819 posts tagged with MefiMusicChallenge.
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Theme From Squidboner
For this month's challenge, in the "Spy Music" category. [more inside]
Falling In Love With A Woman Reading Numbers
This is my entry for the spy music Mefi Monthly Music Challenge. The track is about an isolated Chinese secret agent in Canberra, falling in love with the disembodied voice that reads out numbers to him from China. I'm not that happy with the title. [more inside]
Not Enough to Keep Me Satisfied
I wrote a country song awhile back but never got around to figuring out how it should end. The latest Mefi Music Challenge provided suitable inspiration. [more inside]
Numbers Station
My entry for July's monthly music challenge, a spy-themed beat featuring samples taken from numbers stations. [more inside]
Your Turn
A breakbeat/big beat spy song -- one part Propellerheads ripoff, one part Space Ghost nonsense. [more inside]
Black Rock Lizard dance remix
Wait for it...
Here's a kicky little dance remix of a tune I previously posted. [more inside]
Leaving on a Jet Plane
MEFI MUSIC CHALLENGE July [more inside]
I Burned This Song
For this month's LYRIC Challenge. It has a very simple backing track, consisting of three elements: a drone (from my trusty Juno 60 analog synth), little wooden bells (from the 100 yen shop!), and my daughter's plastic ukulele, which has a picture of Maisy Mouse on it.
Munich - 1970HundredThirtyTwoFifty
Another tale (the first, and only) involving Agent Expatokeydokey.. The fire sounds are from a hookah coal. The noise is from a failing cable from the psr-520.. or from me
The Spyware who lagged me
mmmm spy music [more inside]
Colonel Roger (is a Soldier from the Future (is a Cover))
I know this song has been uploaded right at the very end (if not shortly beyond) of the MeFi Music Challenge, but I went through a number of songs in the long debate to find a MeFite's song to cover, eventually landing on the one that most frequently gets stuck in my head. That song is Colonel Roger (is a Soldier from the Future) by chiefbluefeather. [more inside]
And Now She's Gone
MeFi Music Challenge, Lyrics Flavor. Toe-tappin' old-timey country happy blues. [more inside]
Blue Train (the slow one)
I loved baby_balrog and his band's rollicking original of this tune. For this cover, I figured I'd take the train down another track: slowed way down (down on the ground), stripped way down (just vocal and strumstick), and with a little different shade of blue for the engineer's hat.
Roads of Plenty
My attempt at the Metafilter lyric challenge [more inside]
The Worst Decision
Laid-back, blues-inspired pop song for the June '08 lyric challenge. The phrase "life is all about conflicting desires" did not sink in initially. But on further reflection, I understood how this is true. Such conflict can lead to inertia or abdication of choice, resulting in disappointment.
I did all the parts on this track: vox, keyboard, drum programming, and electric bass. I'm happy with the music, but the mix needs work. Dedicated to Jessamyn, of course (for what became the bridge). Lyrics inside. [more inside]
'Till We're Dead
If a MeFite sticks earworm on me I am gonna put it on here for what of prying it out of my head.
Seriously though, awesome song.
Rock n' roll song (about rock n' roll)
We know that rock about rock rarely rocks. And we know that rock about rock about rock rocks. But how about covers of rock about rock about rock? [more inside]
The Book of Love
For this month's MeFi Music Challenge, just to make things confusing, I'm offering a cover of a cover. Specifically, it's a cover of Sleepy Pete and Melissa May's The Book of Love (which, of course, is also a cover--not to mention a hard act to follow). [more inside]
For this month's LYRIC Challenge. Jessamyn's comment was the spark that got this song going. This was also a chance to do a little strummin' on my new Strumstick. I've been having fun with it. [more inside]
Veronica (cover)
Blah blah blah (cover version)
This is a pointless instrumental cover version of Meatbomb's recent a capella (one extreme to the other), Blah blah blah for the MeFi Music challenge, so now you can sing along to the tune*! [more inside]
Es Muerta Me Corazon
Just kidding, nothing's dead. [more inside]
2 Cigarettes (cover)
For this month's MeFiMu Challenge: Here's my fuzzy, fizzy, buzzy cover of chococat's original, one of my very favorite MeFi songs. [more inside]
four ewe [the cover]
You are my sunshine
WILDCARD challenge -- again with the three part acapella harmony [more inside]
Ossuary I
WILDCARD Challenge - beatboxing & humming & processing.
Flyball's Lament (the cover one)
A version of my still-favorite all-time MeMu song by the inimitable Great Big Mulp, for the June challenge. [more inside]
Grossenschrift S
Adapted from the Sesame Street animated short. [more inside]
Body Music 1
For this month's WILDCARD Challenge, all sounds made using only my body: cheek tapping, belly slapping, finger snapping and vocal utterances. Clocks in at a crisp 1:29, and takes its inspiration in roughly equal parts from eefing and katajjaq.
Til we're dead
Deeper Towards My Maker
A belated MeFi Music Challenge entry, a waltz in D major. [more inside]
As kids
A short instrumental, played over an old tape of me reading something in French as a kid. [more inside]
Breaking the Rules (Rough Cut)
Country/jazz. acapella. An open letter to Amy Winehouse. Super Mario Galaxy. [more inside]
Lazlo, Buddy (rethought)
Shoulda Been About Cupcakes
And it woulda been, if I coulda thought of any decent lyrics on that sugar-laden theme. As it is I'll backdoor this MeFi Music Challenge entry with a reference in the title. (Though I think I get the "brisk" tag legitimately.)
Cupcake, When You Have a Chance
This month's themes (cupcake, brisk, interstitials) didn't exactly turn the inspiration amplifier up to 11, but, goddammit, I ain't one to run away from a challenge, no sirree. I rolled up my sleeves and got to work. So this one goes out to you, my little cupcake. You know who you are. [more inside]
Stressed out? Listen to this healing song and follow it's prescription to the letter! [more inside]
Man of Very Few Words
Well, it's a few days late for the November '07 MeFi Music Challenge, but my on-the-fritz computer spent most of the month in the repair shop, plus the dog ate my homework, but better late than never, I reckon. So this one's going under the veryfewwords tag, as if the song title didn't give that away. [more inside]
A Minute to Let That Thought Sink In
The gnawing emotions of uncomfortable notions. A low-fi MeFi music challenge entry. [more inside]
Jessamyn's Song
Well boys and girls, I imagine this is what it would sound like if one was lucky enough to hang out on the front porch with our favorite banjo picking librarian. Yes, that's jessamyn on banjo! (collaboration)
The Thing
Science fiction rap, Mefi references [more inside]
I Love You
A little improv ambient electronic jam I made last night that was definitely influenced by herbs. [more inside]
A song I produced with a much older version of FLStudio. Sudden stops and changes of timbre abound.
Nothing's Any Fun Any More
I spent my twenties and the early part of my thirties smoking far too much weed. There is nothing wrong with weed, but there is something wrong with too much of it. A cautionary tale [more inside]
A Shrieking Blue
Very short, two sparse verses, some pickin'. [more inside]
Todas las mitades del mundo
Very few words, but in many languages.
lofi why
I really like working with a vocalist, and when I don't have one around I get increasingly desperate, and occasionally give up and say stuff. [more inside]
a_hallo wee n_ +tre at
last minute submission for the music challenge, 'spooky' retro-electro goodness with christopher walken.
Cough It Up
A song about dying [more inside]
Night Terrors
Written to satisfy both a Songfight challenge and the mefi music challenge. Who says you can't spook two horses with one chestnut? Featuring three buttons on my accordion.