11 posts tagged with pop by Brodyaga.
Displaying 1 through 11 of 11.

Lama (Malcolm Holmes' OMD Remix) by @Ummagma

Just as the seasons can see a categorical change in all the features embodied in this one unifying phenomenon we call 'the weather', so too can a song be totally turned on its head from the original version, doing a near about-face.... that is what happened to this track in this remix by Malcolm Holmes, famous for his participation in legendary synthpop group Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark (OMD). [more inside]
posted by Brodyaga on Dec 7, 2015 - 2 comments

Lama by @Ummagma

Two of my favourite bands in the world are Stereolab and Cocteau Twins and another band whose music I find greatly inspiring is Pink Floyd. This song is a pure project of this triangular love for these three bands. Enjoy!
posted by Brodyaga on Aug 31, 2015 - 4 comments

River Town

Where does one genre begin and another one stop? I'm asking myself the very same question every time I hear that this song is indie or pop rock or folk rock or dream pop. Well, whatever one calls it, I hope you enjoy this. [more inside]
posted by Brodyaga on Dec 29, 2014 - 1 comment


A mix of cultures often results in something beautiful - interesting art, world views, beautiful babies and intriguing music. And you don't have to be from either of those cultures to appreciate how wonderful this can be. This song represents a melange of two cultural infusions - from Canada and Ukraine. This is Ummagma. Enjoy. [more inside]
posted by Brodyaga on Oct 31, 2014 - 2 comments

The Calm Kiev

We once used to wonder what it would sound like to whip up a healthy feisty mix of dream pop and hip hop - rap and now, thanks to this tasty earbite, we have an idea. Definitely taking a walk on the dark side, underlined by both the music and vocals, this is still definitely worth the listen.
posted by Brodyaga on Apr 10, 2014 - 1 comment

Ummagma - River Town (Mind Movies Remix)

This is one Ummagma track that has been totally turned on it's head, taking what was a dreampop folkrock-ish track and utterly transforming it into an whirling electro-dance track with traces of vocals from Shauna McLarnon. [more inside]
posted by Brodyaga on Nov 15, 2013 - 4 comments


For anyone who loves Tortoise and especially the fired up drive of their first two albums, or maybe Sputniks Down, you will likely love an ear-scoop of this Ummagma track. [more inside]
posted by Brodyaga on May 2, 2013 - 5 comments


While the term space rock is kicked around quite often these days, there is something else out there: space pop. This song epitomizes that term, as reflected in the title itself. Poppy, spacey and ethereal trip to the cosmos. [more inside]
posted by Brodyaga on Apr 18, 2013 - 0 comments


For some of the best things in life, intensity builds as anticipation kicks in. That is what this Ummagma track is for me - with layer on layer, building a sort of icicle/sand castle that never melts or washes away. It just builds and then takes flight. I hope you will feel the same. Of course, there is that The Smiths thing happening - happy music, depressing lyrics. Rightly so. Spot on - have a read. [more inside]
posted by Brodyaga on Apr 8, 2013 - 5 comments

Lama (Jane Woodman Remix)

This remix of the track "Lama" does not outright flip the original version on its head, though it does dress it in a murkier shade of darkgaze (darkwave). The bright dreamy element from the original version spills over into this version too, so as to not detract from the original point of this song in the first place. I hope you enjoy it. Your feedback is most welcome.
posted by Brodyaga on Apr 1, 2013 - 0 comments


It's funny how sometimes it takes all but a few minutes to write a song, while the development of another song can really stretch out. This was one of those stretches - "Risky" was a song that was written "in chunks" - the basic instrumental bit was written in Kyiv, Ukraine before a big move to western Ukraine and then to Canada, where the rest was written & recorded before finally being dragged back to Ukraine, where it was properly mixed and mastered. The time span from start to finish: 5 years. All that moving around was us, by the way, not just the tracks bouncing around in cyber space. Thus is the history of this track. I'm posting the lyrics too if anyone wants to have a go at them or "sing along" …. yeah, right… any feedback is welcome. Peace. [more inside]
posted by Brodyaga on Mar 26, 2013 - 4 comments

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