368 posts tagged with synth.
Displaying 351 through 368 of 368. Subscribe:
- Grandhorse by CarrotAdventure
- Wanda's Vision by CarrotAdventure
- E-Lane by CarrotAdventure
- Moon Arp by CarrotAdventure
- White Boy Summer by CarrotAdventure
- top hats by CarrotAdventure
- pravdup by CarrotAdventure
- Hoverbike by CarrotAdventure
- Arp and Piano by CarrotAdventure
- D-March by CarrotAdventure
- Anne L. Log by CarrotAdventure
- Five Golden Synths by CarrotAdventure
- Flying Fortress by ignignokt
- Crest by q*ben
- Moving Walkways by ignignokt
- ...And All Her Angels Are Wolves by Wolfdog
- Happy Like a Hand Grenade by Wolfdog
- Nice, Nice by Wolfdog
- Whatever You Do (Don't Dance) by Wolfdog
- Out of Metal and Wire by Wolfdog
- Uncontrollable by Wolfdog
- Till The Bells Bring Us Home by Wolfdog
- Chilliwack by CarrotAdventure
- Slopes by CarrotAdventure
- If I Can (You Can Too) by Wolfdog
Out of several tunes in various states of completion for the RPM project, this is the most presentable. In use for this track are: voice, talking drum, bells (metal and wooden), guiro, synth bass and organ. Every so often I write a song which is overtly political (a protest song, for want of a better term), and this is one of them.
One of the better songs I have lined up for my first album (which is still in its early stages). Heavy drums, synth, happiness. Also, this is my first post to MeFi Music.
an overwhelmingly ambient texture, pierced with many elements of various density - scraped percussion, Latin and bluegrass gestures, strings, somber guitar notes and swirling electronics. Very soundtrack, very visual, particuarly for fans of Gustavo Santaolalla.
The Reddish Egret
Egret's (of the Reddish variety) are musically inspiring. This track is divided by two tempo changes (see if you can spot them!) and is thus in three parts. I figure a bird as cool as the Reddish Egret deserves a musical trilogy. Also, the high-pitched vocal sample is actually a rendering of the last note Thom Yorke sings on the opening track of The Eraser.
Before It Dies
Here is a "Mahayana Jazz" track with some tasty drums. I hope you find this delicious and remember to get away from that tree before it dies.
Until You Kiss Me
"i blew across the great plains like a plastic bag / from the broken heart of town to the dock of the bay / there ain't that much to say about the wide wide world / people everywhere just sleepwalk in their own little way / and ain't no hope of waking up / until you kiss me babe"
Party People (Get On the Dancefloor)
This is a recently recorded song that'll probably go on my next release. I'm not sure yet about the mix, but I guess it's good enough in its current state for a spin around the MeFi block. Party down y'all. [lyrics inside]</small]
2012 Overture
Inspired by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky's "1812 Overture", I constructed a beginning synth composition and then borrowed the climatic final progression for the conclusion of my piece.
I created this the first time I really fired-up Garageband, sometime in May of 2005. It's a cliche of itself, provoking nostalgia, and makes me laugh out-loud. Hope you enjoy it and please let me know what you think!
Three Dimensional
Absolutely ridiculous synth-and-spoken-word composition I recorded to
cut my teeth on Reason.
melty mono synth on the 1:43 / crunchy manganese beats on the rusty flip
This is a song I did in 1995 with my band Verge on the album Little Idiot.
This recording is entirely the product of the studio, but we would play it live too. (We'd drag out a lot of gear that would barely function at times to do just that...)
We made this recording in the basement of my loft (at the time, sigh) in Williamsburg sometime between 1993 and 1995, sequencing it on a Mac IIci computer with no sampling or digital audio though we did record onto a digital 8-track tape recorder (remember "tape"?) so the guitar solos and voice and synth and things are pretty well as they occurred.
Hydrogen Eyeliner
A little synthesizer track I've been working on. E-lec-tron-ic, yeah!
Iran To Pursue Atomic Research Despite Russian Plan
Creepy, moody synthballad about geopolitical nuclear politics, circa March 2006.
Lovely & Charming (Live in SF, 2002) - Audiosports
Oh, you have so many secrets!
for more see http://www.albertoforero.com
Space 2
A short journey between the stars
Cultural Amnesia is a group that I was in during the early 80s and a quarter of a century later we are still, occasionally, doing it. SeaSong is a track we recorded in 2004. We did record some songs earlier this year, but they're not fully buffed up for release yet. There will be a vinyl record of our old stuff released later this year.
Just a little thing I did with Garage Band and my M-Audio Keystation. I think it'd make a good title screen for a video game.