7 posts tagged with ambient by Doleful Creature.
Displaying 1 through 7 of 7.
Ochre Cloud
More experimental ambient sketching. Inspired by a sunset I saw today.
Wizard of Oz IV
More experimentation with synths and fx. [more inside]
The Shape of the Sword
Title track for a work-in-progress album under my new ambient moniker Foreign Buildings. [more inside]
The Gospel of Beasts
A track for my newly-formed ambient pseudonym Foreign Buildings. Title based on a misheard quote. [more inside]
work-in-progress track for a concept band/album. [more inside]
Ancient Hovercraft
More experimentation with "ambient electronic" music. Now with mellotron flutes! [more inside]
Four Chord Flower Song
For the March challenge, the four chords of pop success arranged in a slow sort of orchestral ambient thingy. [more inside]