Music Challenges

The Music Challenges are simple: each month you can pick one idea, or incorporate more than one of the following ideas into a single composition. Be sure to tag your submissions "mefimusicchallenge" so listeners can easily follow along. Got a suggestion? Send it to greenish. The player shown next on each challenge contains all the submissions for that month.

Current Challenge

(No entries.)

MeFi Music Challenge 86
Submission deadline: September 01, 2021

Put your name down for the much-requested collaboration challenge!


If you want to collaborate, sign up in this Music thread or send a MeFi Mail directly to greenish. Please include the following as appropriate:

- I want to:
- I'm looking for someone to:
- I've got an idea:


I want to: share something I've written and see if someone can make something out of it/ sing over something/ share some lyrics I've written and see if someone can write a melody with them

I'm looking for someone to: sing on my piece/play a slappin guitar solo on my thing/write me some words for this melody

etc etc.

Submit your requests anytime over the next fortnight. greenish will start matching people up as soon as there are enough to do so!

Put your additional questions, discussion, etc in the Music thread. Once you've created your collaborative piece, post it here, and remember to tag it mefimusicchallenge and collaborationstation.

This one is going to run for a few months to give everyone time to get together virtually.


Previous Challenges


MeFi Music Challenge 85
Submission deadline: April 30, 2021

Challengers, I present to you: the first Music Challenge of 2021!

This challenge is deliberately open so that you can interpret it in whatever way sparks something good for you. It is:

CHANGES: post something on the subject of Changes. This could be
- A change from your usual oeuvre
- A piece of music about change
- Something using weird chord changes you wouldn't normally involve yourself with
- A change from your usual instrument of choice
- A cover of a song about change
- Something else I haven't thought of

Post your piece on the MeFiMu frontpage, tell us a bit about it if you feel inclined, and remember to tag it with MeFiMusicChallenge and ChChChanges. Questions and discussion etc.? See this Music Talk post about the challenge.

This one is quick and dirty so don't strive for perfection just give us what ya got. Post your challenge before the end of April, when we'll be starting the next one...



MeFi Music Challenge 84
Submission deadline: June 30, 2019

The time has come for another big cover version event, and this time we honour the High Priestess of Weird Pop, her Excellency Ms Kate Bush

We haven't done a big covers challenge for a while, and choosing a favourite KB album is impossible, so I'm throwing it open to her whole catalogue.

This is the longer challenge and will run for the first half of this year, so take your time, pick the track you want to do, and when you're ready upload it and tag it #KateBushBonanza and #MeFiMusicChallenge

I'll be collecting up all the entries at the end, in order to present them back to our comrades with appropriate fanfare. Now, Blow Away and start Waking The Witch...



MeFi Music Challenge 83
Submission deadline: March 31, 2019

I think a change (a change would do you good) would do you good (a change would do you good)

This is the short challenge, running January-March. Take a song which is awkward, irrelevant or problematic in some way and change it up. Beautiful melody but weird sexist lyrics? re-write! Classic tune but way too fast for you to enjoy singing? wind that tempo down!

Post your challenge entries anytime until the end of March, and remember to tag them #ChangeItUp and #MeFiMusicChallenge



MeFi Music Challenge 82
Submission deadline: June 30, 2017

The next challenge is to post music inspired by something you saw on the MetaFfilter frontpage.

Whether it's a cheery ditty or a bleak dirge or something completely different, post something that's been inspired by an FPP.

"everybody needs a hug" applies here too, so please don't be mean or weird about the poster or any commenters in your post.

Tag your post with #MeFiMusicChallenge and #FromTheBlue to make sure it shows up in the challenge playlist!



MeFi Music Challenge 81
Submission deadline: March 31, 2017

A short one-month challenge, so feel free to post something old, new, borrowed and/or blue - so long as there's a story behind it

Post your track and tell us the story behind it! We've had tons of good ones in the past, this challenge should dig up some more of them.

Did you write or record something as a gift ? Cover a song with particular importance to you or someone else? Record something somewhere cool? Use a sample that is special in a particular way? Collaborate with someone of significance? Give us the music and tell us the tale.

Tag your post with #MeFiMusicChallenge and #Storytime to make sure it shows up in the challenge playlist! Chat about the challenge in Music Talk!



MeFi Music Challenge 80
Submission deadline: January 31, 2017

Do The Thing That Scares You

Lets step out of our comfort zones for something completely different.

Google it and you will find a bazillion articles on why it's good for us to do things every day that are out of our comfort zone. I'm not talking "play a slightly tricky cover of a song you like". This needs to be something like:

- sing a song in a language that isn't your first language
- collaborate with someone if you have never done this before
- perform solo if you have never done this before
- record something in a genre you have never worked with before
- go acoustic if you're an electric person, or vice versa

TAKE THE PLUNGE - try something you've never done and don't know if you can. If there's anywhere you can experiment with stuff and not be judged it's here. This is starting to sound a bit too sexy so I'm gonna stop talking about it.

This will be a two-monther in case some of us need time to gear ourselves up for it emotionally/physically/eating for strength. Come discuss the challenge here!

Remember to tag your entries: #MeFiMusicChallenge and #DoWhatScaresYou



MeFi Music Challenge 79
Submission deadline: November 30, 2016

A short and sweet challenge in preparation for the longer December/January one - this November, keep it short and sweet.

Last time we did this, there were some SUPER clever submissions and can you believe that was THREE YEARS AGO?

I mean, clearly the time is passing faster these days so lets not waste any, and create tiny masterpieces that mean the casual passer-by can peruse the entire Music front page within their lunchbreak.

Upload your 60-second piece before December 1st if possible, and don't forget to tag it MeFiMusicChallenge and 60seconds.



MeFi Music Challenge 78
Submission deadline: June 30, 2016

Your challenge, should you choose to accept it: record a song by, with or as a woman.

Well it's two months away but you've probably already seen the cards in the shops, MeFi #JulyByWomen is coming, and it's about time we jumped on that awesome bandwagon.

So, here are the rules for submissions. You have a choice:
- Record a cover of a piece written by a woman or women
- If you are a woman, record absolutely anything you like and post it
- If you are not a woman, record anything you like in collaboration with a woman and post it
- If you are genderfluid/non-binary, you can choose any of the above and rock

Post your submission before June 30th if possible, and don't forget to tag it MeFiMusicChallenge and MusicByWomen



MeFi Music Challenge 77
Submission deadline: July 31, 2015

Your challenge in next couple of months: record a song about a city.

This can be a cover, or an original. It can be recorded on the most pristine and expensive recording equipment, or on your iPhone mic. You can do it alone, or involve others. And you can post it whenever you feel you can't get any further, as if there's one thing a bunch of musicians like, it's being asked for their opinions on music.

Tag your song with MeFiMusicChallenge and CitySongs.

Discuss it on Music Talk here and in Metatalk here.


(No entries.)

MeFi Music Challenge 76
Submission deadline: April 30, 2015

As Mathowie takes up his "retired" badge, lets think back on our time as members of this site and write songs to celebrate our experiences here.

Whether it's a little ditty that captures the mood of your first MeFi Meetup, a confused ode to scanner-ensconced cats, or a paean to our glorious leader, please upload your submission over the next month, and tag them "MeFiMusicChallenge" and "MeFiAnthem".



MeFi Music Challenge 75
Submission deadline: February 28, 2015

The January Challenge: 10-Seconds of Something

Inspired by a suggestion by Jimbob and fueled by the magnificence of this track (I know, it's not ten seconds, but it's like three words), this month the challenge is to record ten seconds of something and make music from it.

You don't have to use the sample whole, you can repeat it or use it once, you can distort it, mash it, stretch it, you can walk it home straight from school, but you have to use ten seconds of something.

Enjoy, and please tag your submissions with MeFiMusicChallenge and 10SecondSample.



MeFi Music Challenge 74
Submission deadline: September 30, 2014

The challenge: write and record your THEME TUNE.

This could be one or more of the following:
- The surging chords you hear as you exit your nearest travel terminal toward your Place Of Employment, ready to tackle another new day
- The twinkling melody that accompanies the smiles you bestow upon your children as they jump on your bed at 6am
- The aching blues that twangs as you realise you are drinking on a Tuesday night because you can't face your cat's judgemental face if you go home and admit you didn't go to the gym again.

Please write, record and post your theme tune before the end of September. Tag your entry MeFiMusicChallenge and ThemeTune; discuss it in Music Talk.



MeFi Music Challenge 73
Submission deadline: May 31, 2014

dagosto has a great suggestion for this challenge: cover a song from your MeFiMu favourites list or one of your playlists. Remember: a good cover does not have to be about improving on the original, but can be about presenting it in a different way. So you don't need to worry about offending the original creator of the piece, not doing them justice, or not being able to top their delivery. The point is simply to do it your way.

Tag your song with "mefimusicchallenge" and "metameta"; talk about the challenge over in Music Talk.



MeFi Music Challenge 72
Submission deadline: February 28, 2014

This two-month challenge: is to pick a book, and a scene or character from that book, and write a song about it.

Tag your songs with "BookMusic" and "mefimusicchallenge"; discuss the challenge in this Music Talk thread.


MeFi Music Challenge 71
Submission deadline: December 31, 2013

It would seem rude not to do a seasonally-relevant challenge at this time of year!

But lower your sleigh-bells for a moment - it's not snowing in Australia and it's not Christmas in Kazakhstan. We're certainly not ruling out the carols (there have been some lovely re-workings of xmas classics here previously), but extra points* will be awarded for any festive submission that manages to dodge the clichés.

Please tag your submissions MefiMusicChallenge and SeasonalSpecial; chat about it here.

*points have a monetary value of nil but may be redeemable for hugs and/or high-fives.


MeFi Music Challenge 70
Submission deadline: November 30, 2013

In 60 seconds or less, how sweet/sad/funny/sexy/hardcore/funky can you get? Can anyone get me out of my chair to dance in that short window of opportunity? Apart from Prince?

Give us your minute masterpiece, tag it MeFiMusicChallenge and 60seconds, talk about it yonder. Ready, set... GO


MeFi Music Challenge 69
Submission deadline: November 01, 2013

It's the Great Request Raffle: folks can put in a request for a specific sort of song, and folks can pull a ticket from the hat (as it were) for a request that they can try and record a song to fulfill.

Tag your songs with "mefimusicchallenge" and "raffle"; talk about it in here.


MeFi Music Challenge 68
Submission deadline: September 01, 2013

A challenge for summer 2013: cover a track from The Rise And Fall of Ziggy Stardust and The Spiders From Mars. Tracks are due by Sept 1st. Tag your song with "mefimusicchallenge" and "ziggystardust". Want to know more details, or what song to cover, or, well, anything? Take a look over here.


MeFi Music Challenge 67
Submission deadline: May 31, 2013

May's challenge is a mindbender. Cover a song (possibly your own) from one era in the style of an earlier one. Tag your entires 'futurecovers' and 'mefimusicchallenge'; discuss it over here.


MeFi Music Challenge 66
Submission deadline: April 30, 2013

April's challenge is to play something backwards. It could be a backwards guitar solo, or a song based off the chords of another song played backwards, or a melody played backwards, or ANYTHING. YOU GET IT, RIGHT? Feel free to tease us by not revealing what the source material, if there is any, is. Tag it 'backwards' and 'mefimusicchallenge' please.


MeFi Music Challenge 65
Submission deadline: March 30, 2013

March challenge is to record something In a time that is odd to you.

It could be as straightforward as 3/4 or even 4/4 if you never play in it, or as complex as you like. 13/8 and 15/8 always seem to be fruitful for me. 5/4 and 7/4 are often fun. But go nuts and feel free to flip a familiar tune into a new metre, or mix up metres, or whatever, really.

Tag your entries 'oddtime' and 'mefimusicchallenge'; discuss the challenge here.


MeFi Music Challenge 64
Submission deadline: February 28, 2013

February's challenge is to record a version of a song, changing it from a major key to a minor one, or vice versa, turning (say) a murder ballad into a jolly polka, or a sunny pop song into a grinding death metal dirge. And hopefully improve it in the process. Tag your entries 'mefimusicchallenge' and 'majorminor'; discuss it here.


MeFi Music Challenge 63
Submission deadline: January 31, 2013

January is a split challenge - do either or both or none. Option A: Write a simple, catchy, singable ditty to replace Happy Birthday. Option B: Record a piece of music on the theme of the year turning. Tag your piece 'mefimusicchallenge' and either 'happybirthday' or 'newyear' as appropriate; talk about the challenge over here.


MeFi Music Challenge 62
Submission deadline: December 31, 2012

December's challenge is, OF COURSE, holiday music! Have at it. Discuss it here; tag your song "mefimusicchallenge" and "holidaymusic2012".


MeFi Music Challenge 61
Submission deadline: November 30, 2012

November's challenge is to help create a MeFiMusic version of the famous intro section from Mike Oldfield's 1973 classic Tubular Bells, as famously featured in The Exorcist. Tag your submissions "mefimusicchallenge" as well as (1) "tubular" if you're doing the Tubular Bells challenge or (2) "augmented" if you'd rather do the other one. Bunch of details and discussion right over here.


MeFi Music Challenge 60
Submission deadline: October 31, 2012

October's challenge is simple: produce a piece of music on the theme of "It Gets Better", for possible inclusion in the MeFi "It Gets Better" video being discussed over in Metatalk.

Tag your entries with "mefimusicchallenge" and "itgetsbetter"; discuss the challenge in Music Talk.


MeFi Music Challenge 59
Submission deadline: September 30, 2012

This month: the Diabolus in Musica! It's the interval of a flattened fifth (e.g. C to F#). September's challenge is to record a piece of music which prominently features the Diabolus. (Note that even a regular dominant seventh chord counts, since it had the interval between the third and the flattenend seventh, for example E and Bb in the C7 chord - but hopefully we can be a bit more adventuresome than that!)

Tag your entries with "mefimusicchallenge" and "diabolus"; discuss the challenge over here!


MeFi Music Challenge 58
Submission deadline: July 31, 2012

This month, we're gonna cover the hell out of Radiohead's OK Computer. And that's that!

Tag your recordings with "mefimusicchallenge" and "OKcomputer"; discuss the challenge and/or ask for a song assignment in this Music Talk thread.


MeFi Music Challenge 57
Submission deadline: June 30, 2012

The challenge for June is to put one of John Cooper Clarke's poems to music. Here's a link to Clarke's official site, where you can find lots of his poetry and inspiration.

Tag your entry with "mefimusicchallenge" and "JohnCooperClarke"; discuss the challenge over in Music Talk.


MeFi Music Challenge 56
Submission deadline: May 31, 2012

MAYDAY! MAYDAY! or, alternately, May Day. The challenge for the fifth month of this year is to write a song using the phrase "may day". Celebrate the labor movement(s), fires/floods/emergencies, Cinco de Mayo, or the birthdays of Georges Will and Lucas, Darius Rucker, Lance Bass, Traci Lords, Don Rickles, Billy Joel, Louis Farrakhan, Jason Biggs or Tony Hawk. Or anything else May-related!

Tag your entry with "mefimusicchallenge" as well as "mayday". Discuss the challenge right here.


MeFi Music Challenge 55
Submission deadline: April 30, 2012

The challenge for April is to use lyrics from everyone's favorite poet who reads his own work like a railway announcer - T.S. Eliot. Specifically, borrow from The Waste Land. Lyrics may be bent, twisted, spindled, folded, mutilated, or assembled into Markov chains, but if you're modifying the original, please make note of what words/parts/stanzas you used as source material.

Tag your entries with "mefimusicchallenge" and "wasteland". Chatter about the challenge over here in Music Talk.


MeFi Music Challenge 54
Submission deadline: March 31, 2012

The March challenge is to write or cover a song which uses the infamous Four Chords of Predetermined Pop Success. That's it. The chords are I V vi IV, or C G Am F in the key of C (transpose to the key of your choice). Feel free to subvert, invert, pervert, mock, or otherwise exploit this cliche of all turn of the century musical cliches.

Please tag your entries 'mefimusicchallenge' and 'fourchords'; chat about it over here.


MeFi Music Challenge 53
Submission deadline: February 29, 2012

Feb's challenge is pretty darn simple. What was the first single you ever bought? Cover it!

If you never bought a single, choose something off the first album, CD, download, whatever.

Tag your entry 'mefimusicchallenge' and 'firstsingle'; discuss the challenge over here.


MeFi Music Challenge 52
Submission deadline: January 31, 2012

According to Fuq, "Everyone needs a theme song to play when they enter a thread". What's yours? (I suppose writing theme music for others would be OK, but only if you ask 'em first. And, y'know, they say yes. Or they ask you. Or, well, you get it.)

Tag it with "thememusic" as well as the standard "mefimusicchallenge". Discussion thread on Music Talk, here.


MeFi Music Challenge 51
Submission deadline: December 31, 2011

It's December, which means it's time to make some holiday music! Do something that fits or intentionally misfits the spirit or the dominant paradigm on of the season.

Bonus points: go wrong like you mean it and make the kind of holiday music that gives holiday music a bad name. For discussion and more ideas along that lines, see this Music Talk thread.

Be sure to tag your submission with "mefimusicchallenge" as well as "holidaymusic2011".


MeFi Music Challenge 50
Submission deadline: November 30, 2011

What's the musical equivalent of a photograph seen but never taken, a letter written but never sent? Your November challenge is to compose or record a song you never wrote. It doesn't have to be original... it might be a cover you always meant to sing to someone. It could be instrumental. It could simply be a crazy technique you thought of but never tried. Imagine yourself saying "This is a song I did not write about...". What comes next?

Tag your entries with "unwritten" as well as the standard "mefimusicchallenge". Discuss the challenge in Music Talk.


MeFi Music Challenge 49
Submission deadline: October 31, 2011

Your challenge for October will be to record a track before you put on your pants (or skirt or whatever your pants-equivalent garment is) in the morning. No matter how long it takes you or what you record, this challenge is going to be done in one sitting after you get up, and you are not getting dressed until it is done.

Tag your song with "pantsless" as well as the standard "mefimusicchallenge". Discuss this challenge over on Music Talk.


MeFi Music Challenge 48
Submission deadline: September 30, 2011

Uncool! The September challenge is to lose your cool, and do something uncool. The more deeply uncool the better. Write a soppy love song, or a kids' tune. Cover Neil Diamond, Supertramp, or THE LADY IN RED. Record a whistling song, or yodel. Unleash your inner progressive rock God/Goddess.

Tag your song with "mefimusicchallenge" and "uncool". Chat about the challenge here.


MeFi Music Challenge 47
Submission deadline: August 30, 2011

Your mission is to record a piece of music based around a riff. The riffiest, most earwormy, balls out, cheap thrills riff you can come up with. It could be an ostinato that runs through the whole song or just a big hook for the chorus.

Tag your song with "riffology" along with "mefimusicchallenge". Music Talk thread discussion the challenge is here.


MeFi Music Challenge 46
Submission deadline: July 31, 2011

Your challenge for July is to record an irrational song or tune - one which has no parts which repeat. Or which in some other sense or to some degree conspicuously eschews the typical repetitive elements in music. More discussion of the idea is available in this Music Talk thread.

Tag your submissions with mefimusicchallenge as normal, as well as irrationalmusic.


MeFi Music Challenge 45
Submission deadline: June 30, 2011

This month's challenge is to write a song of love, or hate, or love and hate, or hate disguised as love, or love disguised as hate, or... well, you get it. Special bonus points for artful combinations of the two.

Discussion thread. Tag your submission with mefimusicchallenge and loveandorhate.


MeFi Music Challenge 44
Submission deadline: May 31, 2011

A whopper from MajorDundee: you have to cover a song by the band/artist you hate the most. Or at least a band or song you heartily dislike, if you're the sort that has trouble picking a least favorite.


MeFi Music Challenge 43
Submission deadline: April 30, 2011

The challenge for this month comes from minifigs: make a recording that is the ultimate distillation of given band or artists work.

Music Talk thread here; tag your entries with "mefimusicchallenge" as well as "ultimatedistillation".


MeFi Music Challenge 42
Submission deadline: March 31, 2011

The challenge for this month, as suggested by moonmilk, is to make an educational or instructive song. History lesson? Teach us how to make an apple pie? Have some unusual knowledge that you would like to empart upon us? Bring it on!

Tag your upload with "eductationalmusic" along with the standard "mefimusicchallenge". Discuss the challenge over here!


MeFi Music Challenge 41
Submission deadline: February 28, 2011

Inspired by this Metafilter post, this month your job is to make a song using lyrics from a novel or other literary work. Discuss the challenge here; be sure to tag your submissions with "mefimusicchallenge" and "litmusic".


MeFi Music Challenge 40
Submission deadline: January 31, 2011

It's January Music Collaboration month! Names have been drawn from hats, and the lucky pairs have to collaborate to create a track together. If you haven't signed up yet and are interested, say so in the Music Talk thread and we can probably figure something out!

Be sure to tag your submissions with "januarycollaboration" along with the standard "mefimusicchallenge".


MeFi Music Challenge 39
Submission deadline: December 31, 2010

For December, we're keeping it simple: just Holiday Music. Not specifying what holiday, country, culture etc. That's up to you and should provide some spice for this challenge. Get your holiday on!

Along with the standard "mefimusicchallenge" tag, be sure to tag your submissions with "HolidayMusic".


MeFi Music Challenge 38
Submission deadline: November 30, 2010

The challenge for this month is challenging. The theme is Vocals Only and it goes like this: Sing anything. It can be absurd, theatrical, sad or lovely. Feel free to use effects but leave your instruments behind.

Tag your song with "vocalsonly" along with the standard "mefimusicchallenge", and check out the discussion thread right here.


MeFi Music Challenge 37
Submission deadline: October 31, 2010

It's that time of year again: for October, let's be scary and anything goes. Just imagine that your producing something for a Halloween party, a Haunted House or even something just to scare the daylights out of trick-or-treaters. Tag your submission with "scary" (even if the song isn't that, exactly) as well as the standard "mefimusicchallenge". Talk about your ideas and your recordings in this thread!


MeFi Music Challenge 36
Submission deadline: September 30, 2010

This months challenge: TRANSPO! Discussion thread here.

Transpo can be any or all of the following: Road trip songs, songs about cars, trucks, bikes, scooters, 18 wheelers, music that sounds like those road machines and anything that gets your gears turning and rubber burning. Hat tips to bonefish and Karlos the Jackal for the inspiration.

Tag your submission with transpo as well as the standard mefimusicchallenge.


MeFi Music Challenge 35
Submission deadline: August 31, 2010

This month: song to burlesque to.

Says divabat, "I'd like to suggest a challenge for MeFi Musicians to come up with songs that would make an awesome burlesque number. It doesn't have to sound like "The Stripper" or anything out of the 40s necessarily (then again that's just my taste), but something fun, danceable, unusual."

Be sure to tag your contributions with burlesque, along with the standard mefimusicchallenge.


MeFi Music Challenge 34
Submission deadline: July 31, 2010

Write a Summer Song: Be it bubblegum or anthem, strive to capture the elusive vibe of the Summer Tune that you actually don't mind hearing over and over, and which works its way into your mind to be endlessly inseparable from a certain time and place. Or something. Can be more literal (hot weather, vacation, etc.) or more about getting the feel of a summer hit, whatever.

In addition to the usual mefimusicchallenge tag, please tag your submission: summersong. Hat tip to chococat!

Discussion thread about this challenge on Music Talk.


MeFi Music Challenge 33
Submission deadline: June 30, 2010

BONUS ROUND: May's challenge is back for an encore.

Cover the song that was #1 on the charts the day you were born. Don't like the song? Use whatever country's chart you want, there's got to be something! In addition to the usual "mefimusicchallenge" tag, please tag your submission with "numberonehit". Thanks to minifigs for the idea.


MeFi Music Challenge 32
Submission deadline: May 31, 2010

Cover the song that was #1 on the charts the day you were born. Don't like the song? Use whatever country's chart you want, there's got to be something! In addition to the usual "mefimusicchallenge" tag, please tag your submission with "numberonehit". Thanks to minifigs for the idea.


MeFi Music Challenge 31
Submission deadline: April 30, 2010

From the mouth of flapjax: "This month of April, starting as it does on the first, is a special one, and calls for a very special, April-y sort of Challenge. So, your mission, Mefi musicians, should you decide to accept it, is... make a song with a half a note. You can take a note and saw it in half, burn half of it off, slice it in half with a razor, whatever. But however you do it, your song must contain ONLY half of a note. No more, no less."


MeFi Music Challenge 30
Submission deadline: March 31, 2010

This month's challenge suggested by Mhead:

"I think a great idea for the music challenge would be to sing the multiplication table. There are high-priced multiplication table songs out there but they are overpriced garbage. You guys could do so much better! Think of all the kids you could help. Many kids, particularly learning disabled, learn the times table by listening to the multiplication table sung to music.

A few suggestions would be to maybe make it fun with a few rhymes here and there ( like three times three is nine… a mighty fine design… three times three is nine), repetition repetition repetition and go slow. You could even have one person do the twos, another the threes and so on."

Be sure to tag your submission "multiplication" in addition to the usual "mefimusicchallenge".


MeFi Music Challenge 29
Submission deadline: February 28, 2010

Cover a "traditional" song. Can be from anywhere, but should meet the following criteria: (a) the origin of the words and/or music is lost in time, and/or (b) that it's at least 100 years old, give or take a year or two. In addition to the usual "mefimusicchallenge" tag, please add the "traditional" tag to your submission. (Hat tip to MajorDundee!)


MeFi Music Challenge 28
Submission deadline: January 31, 2010

You may know (or not), but radio announcer Carl Kassel is a score keeper and judge on an NPR show. The winners of various segments can get his voice on their answering machine.

You also may know (or not), but Carl Kassel is retiring from newscasting.

So, the January 2010 Mefi Music Challenge is: make up jingles and such for Carl Kassel's answering machine. It might be fun to make up a CD of these and send it to him!

Let's open the idea up a bit more for those not interested in the Carl Kassel angle: make an outgoing message for anyone's answering machine: yours, some favorite Mefite's, some other public figure's, God's... the sky's the limit. But speaking of limits, let's keep in mind, we're going for brevity and punch here. Something you could really imagine as an outgoing message.

(Hat tip to cjorgensen and flapjax at midnite for the challenge suggestions.)


MeFi Music Challenge 27
Submission deadline: December 31, 2009

This month's Challenge: submit a holiday song. As if you couldn't have guessed! But that's it, really, just a SEASONAL HOLIDAY SONG. Cover or rendition of a well-known or little-known Christmas song? Sure! Your own original holiday-related number? Whatever you like! We're going to take things nice and easy this month, without a lot of pesky and demanding details or requirements. Consider it your [insert holiday of choice] present, friends!

Extra points, though, if you cover a standard Christmas or Hanukkah song or carol in a different time signature. That'll be cool.

Be sure to tag it "holidaymusic", along with the standard "mefimusicchallenge".


MeFi Music Challenge 26
Submission deadline: November 30, 2009

Planet Kyoto suggests: "The Ballad of Balloon Boy". Sounds good, but let's open it up a bit more... other likely candidates: "The TSA Took My Baby Blues", or "The Scientology Shuffle". Something topical, kids. Have at it! Be sure to add the standard "mefimusicchallenge" tag as well as "topicalsong".


MeFi Music Challenge 25
Submission deadline: October 31, 2009

It went like gangbusters last year, so, hey, if it ain't broke, don't fix it, right? This October, again, is SCARY SONG MONTH. Submit something appropriate for Halloween! In addition to the usual "mefimusicchallenge" tag, please tag your submission "scary".


MeFi Music Challenge 24
Submission deadline: September 30, 2009

Cover another Mefi musician's LYRICS ONLY. Use the lyrics from another users song posted to Metafilter Music, but not anything else. Your submission should feature an entirely different melody and arrangement from the original. Lyrics should remain intact, faithful to the original. In addition to the usual "mefimusicchallenge" tag, please tag your song "mefilyricscover". (Thanks to mediocre for the suggestion.)


MeFi Music Challenge 23
Submission deadline: August 31, 2009

Compose a MetaFilter Music jingle, ring tone or sound logo. One simple rule: your submission must be 30 seconds long or less. Be sure to tag it with "underthirtyseconds".


MeFi Music Challenge 22
Submission deadline: July 31, 2009

This month, Mefi musicians are covering songs from what's been called (among other things) one of the most prophetic albums of the 1960s. Or of all time. Or something. Anyway, the record is The Velvet Underground & Nico, and songs have been (and are being) assigned. There are 30-plus participants already on board as of now (July 1), and if you'd like to join the list, please go to the Music Talk thread and let us know you'd like to join. A song will be assigned you.


MeFi Music Challenge 21
Submission deadline: June 30, 2009

Cover Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah". Even if you're not the first on your block!


MeFi Music Challenge 20
Submission deadline: May 31, 2009

1. 'cover,' so to speak, the very first song you ever wrote, or if you can't remember which one that was, one of your earliest songs. Take the song and update it with your current skills, sensibilities, instruments and recording capabilities. And if you just happen to have an older recording of it, post that in the same file, or on a consecutive day, so we can compare! Please tag your submission: "remake", as well as the usual "mefimusicchallenge". (suggested by ORthey, with some slight additions from flapjax)

2. make... chase scene music! Please tag your submission: "chasescene" and/or "chase", as well as the usual "mefimusicchallenge". (suggested by Hoopo)


MeFi Music Challenge 19
Submission deadline: April 30, 2009

1. Make a song using only two chords. (suggested by cortex)

2. Make a song for a very specific occasion, i.e. a song for chopping onions, or a song for putting on your socks, or a song for turning the ignition in your car.. that kinda thing. (suggested by abc123xyzinfinity)


MeFi Music Challenge 18
Submission deadline: March 31, 2009

March MeFiMu Challenge: "Amnesty Month" - submit songs based on any previous music challenge that you may have missed. suggested by AppleSeed


MeFi Music Challenge 17
Submission deadline: February 28, 2009

LYRIC Challenge: You must include this exact phrase somewhere in your song (either in LOL-speak or as the actual words the letters represent): OMG WTF BBQ. From this comment by Mister_A

MUSIC Challenge: Make choral music. Whether you pull together a genuine, full-blown choir, or use vocal or choir samples, or multitrack your own voice 20 times, it's gotta be choral music: voices only. Please tag your submission: "choral". Suggested by Galvatron.

WILDCARD Challenge: Your submission must consist of a single track (no overdubbing) in which you perform on an instrument in a way that the instrument is not "meant" to be played. Bang on your tuba. Drop ping pong balls on your acoustic guitar. Push your piano out a 2nd story window. That kind of thing. Please tag your submission: "wrong". Suggested by flapjax at midnite.


MeFi Music Challenge 16
Submission deadline: January 31, 2009

LYRIC Challenge: You must include this exact phrase somewhere in the lyrics to your song: "it's just banjo and booze for the rest of my life." From THIS comment by RussHy (and thanks to davejay for suggesting it!):

MUSIC Challenge: Use the lyrics from another user's song already posted to MeFiMu, but not anything else. The song shouldn't resemble the original in any way: melody, arrangement, anything. But it must have the same lyrics. Suggested by mediocre

WILDCARD Challenge: Record a song to be played simultaneously with another song on MetaFilter Music. Suggested by arcane crowbar.


MeFi Music Challenge 15
Submission deadline: December 31, 2008

This month's Challenge (only one this month) is a holiday theme: Make a "broken" Christmas song. For example, cover a typically cheerful tune like "Jingle Bells" or "Santa Claus is Coming To Town" in a minor key, or full of sludge-doom guitars and growling vocals. Or make your own original Christmas song, but make it ominous, or scary, or violent. Just somehow... inappropriate. Suggested by flapjax at midnite. Please tag your selections with "brokenchristmassong".


MeFi Music Challenge 14
Submission deadline: November 30, 2008

LYRIC Challenge: You must use this exact phrase in your submission: "I kept thinking of all those other words I know" from THIS COMMENT by Fuzzy Skinner

MUSIC Challenge: Spoiler tv series theme music.
In the early days of television, viewers were introduced to a show each week with a theme song that described the show's premise: "Mr. Ed" told us a horse would talk, "Gilligan's Island" let us know the cast had only planned on a three hour tour (a three hour tour), etc. Create a theme song for a television series (imaginary or real) using lyrics that explain the premise. Suggested by lothar (with slight modification by flapjax at midnite) Please tag your submission: TVseriesTheme

WILDCARD Challenge: Submit a song that is less than one minute long. suggested by ORthey - Please tag your submission: LessThanAMinute


MeFi Music Challenge 13
Submission deadline: October 31, 2008

This month's Challenge: A good HALLOWEEN song. Or something, you know, scary. Otherwise, there's a special one month extension on LAST MONTH'S Challenges. Yes, you still have a chance to work with one (or more) of those! So get to it!


(No entries.)

MeFi Music Challenge 12
Submission deadline: September 30, 2008

LYRIC Challenge: You must use this exact phrase in your song: "I meant to say tweaked out freak." from this comment by MaryDellamorte.

MUSIC Challenge: Cover a song that is sung in a language you don't speak. suggested by: p3t3

WILDCARD Challenge: MeFiMu Mashup! Your submission must use ONLY samples grabbed from at least two or more MeFi Music songs. suggested by: PeterMcDermott


MeFi Music Challenge 11
Submission deadline: August 31, 2008

LYRIC Challenge: Include this exact phrase in your song: "If you're not at least a little scared, you're doing it wrong". [tag: "lyricchallenge"] From this comment by loquacious.

MUSIC Challenge: Make a children's song about a bug, or bugs in general. [tags: "musicchhallenge" , "childrenssong" and "bugs"] suggested by: Appleseed

WILDCARD Challenge: Click "Random" on the Mefi Menu and write a song incorporating the text and comments of the FPP you arrive upon (discretion of how MUCH text to use is up to the musician). [tags: "wildcardchallenge" and "randommefipost"] suggested by: Zephyrial


MeFi Music Challenge 10
Submission deadline: July 30, 2008

LYRIC Challenge: you must include this exact phrase in your submission: "I burned this song" -- from this comment by umbú

MUSIC Challenge: Make "Spy Music". Something that would be at home in an old-school James Bond movie or Man From U.N.C.L.E. episode. suggested by: stavrosthewonderchicken

WILDCARD Challenge: Do any song (your own or a cover) in a STYLE you despise. suggested by: not_on_display


MeFi Music Challenge 9
Submission deadline: June 30, 2008

LYRIC Challenge: you must include this exact phrase in your submission: "Life is all about conflicting desires" from this comment

MUSIC Challenge: cover a MeFiMu song by another MeFier. Please LINK to original when you submit your cover version! Suggested by: Several MeFiers. Thanks to all!

WILDCARD Challenge: submit music using only your body as a sound source (can include vocalizing), no instruments. Suggested by: bitterkitten
