3 posts tagged with mefimusicchallenge by Grangousier.
Displaying 1 through 3 of 3.
Grebos In Love
Nasty. Brutish. Shortish. In 5/4. [more inside]
No Surprises
I downloaded a karaoke file to help find out how the arrangement was put together (although the file I downloaded seems to have some odd deviations from the original track). Somehow I ended up rearranging the tracks and assigning them to string quartet, woodwind, church organ, marimba and dulcimer. And TR808. Not real, of course. I liked the way it sounded enough to keep it.
And then I put vocals on it, and I don't know whether it didn't all go (as Satie would put it) au form du poire. [more inside]
Post War Glamour Girl
My version of the John Cooper Clarke poem. Swearword in the third line, so be warned parents, workers and those of a jumpy disposition. This is the first MeFiMu challenge I've ever completed. [more inside]