188 posts tagged with Guitar and rock.
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A semi-instrumental song given a second life after a decade in the demo wilderness. [more inside]
Optimizing Performance (Antag Bounce)
A bit of synthy iPhone silliness [more inside]
Desert's Edge
Just some instrumental rock I've had kicking around for awhile. Not much to it.
Heroes Run
A story of an unexpected journey, and a choice to make; part rock opera, part... wolfdog, I guess. Lyrics inside! [more inside]
I Look On
Had a riff, needed to use it. [more inside]
Band: The Next Hundred Years
Album: Troppo [more inside]
A Whole Pile of Difficult
An annoying little new wave ditty [more inside]
Medford Grrls
A little tune about some teenage girls I know who could easily kick my ass. I've been working on a session of drum tracks I had my brother do before going into the peace corp for two years, and this is the first song nearing completion. Still getting used to working with real drum tracks. Any pointers and criticism would be great! [more inside]
Out Up and Thru
Snazzy tune by my buddy Pat with a baddass, rocket-ship-style ending. Looking for feedback on the mix, as I'm using a new DAW. Thanks. [more inside]
Police Action!
A riffy instrumental I recorded a long time ago on a cassette 4-track.
Voytek the Soldier Bear
An incomplete mix of a song I'm working on about a bear who joined the Polish Army (the subject should sound familiar). [more inside]
An attempted Hendrix-style wedding song for a friend. [more inside]
Short little thing, decent guitars and frustrating digital drums. [more inside]
Do the Wrong Thing
Sometimes you need to do the wrong thing.
This is the first track from the PRISONERS album THIS IS ALL OF THE TIME. We recorded it at the Hive in Vancouver in January. [more inside]
last hurrah
bouncy, hyperbolic night-out song, wherein I muse on the merits of Jack Daniels as it pertains to dental hygiene. (not really) [more inside]
Blackbox Blues (big ghost version)
My band's rendition of this tune, which I posted a while back. It was fun condensing the 9 track arrangement down for a three-piece. Worth the long intro. [more inside]
What I Deserve (Ex-Machina Mix)
I recently bought a new computer, which allows me to use Guitar Rig 3 LE that came bundled with Cakewalk SONAR without taxing my CPU. So I re-recorded one of my songs with actual guitars. [more inside]
You and San Francisco (studio version)
prayer song
ecstatic punk_metal love song with stereo distorted bass, country inflected vocals, and a few stolen lyrics. Kinda a follow up to this song. [more inside]
Summer Home
Another quick composition, in the vein of blues or something. [more inside]
scratch ticket salad
been messing around with this recording for a while now. hope you like it. kind the doors plus pavement. kinda better and worse than that sounds. [more inside]
Bring the Chase
Guitar and synth rock, with a certain whiff of the 70s about it, and a comparatively laid back chorus that I'm pretty happy with. Lyrics inside. [more inside]
An ode to women featuring guitars, piano, melodica, and lap steel. [more inside]
Outta Here
The Byrds meet Gary Glitter at a party hosted by Teenage Fanclub. [more inside]
Back on my Back Again
Another slice of 1995 Big Star/Television influenced indie ephemera from my 4-track cassette box. I still really love this guitar riff and the herky jerky power pop stuff at the end of the chorus. A song about not wanting someone to feel bad for dumping you.
When I first heard Sloan, I thought 'man, they stole my sound' although really we both stole Velvet Crush's. [more inside]
Seventeen Below (Electric Version)
Someone suggested I re-record this with a heavier treatment. So I threw the kitchen sink at it. Guitars, guitars, more guitars, a cello section, some HEAVY guitars, harmonies and a bonus weather forecast. Don't let the quiet beginning fool you. [more inside]
Darker Shade of Blue (Electric version)
Amped up version of a song I posted a few days ago. Gnarly guitars, Hammond organ, sweet harmonies, in a Television / Big Star / Matthew Sweet frame of mind. [more inside]
a perfect preservative (big ghost version)
Big Ghost's version of this, which gets nice and jam-bandy, we feel. Thanks in advance for continuing mixing/mastering advice. [more inside]
backseat nudist
Haunted punk from my band Big Ghost. This is my second attempt at recording drums (thanks for all the advice, Mefites!) and my first post that all the band worked on together. so pointers are very welcome. [more inside]
Thru your eyes
Rock song. weird intro.
wish I could sing it like it should be.
it shows
This is an angry, broody, dark, but pretty song. I'm proud of it, I think it's one of my best! Includes a pretty sweet xaphoon (!) solo by yours truly, plus background vocals by my wife. [more inside]
her name is hope
I wrote this after attending a concert late last year. Just finished (?) the recording. It's kind of a tribute to the musician I saw -- maybe you can guess who it is? Either way, it's a track that features guitars, pianos, fretless bass, vibes, drums, vocals and a lap steel part in the chorus that I'm really satisfied with. [more inside]
Touched by the Devil
This one has a foreboding start, and then the trapdoor into H-E-double-hockey-sticks falls open! [more inside]
Asshole Holiday
Tight lil pop diddy about the time my little brother disappeared on New Years day and turned up two months later in the Dominican Republic.
This is the first full song I've done on my new computer, which makes me wicked happy. [more inside]
Made in the Image
Pretty straightforward 3 minute rock deal. If you're bored, try figuring out all the various things I borrowed from.
The Garden of Forking Paths
This Borges-inspired track appears on the new Steve Goldberg and the Arch Enemies EP, Labyrinths, available now for streaming and download. The demo was posted here. [more inside]
The Ballad of Cherry Hill
This is the lead-off track from the forthcoming EP, Labyrinths, by Steve Goldberg and the Arch Enemies, to be released 1/7/10. It's a wistful slice of indie-pop about insomnia, suburban isolation, and the boredom of hometowns. [more inside]
Texas 89
A song I wrote about a trip to Texas with a girl in 1989. [more inside]
Halloween 97/98
Little ditty about young love, the joys of suburban Massachusetts in autumn, and the allure of all those wonderful things behind the counter at drugstores. [more inside]
run to you (bryan adams cover)
No, seriously. Just for fun, I decided to do this cover song to test out some drum stuff. Thought I'd share this while I work on some new songs...
Word Czar
A goofy, gleeful, garage-y little summer-in-the-city song. [more inside]
A Long Way Down
Another new demo song from my new band, Bring A Guillotine. A little more laid back than the previous track uploaded. Enjoy!
A track from my defunct band, Struction.
Fast and loud.
[more inside]
we wrote this song at our space a week or so ago. [more inside]
Jiggy Romp (short version)
This is an upbeat guitar instrumental idea with a rock/tropical feel. [more inside]
Boots of Righteous Defense
The first finished recording for my band's new album. [more inside]
paint another layer on
Ever get drunk and watch daytime tv and then get kinda pissed off?
This is an oldy, but I've been playing it with my band lately, so I revamped it and remixed it. [more inside]
Lost in the Desert
A lengthy (slightly self indulgent) electric guitar piece, I've performed it live with drums and bass but this is recorded just with guitars. Its quite rocky, especially half way through the piece. Bit of a change of pace from my previous postings, hope everyone likes what they hear. If anyone wants to record some drums for it I'd be happy to hear it!
St Pat's Party
A brief musical invitation to a St Patrick's Day Party (after the parade). [more inside]
68 percent
A happy-sounding very sad song. [more inside]