141 posts tagged with Music.
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Sandy River Belle
Another quick rendition of a traditional tune on the banjo.
Old Joe Clark
A quick rendition of the traditional tune on an Enoch banjo with a touch of guitar.
Jr. High School Man
I recorded two albums with my band The Tower of Dudes. One of the albums was recorded in my apartment with a minimal amount of equipment. The other album was recorded in a studio with a lot of good equipment.
I have my own feelings about the two different recording experiences, but I am curious about your thoughts: [more inside]
The Hurr Durr Swamp
A track I put together in an afternoon to test some MIDI software. [more inside]
Heart Of The City
This song is an ode to my hometown, Chicago. [more inside]
To Mom:
Song I made wrote for my mom. I didn't write it for mother's day but I figured I'd post it since today was mother's day. [more inside]
Hey Gay Ladies
A song JaiMahodara put together for our good friends, a lesbian couple, by request. The song is meant to be silly and a little tongue in cheek, so we hope no one takes offense. [more inside]
Island Music
Come! Enjoy the traditional island music and bask in the random notes!
Pulling Teeth
Another song in the 'I'm trying my hand at writing and recording rock music single-handedly in my bedroom' project. Looking for criticism, suggestions, tips, etc. - on mixing especially. [more inside]
Full Science
A rock ode to the bat that clung to the Space Shuttle Discovery. Thoughts? [more inside]
My Money's Worth In Blood
So, I've been experimenting with writing and recording pop music - currently in my bedroom with garageband. I'm an amateur. I may have gotten a little effect happy on this one. But hey, it's a start. [more inside]
A Very Difficult Etude for Two Instruments
Another older piece I composed, in 2006. It uses a sort of minimalist, pseudo-metric modulation that, even though the tempo stays the same throughout, creates a kind of time-warpy impression. [more inside]
I thought I'd throw a few older compositions up here for fun. This is a short piano trio I composed in 2004. Lots of extended techniques and other academic foolery. But it still rocks a little, when it does.
Watching You Sleep
Wow, yet another electro-acoustic song, this time from Thanks To Science, We've Got Love. [more inside]
just one of those days - weight-o-the world is so too much, it's funny
Cover Me
This another electro-acoustic tune of mine with distinct hints of Ennio Morricone. [more inside]
I Talk To Myself
This song started off as a 30 second pitch for a cell phone commercial. [more inside]
Killing All My Friends
Love song meets murder ballad. [more inside]
Sealed With A Kiss
This is a kind of electro-acoustic-surf cover of a song that's been covered to death. The version I know was Bobby Vinton's. [more inside]
He's A Man
A little something my "group" (Obscure Reference and I) put together.
Ashokan Farewell
My string trio playing 'Ashokan Farewell,' a new American tune. [more inside]
the song you changed
rough cut of a song i am in the process of writing [more inside]
Our Town
Just another game song i was working on...tried to make it sound like a lazy laid back easy going town theme ... let me know how i did ..
evil boss theme
This is a song i am working on for a theme to one of the bosses in an RPG i am working on with my brother.
Soft piano with acoustic backing... [more inside]
i made this song a while back with fruityloops3. I just recently remixed it with FL Studio 7. was curious if i would get any feedback...good or bad
Juan and Benito
Juan and Don Benito discuss the heroes from their childhoods. [more inside]
Staring at a VDU
A VDU is, of course, a video display unit. A song about one of the things the Web has made: Millions of people who sit all day long staring at a screen. [more inside]
Facebook Profile
Although not strictly part of this month's challenge, I would like to point out that this song, which deals with how our social media lives on after we die, is heavily inspired by "Waiting for My Man." [more inside]
by Fralex9. Recorded March 21, 2009 at Studio A, Seattle, Washington Vocals and guitar: Sken, Bass: Jim Hartley, Drums: Abraham Calleros Recording and mixing by Matt Hanrahan
Put It Online
A song about oversharing. [more inside]
Jill Turned On the Radio
Yet another from my series of glam and punk inspired songs about the series of tubes we call the Interweb. [more inside]
Hidden Places / Secret Spaces
by Fralex9. Recorded March 21, 2009 at Studio A, Seattle, Washington
Vocals and guitar: Sken
Bass: Jim Hartley
Drums: Abraham Calleros
Recording and mixing by Matt Hanrahan
All right - second track from my in-the-works EP. Constructive criticism appreciated! [more inside]
Give Up On Us
Folksie fun-times with my band, Borachio. (I'm on drums.) We did this in my guest room, separately, so it's only so decent, but hopefully you'll see what we're going for.
A birthday present for my girlfriend a year or two ago. [more inside]
if the beating of our hearts outpace the ticking of the clock we'll be okay
this is the second song i've written in 10 years, and the first good one.
We all have our obsessions.
Exotic Newcastle Disease
This is a new track by my band, Royal Quiet Deluxe -- I play an amplified typewriter for percussion, Tim plays guitar, and two chickens vocalize and play keys. Also, a phone recording of a PSA about Exotic Newcastle Disease in Southern California is mixed in along with crickets, locusts, and other summer sounds in the Virginia mountains. [more inside]
The Shape of Water
A friend's Tweet caught my ear. I tried to get it out of my head. It didn't work. [more inside]
This song liberally samples a song by Beri Saharof by the same name. What you never heard of Beri Saharof? Check him out, he's pretty good, sings mostly in hebrew, what with him being israeli. I discovered his music in an excellent movie called Saint Clara, good luck finding that one! This one sounds especially good in a car once the bass line kicks in.
Out of Gas
Probably my best song on my new album "Objects in Space". One of the few songs I've ever sung on. Excellent turntable work by E_B_A. You can download this, and any of my music at my website popamericana.com/76.
Royal Quiet Deluxe
This is a live recording of Royal Quiet Deluxe, my band from 1998. The track features manipulated drum machines and vocals, bass, and two chickens playing keyboards. [more inside]
Say U.N.C.L.E.
It's a cover, but not exactly. I was too lazy to figure out the whole song, so I just took the basic hook and had some fun with it. First time working in Reason.
Fake It
Kind of a loud rock song. First single off my next album.
Munich - 1970HundredThirtyTwoFifty
Another tale (the first, and only) involving Agent Expatokeydokey.. The fire sounds are from a hookah coal. The noise is from a failing cable from the psr-520.. or from me
The Spyware who lagged me
mmmm spy music [more inside]
My Song
Actually, I'm only a arranger, music is composed by computer (software "Virtual Music Composer"). [more inside]
A community recording project
I'll try to have the final version up tomorrow. Details inside. [more inside]
A laptop-demo of a song that I'm doing currently live solo + live with a band. This version if solo + looped, so it's one take, but I'm looking to record it for real pretty soon - so please, I beseech you for constructive criticism! Gracias!