819 posts tagged with MeFiMusicchallenge.
Displaying 251 through 300 of 819. Subscribe:

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen

We tried to write a jazzy, quiet version. This is what happened instead. Cheers!
posted by baltimoretim on Dec 8, 2011 - 4 comments

horrible mirror

upbeat indie pop song for when the days begin to blend together. Submitted for the MMM Challenge, as I've had a demo of this forever without ever really finishing the song. It needs a better title. [more inside]
posted by es_de_bah on Nov 27, 2011 - 3 comments

Free Refills 2011

A slower reworking of a track I made in the late 90s when I was the beat maker for a hip hop group. The song never got made. [more inside]
posted by Hoopo on Nov 20, 2011 - 3 comments

vampire deer - unwritten 3

thanks for all the positive comments - this time i used another method [more inside]
posted by pyramid termite on Nov 15, 2011 - 1 comment

On Valentine's Day

On February 11th, 1963, the poet Sylvia Plath committed suicide. This is the song the elderly painter, Mr Thomas, who lived in the flat below hers, did not write about the event. An odd little ballad in 7/8. [more inside]
posted by unSane on Nov 10, 2011 - 22 comments

vampire deer - unwritten 2

this time the bass and almost all the drums were generated - and i improvised e piano and guitar over it - guitar played through an electro harmonix ring thing, sometimes fairly straight, sometimes twirling knobs to see what happened
posted by pyramid termite on Nov 10, 2011 - 3 comments

vampire deer - unwritten

step 1 - go to wolfram tune generator and generate a tune [more inside]
posted by pyramid termite on Nov 8, 2011 - 7 comments

Without My Pants On

Submission for this month's "record a track before you put on your pants in the morning" challenge. I sat down in my underwear at 7:35am to put together a song about what might have happened if I had sat down without my underwear. [more inside]
posted by davejay on Oct 20, 2011 - 8 comments

Girl on a Swing (Ballad of a Cavalryman)

This is a super-rough demo of a song I wrote yesterday for the 'Has Been for Years' song fight. It's a gothic little waltz using a resonator guitar, told from the point of view of a trooper in the 7th cavalry who was killed at Little Big Horn while waiting to be relieved by Reno's troops. Recorded before I put my pants on, for the challenge. Video proof is here. [more inside]
posted by unSane on Oct 18, 2011 - 5 comments

The Logical Song (feat. Ayn Rand)

Supertramp's classic, covered for the 'uncool' challenge. Featuring resonator guitar in Open G, pump organ, polka accordion and Ayn Rand. [more inside]
posted by unSane on Oct 14, 2011 - 11 comments


Sort of a spare, dirge-like rendition. [more inside]
posted by chococat on Oct 11, 2011 - 32 comments

Little Lambs

Slept late while the wife and kids were out of town, woke up and wrote and recorded this. Without pants, naturally. [more inside]
posted by Doleful Creature on Oct 9, 2011 - 7 comments


I'm ducking out of the woodshed for a moment to meet this month's "pantsless" challenge. I recorded this with no warm-up, first thing after waking up. It's a take on the Miles Davis standard "Four." [more inside]
posted by koeselitz on Oct 8, 2011 - 2 comments

virtue is its own sword

For the October Pantless challenge. This is a hair away from extemporaneous. [more inside]
posted by Maaik on Oct 7, 2011 - 2 comments

Beer for Breakfast

A short song about a lazy morning made today in a state of undress for the music challenge. [more inside]
posted by chrchr on Oct 2, 2011 - 1 comment

Sultry Dance Of Death

So this months challenge theme was uncool... so i remixed / grungified a song that was played by Funerary Violinists... [more inside]
posted by Greynaab on Sep 29, 2011 - 3 comments

La Isla Bonita

A cover of the Madonna song, for September's uncool music challenge.
posted by edverb on Sep 28, 2011 - 7 comments

I Gave My Love...

Entry for the Uncool Challenge. [more inside]
posted by snsranch on Sep 25, 2011 - 8 comments

Last track.

This is the last track thegreatbigmulp and I did for the February "make an album in a month" challenge. [more inside]
posted by reklus on Sep 25, 2011 - 4 comments

white wedding

a cover of an incredibly uncool song... [more inside]
posted by sleepy pete on Sep 12, 2011 - 11 comments

Bring Me Sunshine

Quick lo-fi recording of the Morecambe and Wise classic closing song, introduced in about as near to a music-hall style as I can manage. Featuring me, my uke, and a whistling verse. (Twice.) Video is here. [more inside]
posted by ZsigE on Sep 11, 2011 - 3 comments

The Noodle Song

A kid's song about food. For the September challenge (uncool) [more inside]
posted by Doleful Creature on Sep 5, 2011 - 2 comments


Recorded onto an audio cassette in about 1982 from a radio/cassette player with built-in mic. As a bit of a laugh between recording our more earnest efforts at Irish folkmusic (posted earlier here).The Early Puritans we called ourselves up there in Stockholm. Does it count as a September offering? [more inside]
posted by jan murray on Sep 5, 2011 - 6 comments

Song about a Homophobe

MeFi Challenge 2fer. It's riff based AND uncool. The only reason I decided to finish this song is because I like how the guitar and bass oppose each other during a couple of parts. Kinda emulating Zappa a bit here. Enjoy!
posted by snsranch on Sep 4, 2011 - 5 comments

Glory, Glory, Hallelujah

A ragtime arrangement of one of the most ear-wormy, riffiest songs I know. [more inside]
posted by The White Hat on Aug 28, 2011 - 8 comments

The Acme "Titan" Utility Northern Soul Riffette and nasal hair curler - only $1.99!!

George Clinton gave us P-Funk. I'm giving you an R-Soul lick. As it were. Two licks for the price of one actually. Aren't you the lucky ones.... [more inside]
posted by MajorDundee on Aug 25, 2011 - 4 comments

Meditation on a riff

Piano improvisation for the "riffology" challenge. [more inside]
posted by Doleful Creature on Aug 20, 2011 - 1 comment


A riff song about using a kid's room to hide contraband. Two tube amps, a 1970's generic-brand Japanese drum kit and some other stuff.
posted by chococat on Aug 15, 2011 - 4 comments

Nazgul's Lullaby

This is from a completely clean signal. No effects. Bask in the horror, and take off that bloody ring! [more inside]
posted by askmeaboutLOOM on Aug 14, 2011 - 0 comments

Objective Look At a Family Album

This is a song I wrote about some photos I found of people in my family. This isn't some kind of metaphor. Dammit, this is real. [more inside]
posted by Maaik on Aug 10, 2011 - 9 comments

Blue Eyes, Black Heart

A little riff-based instrumental rock track that I've had kicking around. [more inside]
posted by uncleozzy on Aug 3, 2011 - 6 comments

Charlie Citrine, Superhero

guitar-free instrumental rifferama from the early noughties.
posted by MajorDundee on Aug 2, 2011 - 0 comments

A Town with no Pity

Epic 60s janglepop meets Northern Soul, final version of the tune I've been evolving here and on The Music Incubator. All based on a little piano riff, and therefore my August challenge entry too. [more inside]
posted by unSane on Jul 31, 2011 - 7 comments


A concise instrumental fantasy. [more inside]
posted by mubba on Jul 14, 2011 - 3 comments

Untitled. But we're open to ideas

This is a thing Mulp and I just did. HELP!!! [more inside]
posted by reklus on Jul 12, 2011 - 3 comments

I Knew It All Along

In at the last minute for June's MeFiMu challenge. Loud autoharp pop. [more inside]
posted by Karlos the Jackal on Jun 30, 2011 - 3 comments

I Used To Hate You But Now I Love You

This month's Challenge got me to thinking: with 'hate' being such a profound and powerful emotion, isn't it odd that there are really so few songs that really employ it as an idea or as inspiration? I mean, 'love'? Heck, you can't spit without hitting a love song, but hate, that's a different story. So anyway, this is a song of hate and love. Love and hate. Simple as that. Video here.
posted by flapjax at midnite on Jun 29, 2011 - 3 comments

Revulsion (Ex-Machina Mix)

For this month's challenge, I offer a song about hating being loved. [more inside]
posted by NemesisVex on Jun 28, 2011 - 1 comment


My love/hate song is a cover of Delbert McClinton's country/gospel classic (actually written by Frankie Miller & Jerry Lynn Williams) accompanied by the pump organ. [more inside]
posted by unSane on Jun 28, 2011 - 3 comments

True to you

Inspired by the challenge. I hope that counts. [more inside]
posted by erikgrande on Jun 27, 2011 - 1 comment


All love, no hate. [more inside]
posted by ageispolis on Jun 25, 2011 - 5 comments

Hang It Up

A short song about a long distance relationship. [more inside]
posted by dapperkoala on Jun 23, 2011 - 3 comments


Post-crunk for haters to get their hate on to. Cut up vocals from 7 songs in the first verse, huge reverb in the second, and the third verse is just the stripped down beat to blow up your sound system.
posted by fuq on Jun 12, 2011 - 0 comments

Hey Ya

Q: What's cooler than being cool? A: Ice cold. [more inside]
posted by degoao on Jun 8, 2011 - 6 comments

The Girl All The Bad Guys Want

Can this smug mall punk trash be spun into monophonic A.M. pop radio solid gold? [more inside]
posted by chrchr on Jun 1, 2011 - 2 comments

Old Man (cover)

My best effort to turn a Neil Young song I've always disliked into a big blustery rock thing. [more inside]
posted by cortex on May 31, 2011 - 8 comments

Ana Ng

Easy listening cover of the song by They Might Be Giants. [more inside]
posted by mubba on May 28, 2011 - 2 comments

I Must Confess

From the Gospel According to Britney
posted by ageispolis on May 26, 2011 - 4 comments

Keep on Loving You (REO Speedwagon cover)

For the Challenge: I attempt to massage a horrible song by a horrible band into something Not Bad. [more inside]
posted by DiscountDeity on May 25, 2011 - 4 comments

Additional Small Things

I loved ianK's minimalist take on All The Small Things the other day, and I thought it'd be fun to fill it out with a bunch more acoustic instrumentation and harmony vocals. [more inside]
posted by cortex on May 25, 2011 - 6 comments

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