45 posts tagged with ROCK and folk.
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Saint Voorhees
Quick and dirty lofi folk song. I think it has enough spooky themes to work for October. Lyrics in the fold. Kinda like the lyrics. [more inside]
Maps and Keys
Still lost somewhere in the House of C. [more inside]
The Sun and The Rain
I went to Bonnaroo and all I got was a sunburn and a demo of this song. [more inside]
This is the Season
This is the second of my FAWM 2022 pieces. Kind of a doom/prog/folk thing. Witch rock. Momcore. [more inside]
Want Trouble
Moody, jazzy little tune that explodes towards the end. About the delicious dread of falling in love when both people have baggage.
This is my second big attempt at faking swing drums, so pointers would be helpful. As per usual, I started out wanting a sparse mix but it got away from me a bit. [more inside]
The Ballad of Highway Boy
All this awful flood action has inspired me to dig up the sad old tail of Highway Boy, raised by his trucker brother, because his father was a hurricane and his mother was a cellar door. [more inside]
Hip with the kids
Delirious, teeth-gritted ballad about weapons of mass destruction and grass roots violence. Also, a breathless love song from one monster to another. Also, a way to distract myself while this horrifying evening plays out.
Rough mix. Suggestions welcome. Lyrics past break. [more inside]
River Town
Where does one genre begin and another one stop? I'm asking myself the very same question every time I hear that this song is indie or pop rock or folk rock or dream pop. Well, whatever one calls it, I hope you enjoy this. [more inside]
Regression is totally sexy, right?
This is a nice listless, lofi version of an old song of mine featuring my friend emily's wonderful violin improv. It's a little rough, and I could use some help on rounding off the edges.
(oh, and NSFW at the start) [more inside]
The first of the album in a month efforts. [more inside]
Cave Creek Jail (The Real Deal EP Version!)
So a good long while back I posted an early demo version of this song. This, right here, is the final finished product that is on the EP. [more inside]
Prussian Blue
A simple and complicated ditty about simple and complicated plans. [more inside]
little gods by vampire deer
final song of cadillac hill
More uke-pop about girls. [more inside]
a perfect preservative (big ghost version)
Big Ghost's version of this, which gets nice and jam-bandy, we feel. Thanks in advance for continuing mixing/mastering advice. [more inside]
Of the songs that my band recorded recently [previously 1 • 2], this is my favorite. It's also the most difficult for us to play. But that's what practice and cheap recording is for, yeah?
The Garden of Forking Paths
This Borges-inspired track appears on the new Steve Goldberg and the Arch Enemies EP, Labyrinths, available now for streaming and download. The demo was posted here. [more inside]
Sobering Up (2009)
About three and a half years ago, I uploaded the eleventh song on Mefi Music. This autumn, I finally got my arse in a real studio, and did it properly. [more inside]
Texas 89
A song I wrote about a trip to Texas with a girl in 1989. [more inside]
Halloween 97/98
Little ditty about young love, the joys of suburban Massachusetts in autumn, and the allure of all those wonderful things behind the counter at drugstores. [more inside]
Bridges Over The Thames
This is my first contribution to MeFiMu, so go easy on me! [more inside]
A Long Way Down
Another new demo song from my new band, Bring A Guillotine. A little more laid back than the previous track uploaded. Enjoy!
good friends (the bailout song) - vampire deer
4th song of my rpm album - well, what's a trillion between good friends?
That song you remember from grade school. [more inside]
Tonight Hit the Bong With Me
A very dumb cover of Tonight You Belong To Me, written by Lee David, 1926.
By my band, The Mulligrubs--I am on bass and keys, but the cool part of the song is the guitarist's Ebow. [wikipedia page about that] [more inside]
Ghosts and Robots
Or "Hooray for the Humans"
a meditation in Post-Apocalyptic Folk-Rock!
Every now and then, someone favorites (or unfavorites) this little line, which I dropped as a comment on a great post about the world after humans. It's actually the opening line to a song I've been mean to post forever. Here's the cleanest version I've got so far. [more inside]
At The Airport
Another song from my forthcoming album "Save You From Yourself", featuring my buddy Michael Spaly on mandolin. [more inside]
Out of It (singalong demo)
This is the title track for my next album and I need some backup vocals! [more inside]
The Silk Road
Something a friend and I made awhile ago [more inside]
If someone would just make a damn album that sounds like this already then I wouldn't have to be swiping vocals and doing it myself.
prama says
she cannot feel a thing
angel turning into stone - vampire deer
10 of 13 - herby and the polar bear club ... after which it's really hard for them to fly
aurora borealis eyes - vampire deer
02 of 13 ... herby and the polar bear club ... misunderstandings of popular doggerel applied to current events
This is the first track we've recorded for our next album. I'd love to hear what you all think...
Power of Love
Thanks to two class cancellations due to ice storms in the Capital, I was able to arrange and record this Valentine's day treat. Imagine Huey Lewis, baritone, with a banjo.
On My Way (Acoustic)
A song from a recording session I did with my brother's band (He's the singer). The band is called Beautiful Blonde Pineapple!
CHRIS GARVER - Wasp in the House
A selection from the recently released album "e4/e5" ...songs about elected servants and employed servants. Songs about shock and awe, the beatniks, & holy Moses. Songs about Paul Bunyan, Tammy Faye, & Zelda Fitzgerald. Posthumous songs, sacreligious songs, contradictory slanderings... Jewelry store robberies, the language virus, & the reawakening of the languished American dream?
A quiet acoustic diddy. Written for my old band, The Big Lie, by my former bandmate, Chris Knott.
She Flies Away
me, my guitar, and a computer microphone. Simple but sweet.
Center of Gravity
More music from Chris Knott. He plays everything on this. I helped clean up the mix.
Vincent's Secret Hobby
Folkish rock that may just rip your face off. This is another song from my friend that I helped produce. Good stuff, I swear! *not responsible for said defacing...
The Masons Own 'U'
"The Masons bought 'U' the other day. Now there's a lotta words that we can't say." Let Steve and Chris from the Nude Dancer Explosion tell you about them. Plus a totally rockin' acoustic guitar solo. (Slightly NSFW... in a bad word kinda way)
flags by vampire deer
i live in a country where the flags fly at half-mast ... 10 of 12
Deceiver of Nations
The first protest song I've ever felt compelled to write for my band Pocket Novel Mystery. This is a rough draft, but we'll probably use this one on our next full-length, in one form or another.