136 posts tagged with indie and guitar.
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Blackbox Blues (big ghost version)

My band's rendition of this tune, which I posted a while back. It was fun condensing the 9 track arrangement down for a three-piece. Worth the long intro. [more inside]
posted by es_de_bah on Oct 7, 2010 - 1 comment

You and San Francisco (studio version)

Full blown (not to say epic) production of this acoustic demo. [more inside]
posted by unSane on Sep 2, 2010 - 12 comments

prayer song

ecstatic punk_metal love song with stereo distorted bass, country inflected vocals, and a few stolen lyrics. Kinda a follow up to this song. [more inside]
posted by es_de_bah on Jul 24, 2010 - 5 comments

scratch ticket salad

been messing around with this recording for a while now. hope you like it. kind the doors plus pavement. kinda better and worse than that sounds. [more inside]
posted by es_de_bah on Jul 7, 2010 - 4 comments


An ode to women featuring guitars, piano, melodica, and lap steel. [more inside]
posted by edlundart on Jun 30, 2010 - 4 comments

Outta Here

The Byrds meet Gary Glitter at a party hosted by Teenage Fanclub. [more inside]
posted by unSane on Jun 25, 2010 - 9 comments

Back on my Back Again

Another slice of 1995 Big Star/Television influenced indie ephemera from my 4-track cassette box. I still really love this guitar riff and the herky jerky power pop stuff at the end of the chorus. A song about not wanting someone to feel bad for dumping you. When I first heard Sloan, I thought 'man, they stole my sound' although really we both stole Velvet Crush's. [more inside]
posted by unSane on Jun 12, 2010 - 3 comments

Seventeen Below (Electric Version)

Someone suggested I re-record this with a heavier treatment. So I threw the kitchen sink at it. Guitars, guitars, more guitars, a cello section, some HEAVY guitars, harmonies and a bonus weather forecast. Don't let the quiet beginning fool you. [more inside]
posted by unSane on Jun 9, 2010 - 7 comments

Darker Shade of Blue (Electric version)

Amped up version of a song I posted a few days ago. Gnarly guitars, Hammond organ, sweet harmonies, in a Television / Big Star / Matthew Sweet frame of mind. [more inside]
posted by unSane on May 31, 2010 - 2 comments

Don't Fool Me

Full on vocal harmony twin electric 12-string assault, my attempt to collide the Monkees with the Byrds with a side of the Go-Betweens. [more inside]
posted by unSane on May 24, 2010 - 3 comments

Where you gonna get your good things now?

One of my favorite chord progressions ever. A demo from about 1995 for a notional solo album, and for once I sound like I'm actually worked up about something, which I was. [more inside]
posted by unSane on May 21, 2010 - 2 comments

a perfect preservative (big ghost version)

Big Ghost's version of this, which gets nice and jam-bandy, we feel. Thanks in advance for continuing mixing/mastering advice. [more inside]
posted by es_de_bah on May 11, 2010 - 3 comments

backseat nudist

Haunted punk from my band Big Ghost. This is my second attempt at recording drums (thanks for all the advice, Mefites!) and my first post that all the band worked on together. so pointers are very welcome. [more inside]
posted by es_de_bah on May 8, 2010 - 8 comments

it shows

This is an angry, broody, dark, but pretty song. I'm proud of it, I think it's one of my best! Includes a pretty sweet xaphoon (!) solo by yours truly, plus background vocals by my wife. [more inside]
posted by edlundart on Mar 30, 2010 - 17 comments

graffiti song

old/well-loved song. been meaning to throw this up for a while. jazzy ditty about the internetty world. needs a competent brass bit if anyone's interested. [more inside]
posted by es_de_bah on Mar 9, 2010 - 6 comments

her name is hope

I wrote this after attending a concert late last year. Just finished (?) the recording. It's kind of a tribute to the musician I saw -- maybe you can guess who it is? Either way, it's a track that features guitars, pianos, fretless bass, vibes, drums, vocals and a lap steel part in the chorus that I'm really satisfied with. [more inside]
posted by edlundart on Feb 25, 2010 - 6 comments

Asshole Holiday

Tight lil pop diddy about the time my little brother disappeared on New Years day and turned up two months later in the Dominican Republic. This is the first full song I've done on my new computer, which makes me wicked happy. [more inside]
posted by es_de_bah on Feb 2, 2010 - 3 comments

The Garden of Forking Paths

This Borges-inspired track appears on the new Steve Goldberg and the Arch Enemies EP, Labyrinths, available now for streaming and download. The demo was posted here. [more inside]
posted by ludwig_van on Jan 6, 2010 - 7 comments

The Ballad of Cherry Hill

This is the lead-off track from the forthcoming EP, Labyrinths, by Steve Goldberg and the Arch Enemies, to be released 1/7/10. It's a wistful slice of indie-pop about insomnia, suburban isolation, and the boredom of hometowns. [more inside]
posted by ludwig_van on Nov 23, 2009 - 8 comments

Halloween 97/98

Little ditty about young love, the joys of suburban Massachusetts in autumn, and the allure of all those wonderful things behind the counter at drugstores. [more inside]
posted by es_de_bah on Oct 19, 2009 - 7 comments

snake (demo)

Another entry in my recent demo series of posts. I posted a not-quite-done version of the track here, featuring piano and overly heavy drums. It's a song about the old classic video game "Snake". I'm sure I'll revisit the "proper" recording some day, but in the meantime, this is a nice performance. [more inside]
posted by edlundart on Aug 7, 2009 - 3 comments

do you ever

This track switches between three time signatures, and features an intro with a style of singing I guess one could call very vaguely eastern. It's a slow and gentle affair with softly distorted ebowed guitar, piano, and xylophone. It also includes a guitar solo in which a single note is played repeatedly. And lyrics that are pretty silly. [more inside]
posted by edlundart on Jul 28, 2009 - 1 comment

A Long Way Down

Another new demo song from my new band, Bring A Guillotine. A little more laid back than the previous track uploaded. Enjoy!
posted by TheWaves on Jun 12, 2009 - 1 comment

paint another layer on

Ever get drunk and watch daytime tv and then get kinda pissed off? This is an oldy, but I've been playing it with my band lately, so I revamped it and remixed it. [more inside]
posted by es_de_bah on Mar 26, 2009 - 7 comments

The Garden of Forking Paths

Just another folk-rock song about Jorge Luis Borges. [more inside]
posted by ludwig_van on Mar 17, 2009 - 4 comments


Doo doo doo, doo doo doo, la la la, la la la la. The new hit single from Steve Goldberg and the Arch Enemies. A chamber-pop meditation on time, aging, and death. [more inside]
posted by ludwig_van on Mar 15, 2009 - 4 comments

come careening

Layers of soft guitar distortion with pseudo-indian instruments thrown in, under a falsetto vocal over a deeper background vocal going through a guitar amp. I'm kind of proud of the lyrics, which are about staying true. [more inside]
posted by edlundart on Mar 11, 2009 - 6 comments

come here (aberdeen)

This started as a weird tune with pseudo-Indian wailing/cat meowing vocals, guitar feedback, and a one-note sitar solo. It still has those elements, but the track ended up being an almost radio-friendly, catchy (?) pop-rock thing. [more inside]
posted by edlundart on Feb 9, 2009 - 12 comments

stopping by woods

Back in either middle school or high school, in music class, I wrote my very first melody with a classmate named Mathias Knutzen. The assignment was to take a text from one of our books and create a song with it. We chose Robert Frost's poem and came up with this pseudo-jazzy tune. I always liked it, so I kept the "digital chord sheet" around and played it from time to time. More than 15 years later, here now is a brand new recorded version -- complete with brushed drums and falsetto background vocals. [more inside]
posted by edlundart on Jan 20, 2009 - 5 comments

There's a War On

Post-traumatic stress syndrome is a bitch. Pre-traumatic stress syndrome? Well, that can just wreak havoc on your marriage. Let's just hope this song is a relic from those bad old '08 days. (It's proggy-punk-grunge, if you're looking fer a genre) [more inside]
posted by es_de_bah on Jan 7, 2009 - 8 comments

In Your Name

I've spent the past couple of months trying to improve my production skillz with my limited resources. This is the first song to come out of it all (probably because it's the simplest) with more on the way hopefully! [more inside]
posted by TheWaves on Sep 30, 2008 - 3 comments

'Til We're Dead (EP version)

Rerecorded version of "'Til We're Dead" from my forthcoming EP. [more inside]
posted by inoculatedcities on Sep 15, 2008 - 4 comments

Skipping Stones (please help)

hey home recording kids: i'm trying to get this song ready for my lady's birthday. could use some help with the mix. I need advice by monday nite. going for cute. what's working / failing? what needs polish? [more inside]
posted by es_de_bah on Sep 13, 2008 - 10 comments

Lost Time

A rough mix of the title track from my just-recorded EP under the name Green Sees.
posted by inoculatedcities on Sep 9, 2008 - 8 comments

theme from "gone"

A piano-based melody written for my animated short film "Gone" (hear it in context). [more inside]
posted by edlundart on Sep 2, 2008 - 14 comments

Chemical Ace

Kinda country plus the Cure. the song's about Einstein and Uri Geller and serotonin re-uptake inhibitors, and the shady little place they all meet. [more inside]
posted by es_de_bah on Aug 14, 2008 - 3 comments

undulate underling

A short, lyrically strange new song partly based on a dream. [more inside]
posted by edlundart on Jul 20, 2008 - 7 comments

casanova ruins

I was walking around in the garment district at night on valentine's day years ago, and spotted a beautiful woman walking alone across the street. Despite being glamorously dressed up, she looked like she had lost all faith in men. She was carrying a heart-shaped balloon and huge flowers. This song is sort of about that. [more inside]
posted by edlundart on Jul 9, 2008 - 8 comments

Stone Mover

Another demo for our album that is in production. Sung by my friend and drummer Neil who has recently found his voice. A song of regret and the often crushing weight of unconditional love. [more inside]
posted by dobie on Jul 3, 2008 - 4 comments

Slip or Fade

Acoustic number in the works, just looking for some advice & feedback about this song (see description) [more inside]
posted by Slash_fan on Jun 13, 2008 - 4 comments

Things I Used to Know (demo)

"Our minds are permeable to forgetfulness; I myself am distorting and losing, through the tragic erosion of the years, the features of Beatriz." -- Jorge Luis Borges [more inside]
posted by ludwig_van on May 16, 2008 - 6 comments

Chester v3

First mix of fer-realz recording of one of my songs: Chester. Per my last AskMefi post, please critique it! [more inside]
posted by tmcw on May 7, 2008 - 3 comments

a perfect preservative

I pretty li'l ditty about jelly, pirates, and (of course) true love. still getting my bearings as far as recording in my new apartment. two guits and a glockenspiel for the win? [more inside]
posted by es_de_bah on Mar 19, 2008 - 5 comments

The Last Time I Saw Moscow

A very lo-fi one-take recording by The Grandma Sylvias. Acoustic guitar and vocals only; all apparent distortion is coming from knobs turned very high. [more inside]
posted by escabeche on Mar 4, 2008 - 0 comments


This is a cover of Engine by Neutral Milk Hotel. The original was the B-side of Holland, 1945. I made this recording in honor of the tenth anniversary of In the Aeroplane Over the Sea. [more inside]
posted by ludwig_van on Feb 13, 2008 - 6 comments

on and on and on

An atheist's song about the nature of politics and religion in the U.S.
posted by edlundart on Jan 30, 2008 - 5 comments


This is the intro to a song my band has played live a few times. Live, I do it with loops, although it's not quite this developed. This is another Pro Tools experiment, thanks to the wonderful Swem Library Media Center.
posted by tmcw on Jan 25, 2008 - 2 comments

i'm a piece of hell

I'm a piece of hell, burning like a champ. I'm in love with you. I don't know exactly what you're supposed to do about it. (it's a touch noisy) [more inside]
posted by es_de_bah on Jan 16, 2008 - 7 comments

yours not mine

one of the first songs i wrote [more inside]
posted by sardonicsmile on Jan 5, 2008 - 2 comments


I think this is one of the catchier songs I've come up with in a while, though I never seem to be a good judge of that. At any rate, it's a short and simple track about intense love gone missing... or something like that. [more inside]
posted by edlundart on Dec 19, 2007 - 6 comments

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