7 posts tagged with instrumental by flapjax at midnite.
Displaying 1 through 7 of 7.
ninety second instrumental #2
More fashion house/website music, but they didn't go for this one either... hey, whaddayagunnado?
ninety second instrumental
Back at work as resident composer for a Tokyo fashion house... this time they want four 90-second instrumental spots, for web presentations. Handed this one in to them the other day, but they nixed it: too dramatic, just not right for the project. So, back to the drawing board. Thought I'd put it here, though, so as not to consign it to the Land of Unheard Music.
face to face to face
Two days ago I shot some video: a reflection of a man riding a Tokyo train, watching another moving train (a shinkansen) pass by on a parallel track. I made this music today, to serve as accompaniment for the 58-second film. I uploaded the video earlier this evening to YouTube here.
Japonisme (1)
I took an old 45rpm of a Japanese folk song and started dropping the needle. Took those bits, sliced 'em up and moved 'em around a little, then added some synth and electric piano, some udu and guiro. Et voila! Le Japonisme!
Curious Little Smile
About twice a year I'm charged with the task of making music for a Japanese design house's fashion shows. One of this season's pieces, for Tokyo Fashion Week, needed to be "airy and pretty and happy", which is not exactly a vein of musical expression that I normally fall into naturally, but, hey, gotta give the bossman what he wants, right? Anyway, this instrumental piece (5:42) is what I came up with.
Half Remembrance
For the past several years I've been regularly composing music for a fashion design company here in Tokyo, for use in their fashion shows. Here's something recent, a relatively short piece at 3:45, done for one of their upcoming shows.
Oscillendulum 1
This is one of a series of short pieces (about 10 or 12) I recorded using only a JUNO 60 analog synth (found at a Tokyo junk shop for only 10,000 yen!). The Oscillendulums all share a similar structure (gradual addition and/or subtraction of layered repeating parts), with an eye toward the creation of a sort of liquid polyrhythm. I also had in mind the musical approximation of animal sounds such as frog and insect choruses from a pond, which are part of the inspiration for this series.