6 posts tagged with rock by MaiaMadness.
Displaying 1 through 6 of 6.
Child of the Light – Unfinished Mix
A bit of 80s style guitar-rock goodness. I wanted to wait with sharing this until the mix had actually been completed, but the sound guy is taking his sweet time, so here it is. [more inside]
Black Dog – Unfinished
This is a little something I cooked together earlier this summer for the fun of it. I never finished it, but thought it might be fun to share anyway. [more inside]
Where Might the Rain Fall
Live recording from a song contest at my old high school, in 2005. This is a sort of symphonic metal-type song. I was very inspired by Nightwish at the time. [more inside]
Forty-Six & 2
Recording from my vocal exam at school last Tuesday, of the Tool-song Forty-Six & 2. [more inside]
Just This Once
Another live recording from a concert at my school in spring 2009. Music and Lyrics by me, vocals also me. [more inside]
Live recording from a concert at my school in spring 2009. Female vocals by me, and I wrote the lyrics. [more inside]