1019 posts tagged with rock.
Displaying 501 through 550 of 1019. Subscribe:

2010 - A Space Oddity (Tigers On Vaseline mix)

You're the blessed, we're the Spiders from Marzzzz-uh! [more inside]
posted by MajorDundee on Jan 16, 2010 - 11 comments

lucky 7 by vampire deer

song 4 of 8 - a rare, happy blues [more inside]
posted by pyramid termite on Jan 16, 2010 - 0 comments

two doors down

song 3 of 8 of lucky 7 - this is just time passing on - in 5 [more inside]
posted by pyramid termite on Jan 15, 2010 - 0 comments

flying by vampire deer

song 2 of 8 - this one's about the balloon boy saga [more inside]
posted by pyramid termite on Jan 14, 2010 - 0 comments

2012 by vampire deer

song 1 of 8 of the 7th vampire deer album, lucky 7 [more inside]
posted by pyramid termite on Jan 12, 2010 - 0 comments

Rodeo Ford dot com

The third song in the Rodeo Ford Trilogy, forever changing the way people look at terrible car dealerships. [more inside]
posted by erikgrande on Jan 12, 2010 - 0 comments

Made in the Image

Pretty straightforward 3 minute rock deal. If you're bored, try figuring out all the various things I borrowed from.
posted by Wolfdog on Jan 9, 2010 - 3 comments

The Garden of Forking Paths

This Borges-inspired track appears on the new Steve Goldberg and the Arch Enemies EP, Labyrinths, available now for streaming and download. The demo was posted here. [more inside]
posted by ludwig_van on Jan 6, 2010 - 7 comments

Fuck You, Motherfucker (It's Christmas)

This is a quick cover of a friend's Christmas song that I always admired. JB (the writer) also contributed background vocals. This is NSFW but in a cheerful way I think.
posted by frenetic on Dec 23, 2009 - 3 comments


Experimental Industrial Electro-House with a humble IDM Rock background. [more inside]
posted by The Audio Invasion on Dec 20, 2009 - 1 comment

Turn Away

Poppy-ska song I wrote a couple years ago about being afraid to ask a girl out. (I did, eventually, but not in the song). [more inside]
posted by Jon_Evil on Dec 19, 2009 - 1 comment

Sobering Up (2009)

About three and a half years ago, I uploaded the eleventh song on Mefi Music. This autumn, I finally got my arse in a real studio, and did it properly. [more inside]
posted by armoured-ant on Dec 18, 2009 - 4 comments

SMUT - Three Beers Left

Hangovers, with Dr. Seuss. [more inside]
posted by 256 on Dec 11, 2009 - 0 comments

I Think You're Alright (demo)

Demo a friend of mine (Ben Mullin!) and I put together.
posted by frenetic on Dec 9, 2009 - 4 comments

Where Were You?

A cover of the song originally by the Mekons. [more inside]
posted by l2p on Dec 7, 2009 - 2 comments

in an aisle seat

Greasy rock song about falling asleep in passenger seats. I could use some help with this. Ok, this is my first attempt at recording with real drums. While I'm happy to finally post something featuring my insanely talented little brother, Mike, I'm sorry to say that the drum recording I started out with was awful and I'm not sure I've made it any better. If anyone has some insight as to what can be fixed and how, or some tips on cheap/lo-fi/hopelessly inept home drum recording, I'd love to hear them. [more inside]
posted by es_de_bah on Dec 1, 2009 - 7 comments

Cats Takin' a Bath

A quick and stupid song (which is also a quick and stupid video) about cats taking a bath. [more inside]
posted by uncleozzy on Nov 28, 2009 - 17 comments

The Ballad of Cherry Hill

This is the lead-off track from the forthcoming EP, Labyrinths, by Steve Goldberg and the Arch Enemies, to be released 1/7/10. It's a wistful slice of indie-pop about insomnia, suburban isolation, and the boredom of hometowns. [more inside]
posted by ludwig_van on Nov 23, 2009 - 8 comments

arrested development

(or: use of facebook interests page as failed communication device) [more inside]
posted by raisindebt on Nov 14, 2009 - 3 comments

Reincarnation Blues

What I would sound like if I were trying to sound like Bob Dylan - if Dylan were simultaneously "bringin' it" and "keepin' it real". [more inside]
posted by crapples on Nov 4, 2009 - 0 comments

Goodbye Horses (cover)

Here is a cover of Q Lazzarus's "Goodbye Horses" made famous I'm told in Silence of the Lambs and Clerks 2.
posted by frenetic on Nov 1, 2009 - 10 comments


This is... baroque electronic dance rock? Well, perhaps. I think it will keep you entertained for 5 minutes, at any rate. There are a lot of things that go whoosh, a thing that goes ping, and rather a lot of things doing things near the end. [more inside]
posted by Wolfdog on Oct 29, 2009 - 5 comments

Sleep in the temple

I recorded my first band. ( Nessie James & The Unknowns) Was my first paid studio gig time. This is the 2nd mix of sorts. Still more to add. [more inside]
posted by american caesar on Oct 29, 2009 - 1 comment

Texas 89

A song I wrote about a trip to Texas with a girl in 1989. [more inside]
posted by crapples on Oct 28, 2009 - 4 comments

Halloween 97/98

Little ditty about young love, the joys of suburban Massachusetts in autumn, and the allure of all those wonderful things behind the counter at drugstores. [more inside]
posted by es_de_bah on Oct 19, 2009 - 7 comments


a song by my band, fm campers. don't really know where this falls, genre-wise... electronic rock noise-pop? [more inside]
posted by Espoo2 on Oct 15, 2009 - 5 comments

Vanity (Tattletale)

Regarding living among humans. I've finally completed recording, mixing and mastering the first song using my new Logic Express-based studio. How's the mix? Can you hear everything? Does it have too much bass?
posted by ZenMasterThis on Oct 12, 2009 - 0 comments

Looking at Witches

I am re-posting this at the suggestion of another user, this time with lyrics included. This and others are available here. Looking at Wiches Some say they're having a pretty good time And they're working on quitting this town. Everything's working out fine for me. You should see the way I get around. Like a dry drunk Down at the mall. Looking at watches, He feels something crawl Out of a memory He has of a girl. Looking at witches, Down at the mall. And ain't we got friends that are long ago gone and that's all that we want them to be? Nothing but nothing And nothing alone Could make them mean nothing to me. Sometimes in winter you get to go home. You get to dress darkly. You hang up the phone. You walk home from Pittsburgh With one thing in mind. Sometimes in winter, you leave things behind. And we miss when you sing Those old country songs. We get them for free around here, but we don't keep them long. Because we can't keep them long.
posted by Jawbones on Oct 12, 2009 - 2 comments


Oh, those stupid things we do to get some or to find someone. I can think back and laugh...some I'd like to forget. [more inside]
posted by MadRat on Oct 7, 2009 - 0 comments

Feel Free! Plastic Surgery! (demo)

An upbeat demo about plastic surgery from my next album. [more inside]
posted by frenetic on Sep 29, 2009 - 10 comments

Monday Morning Jager Party

The opening tack of the SMUT album by the same name. [more inside]
posted by 256 on Sep 28, 2009 - 0 comments

Watership Downs

Another newie from my band Bring A Guillotine, electro-ish intro, then roccckk! Enjoy! [more inside]
posted by TheWaves on Sep 26, 2009 - 1 comment

Le Mescaline

A cautionary tale about buying drugs in Quebec. [more inside]
posted by 256 on Sep 25, 2009 - 3 comments

You're Not My Girlfriend No More

Perhaps you can guess from the title, but this is a breakup song.
posted by 256 on Sep 22, 2009 - 5 comments

Haunted Mansion (demo)

Synthy nerd rock about goth kids who find love at the happiest place on Earth. [more inside]
posted by uncleozzy on Sep 21, 2009 - 6 comments

Forget Regret

song about drugs & cops &tc [more inside]
posted by nutate on Sep 21, 2009 - 2 comments

Open Your Eyes

Another Geese song, this one's new. Wrote it this afternoon. Sounds like I stumbled into a Pearl Jam/Stone Temple Pilots song, circa 1992. Ah, well. Enjoy. [more inside]
posted by grubi on Sep 20, 2009 - 3 comments


A pastoral blues...or something like that. [more inside]
posted by MajorDundee on Sep 14, 2009 - 6 comments

No Brainer Theme

I wanted to do some backwards guitar over a little Bill Laswellish bass and ended up with some sort of half-assed Barney Miller thing. Shit happens, I guess.
posted by metagnathous on Sep 4, 2009 - 0 comments

Starless And Bible Black

For the sake of completeness, if "Medicine Man" had been an A-side this - a natural companion piece in mood and texture - would have been the flipside. Obviously on an impeccably cool label (Elektra, Sire, Stiff, Island pre-sell off). Well.....I can dream... [more inside]
posted by MajorDundee on Aug 31, 2009 - 2 comments

Medicine Man (Alpaca Room mix)

Half remix, half mix rescue; I took a crack at MajorDundee's Medicine Man. [more inside]
posted by uncleozzy on Aug 30, 2009 - 4 comments


A wrinkled roue ruminates rudely..... Special, exclusive, once-and-for-all, never-to-be-repeated (thankfully, some may say) vinyl-only MeFiMu magimix. Hope y'all like it. [more inside]
posted by MajorDundee on Aug 19, 2009 - 6 comments

run to you (bryan adams cover)

No, seriously. Just for fun, I decided to do this cover song to test out some drum stuff. Thought I'd share this while I work on some new songs...
posted by edlundart on Aug 17, 2009 - 3 comments

Once It Was The Colour Of Saying (Work In Progress)

This is incomplete and very current WIP from my glacial synth-based alter ego and is perhaps something of a companion piece to White Feather. I'd really appreciate opinions on (a) the pretty drastic transitions in the piece from the rhythmic to the quasi-orchestral and back again, (b) whether the lyric theme has any kind of cheddar whiff, and (c) whether it needs more "oomph" under the orchestral bits (actually difficult to pull off without destroying the mood - I've tried....). Any other comments welcome of course - but this is unfinished and well rough so....geeza break. [more inside]
posted by MajorDundee on Aug 12, 2009 - 10 comments

School Dance (after school special star6 remix)

An instrumental song by my band Clark 8 remixed using Jason Forrest's star6 iPhone app. Rock meets breakcore and everybody gets glitched up. [more inside]
posted by nutate on Aug 12, 2009 - 4 comments


Another cut from the Quick and Dirty submitted for some feedback, particularly in terms of the mix.
posted by waxboy on Aug 11, 2009 - 3 comments


An abstract and impressionistic take on the wonderful world of work. Or something like that. Whatever. Listening to it afresh from the distance of several years, I've no idea what the fuck I'm banging on about here. I was probably stoned out of my box at the time. Disgarceful behaviour for a doctor - tsk tsk. Another extract from the extensive but wholly disreputable Dundee Archive. NB: this product contains faint traces of jazz-lite.....
posted by MajorDundee on Aug 7, 2009 - 6 comments


A new song called 'Madeleine' from my new band, features piano, strings and bouncy guitars! Wheeee. [more inside]
posted by TheWaves on Aug 5, 2009 - 4 comments

Locate the Pin

From the band that brought you "Bridges over the Thames" and "The world's most blown mind", The Old Whores Of San Pedro proudly present. Locate the pin, a song inspired by a fire extinguisher. [more inside]
posted by gergtreble on Aug 2, 2009 - 0 comments

Don't Go in the Garage

The first song from my new collection of supernaturally themed novelty garage rock by my multiply pierced and tattooed sailor puppet, Sailor Martin; the collection of songs will also, eventually, be called Don't Go in the Garage. [more inside]
posted by Astro Zombie on Jul 30, 2009 - 5 comments

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