377 posts tagged with Ambient.
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Wobbles & Drums
This week's ambient office jam, deeper and darker than last week. [more inside]
Rings and Marbles
I've been using a modular setup to produce background music in my office. This is me playing around with this week's patch.
lockdown feels ...
the isolation and confusion of a UK lockdown ...
Brittle Hope
Made this somewhat experimental ambient-ish piece last night, feeling a tiny bit of hope about the world. It's based on slowed-down samples of a hang-drum, with a keyboard part doing most of the rest. [more inside]
Wisdom Like Silence
Dark, ambient, noise, instrumental. Guitars, bass, programmed drums. [more inside]
A bit of a collab that happened via an ill-formed idea for a twitch stream. User Carrot Adventure is in the mix. Can you guess where.
Pendopo Pod
ambient jam
This is the first track from my album Rituals. It's an instrumental. I make vocal music primarily, and the two instrumentals on this album ("Full" and "Fugue") are the first two instrumentals I've produced. [more inside]
Storm Clouds Of Jupiter - part 1
Abstract spacey synth doodle. [more inside]
Patchwork Parallel
Acid/Techno/Chillout/Ambient electronic music in the style of Chemical Brothers and Kruder and Dorfmeuster DJ Kicks! era [more inside]
Wintry Mix
An ambient/drone piece from my newly released album Float (pay-what-you-want on Bandcamp). I'm breaking a habit of expressing anxiety and foreboding through my music, and aiming to spread some tranquility and wonder instead. [more inside]
The Bridges of Amsterdam (Original Soundtrack)
These Few Hours (Original Soundtrack)
Instrumental piece I recorded for the Short, "These Few Hours".
Just some four-on-the-floor.
Happy Birthday Gordon Lightfoot
Open to the Sky
Dark ambient "uneasy listening" from my new Bandcamp release, 11 Spells.
Software and Eurorack synthesizers.
Vox Inhumana
From my newly released album of the same name, at starthief.bandcamp.com. Something on a spectrum of drone/ambient/abstract electronica. [more inside]
Soundtrack I Recorded for the Short "Inhumane"
I recently recorded this soundtrack for the short "Inhumane". I have linked the video below if watching the finished product is more your speed. let me know what you think.
A Natural Carpet
A psuedo-guitar-like ambient song performed on modular synthesizer. This is the third track on my new release Nereus, available on Bandcamp. [more inside]
A slow-building ambient jam / soundscape inspired by VCV Rack. [more inside]
High Tide (Soundtrack Composed for a Silent Short)
This is a piece I recorded for a silent short comprised of Public Domain footage from 1936 taken from the Prelinger Archives. let me know if you'd like me to share the video.
Cymbal Drone in G Major
Digging back into some old ambient/noise/drone ideas.
Synth, guitar, and bowed cymbal. [more inside]
Dance Like Everyone's Watching
Carbon 7 - these things just go where they go. From our new release, Operation Fishbowl. This one clocks in at 13 minutes, with a bit of a Latin flair in spots, which is odd for us. [more inside]
An ambient-ish electronic composition in 3 movements. (17:21, 120bpm, C) As yet untitled. [more inside]
Sea Song (English)
Dagga Punisment (yours truly) featuring text and voice by my wife, Nadine. [more inside]
First Guess
This is an organically assembled doodle recorded to test a Ubuntu Studio laptop conversion. [more inside]
Sunrise A
Carbon 7, recorded 12-21-14, winter solstice. As close as we've gotten to ambient. [more inside]
The Fall Season
I wrote this on a train going into the city. [more inside]
Took to it Like Water
The bones of this song were a proposal for a corporate jingle I was writing... [more inside]
Sea to Sky
A little more accessible than my last. Aqua lake zone ascending
A circular melody evolves
Deserts 2 - 11_4_16, 8.32 PM
Acoustic guitar improv + desert sounds from Freesound.
Much longer and more free form than my normal way of doing things.
Disquiet0250 Soother - 10:15:16, 10.13 AM
Acoustic guitar improv with ambient desert sounds.
On the guitar I was trying to do bells by letting strings ring against one another.
Recorded late Saturday night in the woodshed the the Soundcloud app on my Android phone. The guitar was my National Estralita.
The ambient sound tracks are from Freesound -
"A can rolling into the wind, in the desert of Atacama (Chile)." by felix.blume.
"The Australian Desert at night." by "kangaroovindaloo"
Chile, desert » A can rolling into the wind, in the desert of Atacama (Chile)
Ambient bell arp single take performance phase music
5am ambient in dhoby ghaut, swingapore
The Bone Church
I'm working on a set of songs/sounscapes for a friend's online comic project. This is a spooky ambient piece using some recordings I made of a guy moving chairs around in a cathedral in Vienna, some sleep breathing, some musical saw, and a weird broken African instrument a friend gave me.
Through the Ocean
John Cruz; ambient; experimental; techno
Song #10 in Unu Kanto Po Semajno was an attempt to create some soothing ambient music, like blips and bleeps you'd hear on SomaFM's Space Station channel. However, It came out a twisted mutant, as you will discover. Wellpp, keep MeFi weird! Go ahead... press play, close your eyes and relaaaax.....
The Eternally Incomprehensible Thing
Instrumental + cat purrs and face skritchies.
In memoriam Einstein ????—2015-11-02. [more inside]
Emerald City
Some Easter Monday techno [more inside]
Winter Light
A track from a project I'm working on; after years of making pure electronic music, I've decided to add guitar to the mix, and remove the beats. Ambient stuff. [more inside]
Magical ambient guitar sampling [more inside]
Resistor - Peace on Earth
Have a merry Synthmas with this peaceful electronic soundscape from the Men's Snarehouse. [more inside]
White Lies
I hope remixes are ok here...I purposely used a minimal amount of the original song. It's an experimental remix of White Lies by ODESZA.
0PN 5 - 5 Zebra2 (icoson remix)
Chords by Oneohtrix Point Never / Daniel Lopatin, the rest by me. [more inside]
Beneath the Leaves
Should be evocative (of something) in and of itself. Don't know, really. One of those things... [more inside]
Going Round
Guitar riff by CarrotAdventure
Carbon 7. Recorded March 9th 2013, the night comet Pan-Starrs first became visible to the naked eye in the northern hemisphere. [more inside]
Beautiful Moment / Talk to Her @Ummagma
So I've uploaded the track for 'Beautiful Moment' here, but I also want you to have the track ''Talk to Her'', so grab it here. The first is laced with male vocals, while the second is an instrumental with guitar trickery reminiscent of Robert Fripp or Brian Eno or even Bill Evans a bit.