230 posts tagged with Indie and rock.
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a complicated render
I'm trying to come up with vocals for this one and really struggling tonight. I had an idea, which was to just use pitch correction. I actually kind of liked it. At the risk of sounding like kanye west, i think it helped me get the melodies from my head onto the track without me immediately deleting it. I think maybe I'll use it as a guide track to get a usable take.
Night at the beach in the dark with more vocals
I let a few people hear this before (both here and elsewhere) and they all wanted a mix with higher vocals (despite the fact that I've assured everyone the vocals were total rubbish). So I've re-mixed it and re-mastered and now you might be able to hear my voice. If you still can't understand me, I've included the very depressing lyrics below. [more inside]
where's the exit?
Just another instrumental rock song. A few more electronic elements added in this time but overall, still very much guitar based.
is it the beach at night
Another attempt at songwriting. Unfortunately the vocals were so bad I almost deleted them. Instead I just backgrounded them.
Listen, a song by Sredni Vashtar. Recorded, as usual, at rehearsal. The loop drones throughout and the guitar and bass are sparse and simple.
River Town
The themes of timelessness vs. something purely of the moment and also of mobility vs. immobility are somehow factored into the folds of this dreamy folkrock-inspired track by Ummagma. Whispy and somewhat ethereal. [more inside]
Old ship church
Another one from the afore mentioned project from a few years ago. Not quite up to my current standards but I like the energy in this one anyway.
Guardian Angel
Here's an old song from Sredni Vashtar, revamped, restructured and recorded at rehearsal a few weeks ago [more inside]
device or vice
This is obviously kind of an experiment...or in other words, it's a bit of a mess. [more inside]
'8 billion pounds is rising from the ground'. A song about the city. [more inside]
garage lately
Very hesitant to let anyone hear this one. [more inside]
carefully optimistic
I thought I'd try to write something more upbeat. I couldn't think of a vocal melody so I just filled it with different guitar parts.
Ambiguous Sense of the Future
Powerful swirling and driving full sonic force, enveloped in a mishmash of postrock, shoegaze, and noise rock. [more inside]
just a rock song (instrumental). I played around a lot with some organs and synths but still guitar based overall...
simple plastics
Another day, another song.
Rock, indie, alternative, etc...
A bit of hit and miss..
A bit of an experimental, weird intro. I was inspired by someone I once heard trying to play the guitar with a mallet.
Some keyboards and organ are thrown in underneath (probably to try to make up for the lack of verse vocals!).
I Also tried to throw in a vocal idea on the chorus here (written below)
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About as close as I'll ever get to writing an epic stadium rock anthem. A bit like an angry indie version of the Buzzcocks' "Ever Fallen in Love" — but less danceable. [more inside]
A decent proportion of the lyrics were sourced more or less directly from the sensationalist headlines on the covers of beauty / gossip / lifestyle magazines. Most of the other bits I nicked off Eastenders. [more inside]
Everyone else in the band always jokes that this song should be called Penis, but they're just juvenile idiots. On the other hand, it does contain the lyrics "American tits" so maybe they're right. [more inside]
World Trade Centre
A punky little indie number about opting out of consumer culture and the acceptance / celebration of violence and warfare. Also, Wargames (the film). Hope you like it! [more inside]
it's the same idea
Wrote and recorded this a couple of years ago. This is where I left it, a couple of notches or more away from perfect... but it's got some good things about it, including a really messed up (in a good way) guitar solo. [more inside]
you awoke like
Pretty excited about this one. This was a weird kinda experimental duet I wrote a long time ago and I'm finally starting to mess around with it for reals. It features my lovely and talented friend Pat. As per usual, I could always use some advice. Tricky stuff starts around 1:07. [more inside]
Eastern Europe has long been known as a mysterious place when it comes to music, spanning multiple genres, including music with a particular ethno-folk component. This is one of those songs. Well done Ummagma. [more inside]
the booster song
Noisy, swirly rock song recorded at our band rehearsal a few weeks ago. Apologies for the bum notes and obvious errors. [more inside]
For decades now, I have been inspired by songs that make you think beyond just a lovely melody (hopefully they'd go hand in hand together). On that note, here's a song about unwinding and placing greater value in human relations (at a time when we so greatly need this).
Edgar Allen Poe
Don't feel bad; Edgar Allen Poe couldn't hold his liquor either...
This is the last track from my band's first foray into the studio. It's kinda a jokey throwaway tune, but we love it. More to come. [more inside]
Kings & Queens
Alternative rock, indie, inspired by Radiohead although it took a different turn and doesn't sound that much like it anymore. [more inside]
When a band "dances" on the border between 6 or more musical genres and one of them happens to be progressive rock, the listener is often in for a delightful surprise. Hopefully this song qualifies as one of them. This is "Outside" by Ummagma. [more inside]
Human Factor
Imagine a carefree diva singing in a non-chalent way as she looks out the window of the passenger side during a road trip. The soundtrack to her ride is based on an indie rock slide-guitar laced tune, which builds in intensity throughout the ride until bang - confusion and collision. That is this Ummagma song in a nutshell, message and all. [more inside]
This instrumental explores not only ambiences and walls-of-sound seemingly inspired directly by cosmic travels, but also features electronics, samples, drones, and beautifully melodies peppered with a lot of dissonance, creating sonic tapestries perfectly suited for reflecting, reading an Arthur C. Clarke (or Isaac Asimov) book and taking a journey through the stars. This is Sounds of Sputnik.
Dandelions and Bees
Psych rock is a genre that spans worldwide, ignoring such arbitrary delineations as man-drawn borders. This song is a case in point, with Nameless (UA, Ternopil) taking the lead in this song - the only hint of the Eastern bloc here is reflected in their language. Ummagma provides the icing on the cake.
Whispy male vocals and plenty of air for dream-weaving delicately frame this ethereal song. While "Photographer" is one of Ummagma's more melancholy songs, it's far from depressing. This one stands in the light.
Features male vocals by Alexx Kretov (Ukraine).
Ambiguous Sense of the Future
Post-rock always seems embedded with the sense that something is dire; however, shake it up a bit to get a kind of post-rock indie shoegaze vinaigrette and Sounds of Sputnik is likely what you would come up with. This is Ambiguous Sense of the Future.
Back to You
Somewhat reminiscent of Sonic Youth's cover of the Carpenters' "Superstar", this song still seems to have a unique quality all of its own. When we recorded this Ummagma track, we didn't know about that cover but since then, this has been the feedback received and we also feel a similarity there too. What do you think? I'm also posting the lyrics here. [more inside]
It's funny how sometimes it takes all but a few minutes to write a song, while the development of another song can really stretch out. This was one of those stretches - "Risky" was a song that was written "in chunks" - the basic instrumental bit was written in Kyiv, Ukraine before a big move to western Ukraine and then to Canada, where the rest was written & recorded before finally being dragged back to Ukraine, where it was properly mixed and mastered. The time span from start to finish: 5 years. All that moving around was us, by the way, not just the tracks bouncing around in cyber space. Thus is the history of this track. I'm posting the lyrics too if anyone wants to have a go at them or "sing along" …. yeah, right… any feedback is welcome. Peace. [more inside]
A semi-instrumental song given a second life after a decade in the demo wilderness. [more inside]
Spacey indie rock, recorded in rehearsal by our band, radiateur. [more inside]
You and Me
My band Teen Mom released an album, titled Mean Tom! This is the first single, You and Me. [more inside]
Regression is totally sexy, right?
This is a nice listless, lofi version of an old song of mine featuring my friend emily's wonderful violin improv. It's a little rough, and I could use some help on rounding off the edges.
(oh, and NSFW at the start) [more inside]
horrible mirror
upbeat indie pop song for when the days begin to blend together.
Submitted for the MMM Challenge, as I've had a demo of this forever without ever really finishing the song.
It needs a better title. [more inside]
Medford Grrls
A little tune about some teenage girls I know who could easily kick my ass. I've been working on a session of drum tracks I had my brother do before going into the peace corp for two years, and this is the first song nearing completion. Still getting used to working with real drum tracks. Any pointers and criticism would be great! [more inside]
Anxiety Pills
Here is a song I recorded on a BOSS 16 track. Acoustic Guitar, Fender MusicMaster Bass and Farfisa Console organ. Recorded using a Rode NK2 Large Diaphragm Condenser mic. [more inside]
Out Up and Thru
Snazzy tune by my buddy Pat with a baddass, rocket-ship-style ending. Looking for feedback on the mix, as I'm using a new DAW. Thanks. [more inside]
Picked up my electric guitar last night for the first time in 3 years, this happened... [more inside]
last hurrah
bouncy, hyperbolic night-out song, wherein I muse on the merits of Jack Daniels as it pertains to dental hygiene. (not really) [more inside]
Ten Years in a Hundred Dollar Suit (vox up)
I pushed the vocal track a couple of dB on this track I posted yesterday as several people suggested. See what you think. [more inside]
Blackbox Blues (big ghost version)
My band's rendition of this tune, which I posted a while back. It was fun condensing the 9 track arrangement down for a three-piece. Worth the long intro. [more inside]
You and San Francisco (studio version)
This song was recorded with my old band, Niche, 7 years ago. That's me as an angsty teenager, putting on my best impression of mid-90's alternative. [more inside]
prayer song
ecstatic punk_metal love song with stereo distorted bass, country inflected vocals, and a few stolen lyrics. Kinda a follow up to this song. [more inside]
scratch ticket salad
been messing around with this recording for a while now. hope you like it. kind the doors plus pavement. kinda better and worse than that sounds. [more inside]