24 posts tagged with protest.
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Hungry Eyes / I Want the End of the World
Little bit of angry background folk punk. Quick and dirty. Double feature, today. Mostly recorded while lying down and being sad. Lyrics in fold. [more inside]
Tomorrow Is A Highway
My a cappella cover of a 1949 folk song ("Tomorrow Is A Highway" -- words by Lee Hays, music by Pete Seeger) that I love. [more inside]
All You Fascists Bound To Lose (2021 update)
The events in Washington DC on January 6 compelled me to write this one. I took Woody Guthrie's chorus and ran with it. You can see the video of this performance at YouTube. Cheers. [more inside]
Written in response to some of the more hideous things some politicians have said regarding death, disease and the economy. Not quite as hi-fi as I'd like, as I was running everything (vocal, guitar and stompers) live through a little guitar amp, recorded straight to an iPad, cause it was video recording. But, I guess it's acceptable. Anyway, it's the kinda tune I just wanted to get out there quickly. Here's the YouTube upload of this same performance. Thanks for listening, and stay safe.
How Long, America?
Wish I didn't have to keep writing songs like this. [more inside]
Tired Of Winning
Another track from my first solo album. Like a great many of these lyrics, it began as a joke, albeit a sardonic one. President Trump had done something else horrifying and I said, out loud to mrs. eustacescrubb, "he was right. I AM tired of winning!" [more inside]
Get Rid of the NRA
Just some opinions, set to the music of a three string guitar. Video of this same performance at YouTube or Facebook. High quality (AIFF) audiofile available for free download at SoundCloud.
Take A Knee
Topical song. Recorded live in one take, fast and dirty, at home. Vocal, three-string guitar and stompbox, all coming out of a 15 watt VOX guitar amp. I videoed the performance too, which you can see at Facebook or YouTube. If you'd like to download an AIFF audiofile, you can do so at SoundCloud. [more inside]
Everything Is Fucked (Keep On Going)
A wrote a little pep talk, for myself and for anyone else who needs one, as we wade through the fuckedness of all this. Catchy and short and angry and upbeat and exactly a minute long. [more inside]
Donald Trump is a Fascist Asshole Pig
It cannot be emphasized enough. Song #3 in my Unu Kanto Po Semajno series steals one from the Dead Kennedys' playbook. [more inside]
Dirty ol' TPP
Topical song. Wrote this today, and recorded it straightaway. Check the live video of this same recording here.
Ferguson, Missouri
This song addresses the situation in Ferguson and the frightening militarization and violence of today's police forces across America. I made a video for it, which you can view here.
The Devil Walks the Earth
Here's a live recording of a song I premiered at a gig two nights ago (July 18, 2014). The bassist accompanying me is Keigo iwami, from the Swamp Root Jimmies. The song is anti-war, anti-greed, anti-death. Video here.
What Was That Sound I Heard
A song concerning the September 15, 1963 bombing of the 16th Street Baptist Church in my hometown of Birmingham, Alabama. I made a video of historic photo images to accompany the song, which may be viewed here.
Democracy Stolen
Wrote this about the execrable Supreme Court ruling of April 2nd, 2014. Video here.
New Ways To Tell Old Lies
This is about that weirdo gazillionaire creep who wants to be president. Video of this same performance at YouTube or Vimeo.
Also recorded around 2007, this along with the other song I posted are all that remains of 30+ recordings. "Irony" - inspired by the Reverend Peter Popoff of televangelist fame.
Gotta Get Past These Ideas
Back in January 2010, when the odious Pat Robertson made his inane/insane comments about the Haitian earthquake being caused by Haiti's "pact with the devil", I penned this little number, and quickly recorded a demo version, to send to a musician I was going to be playing the tune with at a Haiti disaster relief fundraiser event we were part of, here in Tokyo. Just came across the demo today, while organizing some files, and thought I'd post it here. Instrumentation is very bare bones: pitch pipe, Peruvian bass drum, handclap and voice. [more inside]
Fighting the Civil War
The recent announcement of Virginia's "Confederate History Month", and this comment in particular, in a Mefi thread about it, inspired me to write this song. [more inside]
The Best War
Believe it or not, this song was not written about the Iraq war. In fact, it was a reaction to something I was sensing in the air back before the first Gulf War, circa 1990. I changed the wording slightly to reflect the times, but the song still works beautifully.
The recording is from my new collection 2 O's, 2 E's (a reference to how I spell my last name). You can download the entire album and lots more stuff at johnvoorhees.com.
The title track from my new album, which you can download for free at my site. Recorded on July 28 at SCM Recordings in Santee, California.
New Orleans 2005
On this 2nd anniversary of hurricane Katrina, I thought I'd post this song, which I wrote and recorded in the days following the disaster. In 2005, when I first posted it to my own web site, I received some comments from folks who were pretty incensed by it. I'd never had such visceral negative reactions to a song. Should you be interested, you can read some of those comments and my replies here. I also just posted a live version (from a gig earlier this month) to YouTube. [lyrics inside]
Out of several tunes in various states of completion for the RPM project, this is the most presentable. In use for this track are: voice, talking drum, bells (metal and wooden), guiro, synth bass and organ. Every so often I write a song which is overtly political (a protest song, for want of a better term), and this is one of them.
I have rerecorded this one two or three times since I wrote it in fall of '05. I've never really been able to sing it the way I really want to, which would sound a little like a mix of Brandi Carlile, KT Tunstall, and Janis Joplin (my voice just wasn't made that way). This is the closest I've ever gotten. Hohner-Gruhn guitar, Audio-Technica mic, and GarageBand.