in 1989. [more inside]
I basically put the words to Hallelujah to an acoustic chill rock guitar thing. and this happened. [more inside]
The Company You Keep
A mellow acoustic oldie - worth re-recording? Comments/advice welcome [more inside]
'Til We're Dead (EP version)
Rerecorded version of "'Til We're Dead" from my forthcoming EP. [more inside]
Certain Death
A cheery song off my new album Out of It.
Tonight Hit the Bong With Me
A very dumb cover of Tonight You Belong To Me, written by Lee David, 1926.
Things I Used to Know (demo)
"Our minds are permeable to forgetfulness; I myself am distorting and losing, through the tragic erosion of the years, the features of Beatriz."
-- Jorge Luis Borges [more inside]
This is a southern rock song about starting over, shedding your skin. It's my favorite song that I have ever recorded, and one of the first ones I ever recorded as well. [more inside]
A song about a night out on the town [more inside]
Mostly acoustic strumming. Maybe the simplest song I've ever written - but I like it, for a' that. [more inside]
This is the first track we've recorded for our next album. I'd love to hear what you all think...
Power of Love
Thanks to two class cancellations due to ice storms in the Capital, I was able to arrange and record this Valentine's day treat. Imagine Huey Lewis, baritone, with a banjo.
Constant Contact
one man's case against cuddling
On My Way (Acoustic)
A song from a recording session I did with my brother's band (He's the singer). The band is called Beautiful Blonde Pineapple!
Compassionate Coercion
Now that the US mid-term elections are over, here's a song about politics.
A quiet acoustic diddy. Written for my old band, The Big Lie, by my former bandmate, Chris Knott.
Ana Ng (acoustic)
This is an acoustic cover of the wonderful TMBG song Ana Ng, done on a four track recorder many years ago.
Though I did once see "I don't want the world, I just want your half" painted on a bridge (it was really surprising and cool to discover), we substituted "Homies '88" in its place because we had recently seen that on a bridge and thought it a bit absurd that someone took the time and effort to paint such a doofy message.
Welcome to the Jungle (acoustic)
This is an acoustic cover of the very excellent They Might Be Giants song Welcome to the Jungle. As a gag, the beginning instrumental bit copies the Guns N' Roses song Welcome to the Jungle.
Though my old "band" did this, just about every instrument on this track (including the backup vocals) was done by one bandmember.