47 posts tagged with rock by es_de_bah.
Displaying 1 through 47 of 47.
Hungry Eyes / I Want the End of the World
Little bit of angry background folk punk. Quick and dirty. Double feature, today. Mostly recorded while lying down and being sad. Lyrics in fold. [more inside]
Selling Tickets
Winter brings that torpor. Here's a slackrock song. Oldish song. Very old riff in the bridge Bouncy, tho. [more inside]
Play Guns
Continuing my ambition of actually finishing and posting projects, here's a little love letter to the early 90s. Still has spooky themes! The drums are fine. Could have spent another year doing them properly. Lyrics in the fold. [more inside]
Saint Voorhees
Quick and dirty lofi folk song. I think it has enough spooky themes to work for October. Lyrics in the fold. Kinda like the lyrics. [more inside]
Every Single Last Time
I think I wrote and recorded a Gin Blossoms song? I'm pretty happy with how it came out, but I don't know if I can take any credit. This is just me channeling the 90s. I guess I should ask for advice about how to manage the ceilings when using limiters. (more inside) [more inside]
warm for december (christmas cheese mix)
Song written with my old band, Big Ghost, about unseasonable New England weather. Bit of an oldy but goody, I threw together this recording to send to my old bandmates on the east coast as I live in sin in California. Hope you enjoy. If you can, please help me with toning down the harshness while keeping the excited sound. [more inside]
wake up song (in D: for Dog, did he begin to pray?)
This is one of two plus songs written by mistake/default around iphone wake-up tones. Y'know, you wake up at some godawful hour with that godwaffle loop in your ear and eventually you're going to make something of it. I mean...you'd hope, Godwaffles. You'd hope. [more inside]
to the wolves
This is the only advice I have for new parents these days.
Had to salvage this song from a lost-when-near completed track, so the mixing is what I could work with, but I'm pretty happy with it. Enjoy! [more inside]
Curriculum Vibe
Almost ten years old: Came across one of my favorite songs from my band Big Ghost. One of our first attempts at home recording with drums. It's about backyard baseball, magic tricks, social anxiety and flirting. [more inside]
Want Trouble
Moody, jazzy little tune that explodes towards the end. About the delicious dread of falling in love when both people have baggage.
This is my second big attempt at faking swing drums, so pointers would be helpful. As per usual, I started out wanting a sparse mix but it got away from me a bit. [more inside]
The Ballad of Highway Boy
All this awful flood action has inspired me to dig up the sad old tail of Highway Boy, raised by his trucker brother, because his father was a hurricane and his mother was a cellar door. [more inside]
Tough Love Black Eye
Punk, metal, jazz, slack, folk and noise. This pretty much typifies the grab bag that was my band, Big Ghost. Like trying to get Pavement and RHCP to agree on California rock. It's a mess, but it was our kinda mess. [more inside]
Fisherian Runaway (poison frog song)
First song written and recorded since I moved to Napa. Spooky grungy punk that maybe doesn't reflect my sunny new locale. Written about my drummer's frustration with dating, online and otherwise. Lyrics in fold. [more inside]
Hip with the kids
Delirious, teeth-gritted ballad about weapons of mass destruction and grass roots violence. Also, a breathless love song from one monster to another. Also, a way to distract myself while this horrifying evening plays out.
Rough mix. Suggestions welcome. Lyrics past break. [more inside]
Momma's Boy
Nice little short story song. Ten points to whoever can guess the famous dysfunctional family first!
I've been trying to write this song for a year, and then it poured out of me today all at once. Could definitely use a little feedback on how it came out. [more inside]
you awoke like
Pretty excited about this one. This was a weird kinda experimental duet I wrote a long time ago and I'm finally starting to mess around with it for reals. It features my lovely and talented friend Pat. As per usual, I could always use some advice. Tricky stuff starts around 1:07. [more inside]
Christmas Eve (redhanded)
Yay pop-punk. Prequel to Chrismas and July, which I posted a few days ago. Part of a weird little vein of story song I've been working with lately. [more inside]
Edgar Allen Poe
Don't feel bad; Edgar Allen Poe couldn't hold his liquor either...
This is the last track from my band's first foray into the studio. It's kinda a jokey throwaway tune, but we love it. More to come. [more inside]
This was a fast and dirty demo I made up to teach my band the song. Kinda like how it came out, so I figured I'd throw it up here. Nice little garage rock tune. Nifty synths. [more inside]
Regression is totally sexy, right?
This is a nice listless, lofi version of an old song of mine featuring my friend emily's wonderful violin improv. It's a little rough, and I could use some help on rounding off the edges.
(oh, and NSFW at the start) [more inside]
horrible mirror
upbeat indie pop song for when the days begin to blend together.
Submitted for the MMM Challenge, as I've had a demo of this forever without ever really finishing the song.
It needs a better title. [more inside]
Medford Grrls
A little tune about some teenage girls I know who could easily kick my ass. I've been working on a session of drum tracks I had my brother do before going into the peace corp for two years, and this is the first song nearing completion. Still getting used to working with real drum tracks. Any pointers and criticism would be great! [more inside]
Out Up and Thru
Snazzy tune by my buddy Pat with a baddass, rocket-ship-style ending. Looking for feedback on the mix, as I'm using a new DAW. Thanks. [more inside]
last hurrah
bouncy, hyperbolic night-out song, wherein I muse on the merits of Jack Daniels as it pertains to dental hygiene. (not really) [more inside]
Blackbox Blues (big ghost version)
My band's rendition of this tune, which I posted a while back. It was fun condensing the 9 track arrangement down for a three-piece. Worth the long intro. [more inside]
prayer song
ecstatic punk_metal love song with stereo distorted bass, country inflected vocals, and a few stolen lyrics. Kinda a follow up to this song. [more inside]
scratch ticket salad
been messing around with this recording for a while now. hope you like it. kind the doors plus pavement. kinda better and worse than that sounds. [more inside]
a perfect preservative (big ghost version)
Big Ghost's version of this, which gets nice and jam-bandy, we feel. Thanks in advance for continuing mixing/mastering advice. [more inside]
backseat nudist
Haunted punk from my band Big Ghost. This is my second attempt at recording drums (thanks for all the advice, Mefites!) and my first post that all the band worked on together. so pointers are very welcome. [more inside]
Asshole Holiday
Tight lil pop diddy about the time my little brother disappeared on New Years day and turned up two months later in the Dominican Republic.
This is the first full song I've done on my new computer, which makes me wicked happy. [more inside]
in an aisle seat
Greasy rock song about falling asleep in passenger seats.
I could use some help with this.
Ok, this is my first attempt at recording with real drums. While I'm happy to finally post something featuring my insanely talented little brother, Mike, I'm sorry to say that the drum recording I started out with was awful and I'm not sure I've made it any better. If anyone has some insight as to what can be fixed and how, or some tips on cheap/lo-fi/hopelessly inept home drum recording, I'd love to hear them. [more inside]
Halloween 97/98
Little ditty about young love, the joys of suburban Massachusetts in autumn, and the allure of all those wonderful things behind the counter at drugstores. [more inside]
Last Girl
Here's to Lon Chaney.
Because Bela Lugosi already has a song, and I thought it was high time for a tribute to the man who would've been Dracula, if not for lung cancer. [more inside]
paint another layer on
Ever get drunk and watch daytime tv and then get kinda pissed off?
This is an oldy, but I've been playing it with my band lately, so I revamped it and remixed it. [more inside]
Skipping Stones (please help)
hey home recording kids: i'm trying to get this song ready for my lady's birthday. could use some help with the mix. I need advice by monday nite. going for cute. what's working / failing? what needs polish? [more inside]
Blackbox Blues
Piano! Mellotron! Squealing guitars! Stewardesses!
I've been working on this for a few weeks now. It's one of the more complex arrangements I've attempted in a while. I think I'm getting close to done, but I could really use some feed back. Thanks, folks! [more inside]
a perfect preservative
I pretty li'l ditty about jelly, pirates, and (of course) true love. still getting my bearings as far as recording in my new apartment. two guits and a glockenspiel for the win? [more inside]
mission has failed reprise (with Video)
I've posted this song here previously, but I wanted to share the video I made for it with the help of my lovely and talented assistant Jacob Guza. Hope you enjoy.
NSFW lyrics/youtube [more inside]
It's Nedroid!!!
Nedroid's unofficial theme-song (with official, Nedroid-penned lyrics!)
About five years ago (in the early stage of my mefi lurking) my good buddy, TheMadJuggler asked me to throw together a little tune for his net-buddy, Nedroid. Here's a pretty faithful version of the song I came up with.
I post this as the last song recorded in my shitty little Haverhill apartment, as a fan/love letter to a fine cartoonist. [more inside]
Ghosts and Robots
Or "Hooray for the Humans"
a meditation in Post-Apocalyptic Folk-Rock!
Every now and then, someone favorites (or unfavorites) this little line, which I dropped as a comment on a great post about the world after humans. It's actually the opening line to a song I've been mean to post forever. Here's the cleanest version I've got so far. [more inside]
i'm a piece of hell
I'm a piece of hell, burning like a champ. I'm in love with you. I don't know exactly what you're supposed to do about it.
(it's a touch noisy) [more inside]
cakewalk and the pocket lights
Quick little ditty about the joy of watching shitty bands in Northampton.
Still not sure how I feel about this one. Little help? [more inside]
star shapes
This is a song i've been trying to put together for a year or two now. It uses my usual punk + x formula, where here, x = rawhide. The second half is big, noisy, and was tons of fun to make. I"m kinda fond of the lyrics Hope you enjoy. lyrics inside [more inside]
surely, something is meant by this (goddamn)
written and recorded very quickly: a couple of childhood experiences made into a little parable set. hope you enjoy. it's fun as hell to sing. [more inside]
boy's alright
little song i wrote while walking to work. lyrics inside.
jim gets lost on purpous
jaunty little ditty about poor ol' jim, cuckolded soon after moving to boston with his finance. not entirely sure where this came from except that i'm very very very often lost in boston. usual stuff: buzz guitars, fake drums, computer blips and me shrieking like a dolt. enjoy!
in formal cat
This is much more the style I usually work in. Poppy, punky, and fuzzy. Maybe it's just because of the low grade equipment I use, but my songs always turn into big saturated buzz-fests. At least with this one, it was no accident. As usual, recorded by myself with guitars and robots. Hope you enjoy.
Lyrics inside.