18 posts tagged with guitar and whistling.
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It Don't Matter Who's First In Line
My golly, it's been years since I posted here! Shame on me. I miss the MeMu community. I recently released an album of kids' music, and thought I'd share a tune here. It's a classroom song about that age-old problem: cutting in line. [more inside]
Be Long
So Much More
Just got a new zoom h6 to record with. Guitar, vocals, whistling, and a 1930's Dogherty pump organ. [more inside]
Appear Amid
Song from 2010. I think this was the peak of my abilities in trying to make my whistling sound like some sort of saw/e-bow/loon combo. Identical guitar part to the end of my song Apfel Augen. Whistling with stairwell reverb, guitar, and a couple pulsing effects I added in a just-now-at-3am-we'll-see-what-it-sounds-like-in-the-morning fever.
unSane's Whistling Shoes
I stole the words from unSane and turned it into a song with off key whistling.
Six is where you take the three and make it two times
I was alone. It was late at night. March was approaching its end and I had to sing a song about the multiplication table. I had no lyrics. I recorded some guitars and then pressed record on the vocals to see what would happen. [more inside]
Sauvie Island
A short, two chord song that is a true story. [more inside]
Candy House
This is a rerecording of an old song, done for the February RPM Challenge. Features geetar plucking, good ol' reliable double tracked lo-fi vocals, and singing saw imitation whistling. [more inside]
Santa Claus is comin' to town
A cover of the "I'll be watching you" of Christmas songs, recorded with my dear friend okclementine. [more inside]
Whoop Heet
Here's a song that is stylistically similar to Apfel Augen, but with (half stolen) lyrics, and some percussion that I'm quite fond of. The guitar is tuned C#G#C#F#A#C#. It features some cool whistling, which I was trying to make sound like slide electirc guitar. [more inside]
Flyball's Lament (the cover one)
A version of my still-favorite all-time MeMu song by the inimitable Great Big Mulp, for the June challenge. [more inside]
Bury Your Tracks
A more ambitious song I've been working on for a while. Would really, really love any feedback. [more inside]
The Long Trail
Foolishly recorded next to a loud computer. Features whistling, a shaker, and tapping on guitar percussion. Perhaps worth a rerecording someday. Named after a trail that cuts all the way across Vermont. [more inside]
Jessamyn's Song
Well boys and girls, I imagine this is what it would sound like if one was lucky enough to hang out on the front porch with our favorite banjo picking librarian. Yes, that's jessamyn on banjo! (collaboration)
Tuned the guitar way down and added some banjo. This song does this thing where it equates "snake" with "girl." Like a metaphor, see. Also: it seems to play better through headphones (possibly because of the use of stereo). But maybe I just have bad speakers.
The most frozenest river around
A song inspired by crossing the frozen river Neva in Saint Petersburg, Russia. This song is short, simple, and basically three choruses and no verses. That's right - screw the verses!
I recently dislocated my shoulder, and assumed music was out of the picture for a month or two. But I was getting pissed off at not playing, and discovered if I capoed everything up really high and didn't play anything too fancy, my arm could handle short bursts of pickin'. So I made a simple song, part French and part English.
Shake your head if yes
A rambling instrumental with banjo, whistling, and a few other ingredients. Mix well and serve chilled.