678 posts tagged with acoustic.
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aint no rest for the wicked - cover
Cover of cage the elephant's song aint no rest for the wicked.
Kylie vs. The Ex
A heart-breaking tale of love, loss and relatively famous Antipodean sirens. [more inside]
At the Drive-In
Triibute dedicated to Bret Michaels. Rock on, brother.
April 23
A rendering of a theme, to start thinking about what it could be in a song. Kind of happy.
I can't tell if the glass is half full or half empty on this song. But that's ok. Ambiguity is all right. [more inside]
14 Candles
Ready To Rock
Solo, live at CAY in Aoyama, Tokyo, April 14, 2010, accompanying myself on the strumstick. Video of this same performance at YouTube or Vimeo.
To Tennessee
Recorded April 7, 2010, in a conference room in Ichikawa, Chiba, Japan. For this tune I'm using one of my sardine can sanzas. Video of this same performance may be seen at YouTube.
Fighting the Civil War
The recent announcement of Virginia's "Confederate History Month", and this comment in particular, in a Mefi thread about it, inspired me to write this song. [more inside]
Better Take Care of Me
Recorded April 7, 2010, in a conference room in Ichikawa City, Chiba, japan. The instrument is a kind of mouthbow, although it's not actually bow-shaped: it's one of these. Video of this same performance at YouTube.
Dance Into the Fire
A brand new song, from a gig I did on March 25, 2010, at Super Deluxe here in Tokyo. Video of this same performance at YouTube here.
Another live recording from my new band, Medicine Bone (previously). This is one of band-mate Ken Shima's songs, which he's singing here. I'm on walking drums. I love drumming to this tune. Video of this same performance on YouTube.
acoustic Joy Division cover [more inside]
Not So Kind
A very short little song wherein I take the harshly honest route toward an old friend. [more inside]
Really quick and dirty, from memory. R.I.P Alex. [more inside]
Sitting On Top of the World
This is my other brand new band, the Ghost Steppers. We do old-time, early blues, jug band, mountain music: all traditional stuff, no originals. Here's our rough-and-ready take on an old favorite, originally written and recorded by the Mississippi Sheiks, that's been interpreted by many, many folks over the years. I've changed the lyrics a bit (maybe more than a bit) but that's part of the longstanding folk tradition, of course. Video of this same performance at YouTube here.
Caminito verde
A tribute. [more inside]
Shangri-La (Live Bootleg Cut)
This is a live recording of my new song Shangri-La. The audio was recorded on a handheld recorder by one of the audience members. Apologies for the dodgy sound quality...but I just had to post my first bootleg! [more inside]
I'm Worried About You
Here's my new band, Medicine Bone, from our official first gig at Velvet Sun in Ogikubo, Tokyo, February 27, 2010. Ken Shima is on guitar, and sings plenty of his own tunes in the band too: it's a collaborative effort. This is one of my tunes, though, a blues. Video of this same performance at YouTube.
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The World is Only Bad
An acoustic/alt-country (I suck at picking a genre) song off my album I recorded last year. [more inside]
Killing All My Friends
Love song meets murder ballad. [more inside]
Tumbalalaika, a traditional Russian Jewish love song. Generally sung in Yiddish, presented here in English. [more inside]
Year of Jubilo
This month's challenge isn't much of a challenge for someone who plays oldtime music anyway, but I figure I get extra points for recording this American Civil War era tune on my new gourd banjo. [more inside]
María tero lero lé
One for the 'traditional' challenge. [more inside]
Easy Street
The acoustic, live version of my song Easy Street. [more inside]
Little Bug on the Floor
This fast and dirty recording is from the mic on a Sony CyberShot camera. It's no audiophile's dream, for sure, but I just felt like getting some recent jaw harp tunes down to live video the other day, as I had a free hour in a big conference room. The room is definitely present in the recording. Anyway, video of this performance can be seen at YouTube and Vimeo. [more inside]
You Came Out of Nowhere
i keep thinking there's something i need to do - and i keep not doing it... Recorded live in performance at Nana Hari, Hachobori, Tokyo. Here I'm accompanying myself on the strumstick. Video at YouTube and Vimeo. [more inside]
Only Passing Through
...we're all in Folsom Prison, but there ain't no Johnny Cash... Recorded live in performance at Nana Hari, Tokyo, on January 17, 2010. For this song I'm playing the Vietnamese jaw harp known as the Dan Moi. Video of this performance at YouTube and Vimeo.
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As I Slowly Disappear
Recorded live in performance at Nana Hari, Tokyo, on January 17, 2010. Accompanying myself on the strumstick. Video at YouTube and Vimeo. [more inside]
Cowboy's Dream
A first stab at an old-time fiddle tune I've been obsessed with lately. [more inside]
Snow Drop
An old-time tune I recorded a few years ago, solo clawhammer banjo. [more inside]
The Garden of Forking Paths
This Borges-inspired track appears on the new Steve Goldberg and the Arch Enemies EP, Labyrinths, available now for streaming and download. The demo was posted here. [more inside]
O Little Town of Bethlehem
O Come, O Come Emmanuel
Just a little carol we recorded for our holiday card. roll truck roll on dulcimer, firemonkey on trumpet and horn. [more inside]
douce nuit
Short, with improvised and awkwards chunks, various mistakes, and a outro that flirts with crashlanding. Peace.
The Wassail Song
The Ballad of Cherry Hill
This is the lead-off track from the forthcoming EP, Labyrinths, by Steve Goldberg and the Arch Enemies, to be released 1/7/10. It's a wistful slice of indie-pop about insomnia, suburban isolation, and the boredom of hometowns. [more inside]
Angeline the Baker
Traditional old-time fiddle tune in D, instrumental clawhammer banjo & guitar. [more inside]
The Undiscovered Country Song
A quiet song about looking around for all the people you've misplaced over the years.
Guitar, piano, cello, recorded live using a field recorder. Vocals overdubbed later at home.
Unreleased from a new Tangemeenie side-project my wife Lori will eventually also contribute vocals to, called "The Wishing Well Divers." [more inside]
Sandy Boys
A traditional old-timey tune as recorded by my pseudonymous string band, Crookneck John. [more inside]
Broken Wheel (skelp version)
Having used my current DAW for the last 3 years, and spending countless hours re-recording tracks that were too slow, I finally discover that it does have a varispeed function. Just how fucking dumb is that.......? [more inside]
The Christian Life
Cover of a Byrds cover of an old Louvin Brothers song. [more inside]
Reincarnation Blues
What I would sound like if I were trying to sound like Bob Dylan - if Dylan were simultaneously "bringin' it" and "keepin' it real". [more inside]
For my first MeFiMu post, I decided to whip up a recording of this bit o'sad bastard piano balladry. It's a rough recording, all pretty much first takes, but I think it works well enough.
(And no, despite the title, this is not a Halloween challenge entry.) [more inside]
Broken Wheel (edit)
Turbocharged acoustic. Love and regret. So it goes. [more inside]
Texas 89
A song I wrote about a trip to Texas with a girl in 1989. [more inside]
The Bottom Falls Out of the Clouds (demoriffic version)
cortex was kind enough to let me borrow the lyrics from his song "The Bottom Falls Out of the Clouds" (which he wrote for the first ever MeFi Music Challenge), and allow me to set them to new folky/acoustic/lo-fi music for this month's challenge. [more inside]
The Comfort Of Strangers (Eleanor Says)
Ghosts. [more inside]
Slow Time
An abandoned demo that starts light, gets heavier, and ends slow. [more inside]
Make Your Mind Up!
A modest and lightweight acoustic ditty wherein dad inserts pipe, ruminatively scratches his arse and proceeds to patronise wayward offspring.... [more inside]