6 posts tagged with noise by reklus.
Displaying 1 through 6 of 6.
Last track.
This is the last track thegreatbigmulp and I did for the February "make an album in a month" challenge. [more inside]
Untitled. But we're open to ideas
This is a thing Mulp and I just did. HELP!!! [more inside]
Noisey's TV show.
This is a chopped up awful tv show. 53 points if you can figure out what the show is. This is a solo piece, BTW.
Clap Around
Mulp and I worked on this yesterday. He played bass, synth, guitar + vocals. I did the programming, mixing + vocals.
It's a rough mix, but a fun start to a new project.
It features mostly instruments modded or repaired by me incidentally. [more inside]
granny #6
noise piece using granulab and a short loop.
My God is dead
This comes from my noise/rock opera which is still unfinished.
Our protagonist realizes that he can survive and function without belief [more inside]