310 posts tagged with psychedelic by pyramid termite.
Displaying 201 through 250 of 310.
vampire deer - squideggs 10
entropy wins [more inside]
vampire deer - squideggs 9
return of the digitech rds 1900 through additional delay
vampire deer - squideggs 8
i for one, can't wait to see how this story ends ...
vampire deer - squideggs 7
a slight respite
vampire deer - squideggs 6
more monotron abuse with a beat
vampire deer - squideggs 5
in which i attempt to play a monotron duo as a real instrument
vampire deer - squideggs 4
in which i abuse the mod feature of an ancient digitech rds 1900 just because i can and there's no one to stop me
vampire deer - squideggs 3
very noisy and very short
vampire deer - squideggs 2
more screwing around
vampire deer - squideggs 1
once again, i've done my RPM challenge album this year - this time, i decided to do all instrumentals and just screw around - the title - squideggs (1-10)
06 hexas - vampire deer
last song - the road goes on forever [more inside]
05 tom camaro - vampire deer
song 5 of hexas - ft custer was like the roman ruins to me [more inside]
04 wrong turn - vampire deer
4 of hexas - well, how did i get here? [more inside]
03 road dog - vampire deer
song 3 of hexas - wandering with someone [more inside]
02 chevy - vampire deer
2nd track of hexas - perhaps an explanation of why i drive fords [more inside]
01 fuzzy dice - vampire deer
first song of hexas - gas is cheap, better go down the road while you can [more inside]
vampire deer - 9 - rest of my life
song 9 of ants and penguins, and the last one [more inside]
vampire deer - 8 - just have a look
well - here we are [more inside]
vampire deer - 7 - penguins
song 7 - penguins - jason can't find the golden fleece, goes to antarctica, and starts fleecing everyone of their gold [more inside]
vampire deer - 6 - shiloh g
song 6 - tv addiction [more inside]
vampire deer - 5 - bad cowboy movie
song 5 of ants and penguins - someone keeps saying to me "it is what it is" - i dislike that [more inside]
vampire deer - 3 - worms in your heart
song 3 - a pleasant ditty about a jerk [more inside]
vampire deer - 2 - happy song
happy song makes me happy
vampire deer - 1 - ants tear down a mountain
first song of ants and penguins [more inside]
vampire deer - 07 pack of cigarettes for the road
last song of my rpm album lightman [more inside]
vampire deer - 06 trup to jipiter
vampire deer - 05 lightman
or the transient beauty of the dairy freeze king [more inside]
vampire deer - 04 super bowl monday
it's time to get to work [more inside]
vampire deer - 03 chore boy
mama, whacha gonna do when the chore boy's gone? [more inside]
vamipre deer - 02 scarlet rain
song 2 of lightman - don't ask me what this is about, i don't know [more inside]
vampire deer - 01 once upon a hero
my new RPM album, lightman [more inside]
dreamland - vampire deer
song 7 - and so we go to sleep - happy new year [more inside]
luna pier - vampire deer
song 6 [more inside]
asphalt princess - vampire deer
song 5 - lost love [more inside]
half empty blues - vampire deer
song 4 - two guitars, harmonica and synth aren't the traditional blues format - especially when the guitars and harmonica get messed up [more inside]
die at work - vampire deer
song 3 - dire things happen [more inside]
making rust - vampire deer
song 1 of making rust, my new album or whatever you want to call it - [more inside]
17 - the nihilist - vampire deer
last song - a loud cry of apathy and alienation from an old fart [more inside]
16 just golden - vampire deer
just standing on the corner with a sign [more inside]
15 termination time - vampire deer
i don't know how to describe this at all [more inside]
14 - crushland by vampire deer
i got lost, ended up there, and my gps isn't helping [more inside]
13 scapegoat - vampire deer
another damn day, another damn dollar [more inside]
12 stand and stare - vampire deer
another day another dollar [more inside]
11 hollow - vampire deer
it was a strange time, wasn't it? [more inside]
10 disconnected blues - vampire deer
so - how DID they get that piano into the trailer? [more inside]
i forgot to my prayers and the national anthem so i'll sing this song [more inside]
08 born in vegas - vampire deer
just rock and roll [more inside]
07 flea market saturday - vampire deer
drive out of town and you'll find this place [more inside]
06 my telephone hates me - vampire deer
special guest appearance from "rachel" [more inside]
05 guy fawkes moon - vampire deer
not so close encounters of the drug kind [more inside]